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Friday, December 31, 2010

China Animal - Downgraded by AmFraser.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

07/06/10 AmFraser China Animal 0.32 0.39 Buy
08/13/10 AmFraser China Animal 0.3 0.39 Buy Under Review
11/15/10 AmFraser China Animal 0.365 0.34 Hold

07/02/10 DBS Vickers China Animal 0.32 0.39 Buy PER13x
08/13/10 DBS Vickers China Animal 0.3 0.41 Buy PER13x
09/27/10 DBS Vickers China Animal 0.34 0.41 Buy

10/29/10 DMG & Partners China Animal 0.345 0.48 Buy EV/Ebitda7x
11/15/10 DMG & Partners China Animal 0.375 0.48 Buy
12/01/10 DMG & Partners China Animal 0.36 0.48 Buy
12/07/10 DMG & Partners China Animal 0.365 0.48 Buy
12/15/10 DMG & Partners China Animal 0.405 0.48 Buy

11/18/10 Kim Eng China Animal 0.355 0.48 Buy PER15x
12/13/10 Kim Eng China Animal 0.41 0.48 Buy

CH Offshore - Downgraded by DBS Vickers.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

01/04/10 DBS Vickers CH Offshore 0.68 0.89 Buy
02/05/10 DBS Vickers CH Offshore 0.65 0.87 Buy PER9x
02/08/10 DBS Vickers CH Offshore 0.645 0.87 Buy
05/20/10 DBS Vickers CH Offshore 0.605 0.7 Hold PER9x
11/04/10 DBS Vickers CH offshore 0.535 0.6 Hold PER9x

11/09/10 DnB Nor CH offshore 0.54 0.7 Buy NAV 0.66, PER7.6x, EV/Ebitda6x

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Cerebos - Target price was upgraded by CIMB.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

06/01/10 CIMB Cerebos 3.91 5.34 Outperform Sum of parts
08/16/10 CIMB Cerebos 4.15 5.98 Outperform Sum of parts
11/15/10 CIMB Cerebos 4.97 6.91 Outperform Sum of parts

CDL Hospitality - Downgraded by analysts recently.

01/29/10 CIMB CDL Hospitality 1.76 2.01 Outperform DDM
03/25/10 CIMB CDL Hospitality 1.76 2.01 Outperform
04/19/10 CIMB CDL Hospitality 1.95 2.01 Outperform
05/03/10 CIMB CDL Hospitality 1.93 2.2 Outperform DDM
05/18/10 CIMB CDL Hospitality 1.92 2.2 Outperform
07/09/10 CIMB CDL Hospitality 1.77 2.04 Outperform DDM
09/27/10 CIMB CDL Hospitality 2.04 2.3 Outperform DDM
10/29/10 CIMB CDL Hospitality 2.15 2.21 Neutral DDM
11/18/10 CIMB CDL Hospitality 2.06 2.21 Neutral DDM

06/23/10 Citigroup CDL Hospitality 1.75 1.63 Sell

01/04/10 DBS Vickers CDL Hospitality 1.65 1.77 Buy
01/28/10 DBS Vickers CDL Hospitality 1.66 2 Buy DDM
01/29/10 DBS Vickers CDL Hospitality 1.76 2.11 Buy
02/22/10 DBS Vickers CDL Hospitality 1.67 2.11 Buy
03/08/10 DBS Vickers CDL Hospitality 1.68 2.11 Buy DDM
04/09/10 DBS Vickers CDL Hospitality 1.84 2.11 Buy
04/15/10 DBS Vickers CDL Hospitality 1.89 2.11 Buy
04/30/10 DBS Vickers CDL Hospitality 1.9 2.11 Buy
05/03/10 DBS Vickers CDL Hospitality 1.93 2.2 Buy
07/01/10 DBS Vickers CDL Hospitality 1.75 2.03 Buy
07/28/10 DBS Vickers CDL Hospitality 1.94 2.14 Buy Div Yield 6.5%
08/18/10 DBS Vickers CDL Hospitality 2.01 2.14 Buy
08/20/10 DBS Vickers CDL Hospitality 2.01 2.14 Buy
08/23/10 DBS Vickers CDL Hospitality 2.07 2.14 Buy
08/31/10 DBS Vickers CDL Hospitality 2.01 2.14 Buy
09/27/10 DBS Vickers CDL Hospitality 2.04 2.28 Buy
11/22/10 DBS Vickers CDL Hospitality 2.06 2.28 Buy
11/23/10 DBS Vickers CDL Hospitality 2.07 2.28 Buy
12/13/10 DBS Vickers CDL Hospitality 2.01 2.28 Buy
12/17/10 DBS Vickers CDL Hospitality 2.07 2.28 Buy

01/27/10 DMG & Partners CDL Hospitality 1.62 2.15 Buy DDM
01/29/10 DMG & Partners CDL Hospitality 1.76 2.3 Buy DDM
03/29/10 DMG & Partners CDL Hospitality 1.73 2.3 Buy
04/01/10 DMG & Partners CDL Hospitality 1.76 2.3 Buy
04/06/10 DMG & Partners CDL Hospitality 1.87 2.3 Buy 5% yield
04/28/10 DMG & Partners CDL Hospitality 1.89 2.3 Buy
05/03/10 DMG & Partners CDL Hospitality 1.93 2.3 Buy DDM
06/22/10 DMG & Partners CDL Hospitality 1.89 2.3 Buy DDM
07/28/10 DMG & Partners CDL Hospitality 1.94 2.3 Buy DDM
07/29/10 DMG & Partners CDL Hospitality 1.94 2.3 Buy DDM
10/29/10 DMG & Partners CDL Hospitality 2.15 2.3 Under Review DDM

