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Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The French police beat up Catalan protestors.


French supported the HK protestors and accused the HK police of using excessive force.  How times have changed so fast!

The French police also used baton and pepper spray against the Catalan protestors.  Please don't forget that the HK protestors support the Catalan protestors.  How could the french police use excessive force against Catalan protestors when the French condemned HK police brutality against the HK protestors?

The French police should stop bullying and abusing the Catalan protestors when the French were condemning the same police act in HK.


Eric Ho said...

The Catalan police didn't beat up Catalan protestors at the border but the French police did.

The Catalan protestors should lodge a formal complaint to the UN Human Rights Group and Amnesty International for French police brutality.

Eric Ho said...


The US has expressed its support for HK protestors publicly. Therefore, Macron has to restrain its riot police and stop beating up Catalan protestors because HK protestors stand with Catalan protestors.