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Saturday, January 22, 2022

Why did the west hate China?

The west has been branding the communist party (CCP) as an evil government that suppresses, oppresses, and tortures its citizens.  However, the polls and surveys conducted by the western academics debunked the western false allegations and these academics irked the west.

The recent survey conducted by the US firm (Edelman) showed that the general public trust in China came in an astonishing high of 91%?  Why?

This is because the Chinese understand that the CCP is a government that values precious lives over strong economic growth.  This core value strikes a common chord in the Chinese's hearts and results in a very low death toll for a 1.4B population during the current pandemic.  The western democracy value cannot achieve this high public trust because capitalism is an essential part of democracy and capitalism values strong economic growth over precious lives.

A Harvard University survey also showed the same phenomenon with a high satisfaction rate of 95.5% for the CCP.

Instead of learning from China, the West hates China to the core.

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