Friday, December 20, 2019

The wall street analysts are starting to share my viewpoints now.

I've stated in September 2019 that the US economy would be in a precarious situation after March 2020 (after Q1 2020).  The wall street analysts are starting to share my viewpoints now.

Thus, the end of Q1 2020 will also be the end of the stock market euphoria and I've stated this much earlier than other analysts.



    I've also reiterated my viewpoints in November 2019 under the comment section.

  2. 2020 will likely be another blockbuster year like 2019 ... when everybody & his dog predicting a major melt down bigger than 2008. Luckily I stayed 90% invested as usual.

    Of course like in 2019, it won't feel good in real time as volatility will be high. But bottomline --- much higher all-time highs yet to come next year.

    The "danger" will come in 2021. But even then, the recession & bear market will be relatively mild. Probably around -30% peak to trough drop in the S&P500 (around -40% drop in STI & other Asian markets). It will be a good time to really go all in during 2021 recession.
