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Friday, May 1, 2020

SUTD made a bizarre epidemic prediction from its data analysis.

This kind of publication must be approved by its professor.  The SUTD will either prove that it is a 3rd-grade University or a 1st-grade University in July since it predicts that SG will end the outbreak in July 2020.

Many companies will either hire SUTD graduates or blacklist them after July 2020.

What's my take on this prediction?

My common sense is telling me that SUTD is most likely wrong in its data analysis and prediction.  Why make this data analysis public when the outcome is likely wrong? I really don't understand the professor's mentality.

I hope someone can shed some light on this.  Please enlighten me!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If you've accessed their page previously, you would have seen that their formula assessed China's turning point was in Feb & to have ended the virus sometime in March. Not sure why they now removed some countries/cities from the current page (such as China & South Korea & HK).

It's based on data analysis & probably accurate to +/- a month or so. If there is sudden huge changes in daily numbers (hundreds of percent up or down), then of course the formula won't be so effective.

The "ending" of the virus in any country is likely a prediction of when that country's daily infection rates reach very low percentage e.g. 1 out of every 1,000,000 population.