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Friday, February 18, 2022

US President Biden is lying about the Russia-Ukraine war again!

The US is spreading falsehoods again, just like it did for the falsehoods about Xinjiang.  Therefore, I will debunk the US falsehoods again, just like I did for Xinjiang's genocide.

The US President Biden created the falsehood about Russia attacking Ukraine on 16 February 2022.

Well, the invasion didn't happen!

The US President Biden repeats the same lie again.  Biden might as well say that Russia would invade Ukraine on 29 February 2022. Hahaha!

How will we know whether Russia will invade Ukraine or not?

Actually, it is very easy.  As long as China doesn't evacuate its Chinese citizens or embassy staff in Ukraine, Russia won't attack Ukraine.

Here are the bases of my conclusion.

When the Taliban wanted to take over Afghanistan, it had to consider which country to approach for its future developments after the takeover.  Taliban knew it had to seek help from China and couldn't kill the Chinese in Afghanistan.  Therefore, it would inform China prior to any regime change.

China evacuated Chinese in early July 2021 before the Taliban took over Afghanistan in August 2021.

China is a major customer and the best buddy of Russia.  Therefore, Russia won't attack Ukraine without informing China as China will suffer casualties in Ukraine.  As long as China has not evacuated the Chinese in Ukraine, there won't be any war despite the repeated lies from the US.

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