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Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Temasek has lost again in another investment.



A due diligence would have detected the severe debt problems unless the owner fudged the accounting statements.  The investment manager who recommended Temasek to invest must be fired for not doing a proper due diligence and caused Temasek to lose so much money.

Turkey is a high-risk country to invest in because it is politically and economically unstable.  How can Temasek not know about this as Turkey is always involved in the middle eastern affairs?  Temasek had definitely overpaid for this investment and would not be able to recover the investment.  I hope Temasek won't suffer the same fate for the Hainan airlines investment too.



Eric Ho said...


Temasek is raising 5B through a medium-term note after losing money in some investments.

Eric Ho said...


Turkey lira has lost 1/3 of its value. Temasek's loss in the Turkish restaurant is widening!