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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

South Korea will enter economic downturn in 2017 - Part 4

Lotte has about USD$8.5b investments in China and Lotte is expected to suffer a big chunk of loss in China.  The next to fall will be Samsung as China citizens are boycotting South Korean products.

Furthermore, Foxconn and TSMC are trying to decimate Samsung by combining efforts to buy Toshiba's nand flash business.  Once nand flash business falls into the hands of TSMC & Foxconn, Samsung business will be greatly affected as Apple will no longer use Samsung as its supplier because Apple views Samsung as a competitor.


Eric Ho said...

Bad news for Samsung! Samsung smart TV can be hacked!

Hotels in China have already stopped purchasing Samsung TV because of Thaad. Americans are wary of Samsung TV now.

Eric Ho said...

Look like Foxconn will be out of the race. Only TSMC is left.

Eric Ho said...

Just for information.

Samsung accounts for 20% of SK's GDP while the top 5 companies account for 58%. The top 10 companies account for at least 70% of SK's GDP. Isn't it scary that 10 companies can control SK?

Eric Ho said...

Another korean company under the water.

Eric Ho said...

South Korea acknowledged that its economy would be impacted by China's retaliation.

Eric Ho said...

Hyundai is also affected now.

Eric Ho said...

Kia is also affected now.

Eric Ho said...

Foxconn has put in a bid of USD$27b to buy Toshiba NAND flash. Wow!

If Foxconn succeeds in the acquisition, Samsung will be in deep trouble because Apple doesn't need to buy from Samsung anymore.