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Sunday, August 8, 2021

More countries will be giving booster shots after the current vaccines lose their effectiveness.

Which countries are giving booster shots to their high-risk group residents?

Israel was the first to do it.

France, Germany, UK, Italy, the US, and Spain will be following in Israel's footsteps.




The pharmaceutical firms are still not being truthful about the true efficacy rates of their vaccines because the real-world statistics contradicted their earlier proclamations.

Israel declared Pfizer's efficacy at 39%.  This 39% was an overstatement in our view and we'll explain this later.


The Massachusetts statistics showed that 74% of fully vaccinated people were infected recently.


The PHE (UK) indicated that 35% of fully vaccinated people were hospitalized.


Let's do a simple calculation to determine the true efficacy rate of the current vaccine.

Since the UK report shows that 35% of fully vaccinated people are hospitalized, there must be more infected people who are not hospitalized.  However, I give the vaccines the benefit of doubt and cap the infectious rate at 35% for mild and asymptomatic cases.  Thus, the total infectious rate will be at 70% (35%+35%).  This will put the true efficacy rate at around 30% in our view.

When the true efficacy rate is only at 30% which is below the world health organization's minimum standard of 50%, there is no herd immunity to speak of in a fully vaccinated country.  Furthermore, the virus loads are the same for the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups which means that the infection rate (spreading) is the same for either group.

Thus, it is impossible for any country to rely just on a 30% efficacy rate vaccine to contain this pandemic.  The best line of defence is border control to isolate the residents from the virus until a higher efficacy vaccine is being developed.

For those countries that are thinking of opening their borders after getting their residents fully vaccinated, they must take a look at the HK's recent detections.


What's gonna happen if these infected people slipped through the border's detections and spread the virus in the community?  No country can guarantee that there won't be any breach and any breach will result in serious repercussions and economic damages because the country will impose a lockdown to contain the virus.

1 comment:

Eric Ho said...


See, this is what happens when you have a breach.

Initially, Israel was lulled into thinking that the high vaccination rate was helping to contain the virus but the truth was it was the border control that isolated its people from the virus. Then, a breach happened because the virus was imported in and the infection rates spiked which proved that Pfizer's efficacy was overblown.