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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The truth behind the chemical attacks in Syria.

Many stories are unfolding after the western countries conducted an illegal air strike against Syria.

First, the Syrian government recaptured some lost territories from the terrorists and discovered the chemical agents were made by Germany.  The chemical agents were left behind by the fleeing terrorists.

The Syrian government accused the USA of giving the terrorists the made-in-Germany chemical agents for the chemical attack against the Syrians.

Next, the Syrian government also discovered that the white hats in Syria were actually working for the western countries such as UK & US.  Their primary job was to discredit the Syrian government by staging fake chemical victims.

We stated previously that it was illogical for President Assad to use chemical attacks on its people since he was winning the war in Syria.  The tell-tale sign that something was fishy was that the chemical attacks happened whenever he was closed to wiping out the terrorists.

Therefore, the western countries collaborated to oust President Assad just like what they did in Iraq.

1 comment:

Eric Ho said...

President Assad retakes eastern Ghouta after air strikes.