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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

China government is targeting Jack Ma of Alibaba now.

We stated this before in our previous post above.  Therefore, we are providing the update now.

China actress Zhaowei made her first pot of investment gain from Alibaba pictures by manipulating the stock prices with some hype news and she was caught this time by performing the same trick again.  She was trying to take control of a 10B RMB company with 3B RMB cash but the China regulator believed she didn't have so much money for the takeover and investigated her money sources.  It turned out that she took a 1.5B RMB bank loan and also got a 1.5B RMB personal loan.  There was a rumour that the personal loan might come from Jiang Zemin's financial controller who was residing in HK or Jack Ma who was also closely associated with Jiang Zemin.  Therefore, China regulator fined and banned her from the stock market for 5 years.

Zhaowei's husband is also a person of interest to the China authority because he was a chauffeur to a corrupted China official prior to his marriage to Zhaowei.  The chauffeur became rich overnight and married Zhaowei.  The China authority believed he was laundering money for the corrupted China official.  Therefore, the China authority is keeping a tab on this couple.

China's central bank has already outlined that all mobile payment systems must go through a central clearinghouse because China wants to keep track and monitor all the monies that flow in and out of China.  Therefore, Alipay is no longer an unbridled conduit to move money without the knowledge of the government.  The government is also investigating Alipay for Jiang Zemin's funds.

Jiang Zemin had been trying to disrupt China's economy to dethrone Xi Jinping's and wished to take over the leadership with his own henchman.  Therefore, he had been funding many "entrepreneurs" and making them super rich to increase his own influences in China.  This is the reason for the falls of many billionaires in China recently.

Jiang Zemin tried to cause the stock market to collapse but to no avail so far.  Then, he tried to destabilize the China financial system by getting his "entrepreneurs" to take huge local loans in billions to buy overseas assets (companies and assets) without any prudent financial consideration.  Through this method, he could cash out the overseas assets at a later date and leave the colossal debts to China with no payback intention.  This would definitely crash China financial system in the future.

Subsequently, President Xi got wind of Jiang's intention and action and started to control the outflows of money with many financial regulations.

If you look at the latest Jack Ma's movie, he was apologizing and asking for mercy from the POLICE at the end of the movie for the mistake he had made.  Many people said that he was sending a subtle message to the China's authority through this movie.


Eric Ho said...

Xiao JianHua is Jiang's financial controller.

Eric Ho said...

Zhaowei and her hubby are both Singapore PRs.

Eric Ho said...

Although Zhaowei's hubby denied he worked as a chauffeur for the corrupted official, he couldn't account for his accumulated wealth. China netizens couldn't find out how he made his fortunes.

Eric Ho said...