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Sunday, July 1, 2018

Why did Mad Dog Mattis become so docile in China?

General Mattis is not called Mad Dog Mattis for no reason.  He was a very aggressive military man but he became very docile during his recent visit to China.

Why? What happened to him?

I would attribute his recent docile behaviour in China to a recent China missile exercise video which was released by China prior to his arrival.  As a military veteran, he knew and understood what he was watching.

This missile video was released by China prior to his arrival and I believed this video shocked him.

DF-10A has an effective range of 1500km and this can keep US aircraft carriers at bay which will render any encroachment on China ineffective.  A DF-10A can destroy a building completely in the video.  Moreover, DF-10A can carry a 500kg nuclear warhead.  DF-16 has an even longer range and can push any US carrier further away from China coastlines.

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