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Thursday, November 29, 2018

US economy will crumble if the US-China trade war continues.

The GM is retrenching 14,000 staffs and more companies will follow suit if the US-China trade war continues or escalates.

The US companies are sending a strong signal to Trump now.  If Trump and Xi cannot reach a detente in the G20 summit, the stock markets will fall significantly again because the euphoria of the trade talk has been factored into the stock markets now.  Investors are betting that both leaders are still sane and will reach a deal to avoid any economic malaise.  However, Trump is the insane one.


Eric Ho said...

Prior to this, Verizon would be retrenching 44,000 staffs.

Unknown said...

China & HK markets are predicting "no hope" and Declaration Of War @ G20. Hahaha!!!

Eric Ho said...

Tiffany is also suffering now!