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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

North Korea fired a missile across Japan. Is it illegal? No!

Is North Korea missile firing breaching any international law?  No! Why?

I'm not trying to speak up for North Korea but just trying to state a fact that the media is omitting.

According to international law, any airspace 100km above the land is considered international airspace.  As the NK missile was flying at an estimated 500km above Japan, it was considered to be in international airspace and its action was not illegal.  The missile landed in the international sea and also was not breaching any international law.  Therefore, NK was not doing anything illegal at all.  However, no media reported this based on international law but from the political perspective.

For the same reason, micro satellites are orbiting few hundreds of kilometres above the land around the globe legally without breaching any sovereignty territory or international law.  No country can protest that a foreign satellite is orbiting above its sky.

We just want to present a true fact from the legal perspective and educate our readers that politics rule this world instead of law.


Eric Ho said...

Japan and South Korea will suffer collateral damages if the USA continues to threaten North Korea.

Do you know why Japan didn't intercept the missile?

This is because Japan couldn't do it technologically. No defence system can shoot down a missile flying at 550km high, not even THAAD system. Missile defence system can only shoot down the missile at the end of its trajectory.

Eric Ho said...

Abe is so panicky about NK's missile flying over Japan but Trump is almost nonchalant about it because the USA is not the target.

Eric Ho said...