01/29/10 Lim & Tan CDL Hospitality 1.76 0 Buy
06/23/10 Lim & Tan CDL Hospitality 1.89 0 Buy

12/06/10 OCBC CDL Hospitality 2.01 2.28 Buy
12/08/10 OCBC CDL Hospitality 12.46 12.35 Neutral RNAV

02/01/10 phillip CDL Hospitality 1.8 1.96 Hold
05/03/10 phillip CDL Hospitality 1.93 1.96 Hold
05/03/10 phillip CDL Hospitality 1.93 1.96 Hold
06/24/10 phillip CDL Hospitality 1.77 1.92 Hold
06/24/10 phillip CDL Hospitality 1.77 1.92 Hold
07/29/10 phillip CDL Hospitality 2 1.93 Hold

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Capitamalls Asia - Mostly buy calls from analysts.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

10/29/10 CIMB Capitamalls Asia 2.14 2.13 Underperform

08/04/10 DBS Vickers Capitamalls Asia 2.16 2.58 Buy RNAV (10% premium)
10/29/10 DBS Vickers Capitamalls Asia 2.14 2.59 Buy RNAV (10% premium)
11/01/10 DBS Vickers Capitamalls Asia 2.14 2.59 Buy
11/08/10 DBS Vickers Capitamalls Asia 2.12 2.59 Buy

09/09/10 DIR Capitamalls Asia 2.2 2.65 Outperform RNAV

12/23/10 IIFL Capitamalls Asia 1.88 2.21 Add

07/05/10 OCBC Capitamalls Asia 2.05 2.4 Buy
07/16/10 OCBC Capitamalls Asia 2.07 2.4 Buy
08/04/10 OCBC Capitamalls Asia 2.16 2.4 Buy Under Review
09/14/10 OCBC Capitamalls Asia 2.25 2.4 Buy RNAV, Under Review
10/29/10 OCBC Capitamalls Asia 2.14 2.4 Under Review RNAV
11/02/10 OCBC Capitamalls Asia 1.98 2.4 Buy Under Review
12/08/10 OCBC Capitamalls Asia 2 2.4 Buy Under Review

Capitamall Trust - Mixed calls from analysts.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

07/23/10 CIMB Capitamall Trust 1.98 1.93 Neutral DDM
10/25/10 CIMB Capitamall Trust 2.02 1.98 Underperform DDM
11/18/10 CIMB Capitamall Trust 1.94 1.98 Underperform DDM

08/23/10 DBS Vickers Capitamall Trust 1.97 2.09 Buy
10/25/10 DBS Vickers Capitamall Trust 2.02 2.09 Buy DCF
12/17/10 DBS Vickers Capitamall Trust 1.92 2.09 Buy

10/22/10 DMG & Partners Capitamall Trust 2.01 2.05 Neutral DDM

12/10/10 HSBC Capitamall Trust 1.94 2.22 Overweight

07/23/10 JP Morgan Capitamall Trust 1.98 2.15 Overweight

07/23/10 Kim Eng Capitamall Trust 1.98 2.23 Buy DDM
10/25/10 Kim Eng Capitamall Trust 2.02 2.27 Buy DDM

09/24/10 OCBC Capitamall Trust 2.06 2.01 Hold RNAV
09/30/10 OCBC Capitamall Trust 2.07 2.01 Hold
10/08/10 OCBC Capitamall Trust 2.14 2.01 Hold
11/09/10 OCBC Capitamall Trust 2 2.05 Hold Under Review
12/10/10 OCBC Capitamall Trust 1.94 2.05 Hold RNAV

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Capitaland - 4 buy calls, 1 sell call & 3 neutral calls for this property developer.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

08/30/10 AmFraser Capitaland 4 4.84 Buy
11/03/10 AmFraser Capitaland 3.85 4.84 Buy RNAV

08/05/10 CIMB Capitaland 4.08 4.11 Neutral RNAV
08/23/10 CIMB Capitaland 4.05 4.15 Neutral RNAV

06/16/10 DBS Vickers Capitaland 3.75 5.03 Buy
07/16/10 DBS Vickers Capitaland 3.78 5.03 Buy
08/05/10 DBS Vickers Capitaland 4.08 4.93 Buy RNAV (10% discount)
08/17/10 DBS Vickers Capitaland 3.95 4.93 Buy
10/28/10 DBS Vickers Capitaland 3.92 4.94 Buy
11/01/10 DBS Vickers Capitaland 3.89 4.96 Buy RNAV (10% discount)
12/16/10 DBS Vickers Capitaland 3.68 4.95 Buy
12/20/10 DBS Vickers Capitaland 3.62 4.96 Buy

06/16/10 DMG & Partners Capitaland 3.75 4.32 Neutral RNAV
06/17/10 DMG & Partners Capitaland 3.75 4.32 Neutral RNAV
08/05/10 DMG & Partners Capitaland 4.08 4.32 Neutral RNAV
08/23/10 DMG & Partners Capitaland 4.05 4.33 Neutral
10/22/10 DMG & Partners Capitaland 4.06 4.33 Neutral

06/11/10 Kim Eng Capitaland 3.54 5.15 Buy RNAV (15% premium)
08/05/10 Kim Eng Capitaland 4.08 5 Buy PB1.15x
08/23/10 Kim Eng Capitaland 4.05 5 Buy PB1.15x
09/09/10 Kim Eng Capitaland 3.94 5.08 Buy RNAV (15% discount)
11/01/10 Kim Eng Capitaland 3.89 4.88 Buy RNAV (10% premium)
12/15/10 Kim Eng Capitaland 3.68 4.74 Buy RNAV (10% premium)

11/23/10 Lim & Tan Capitaland 3.77 0 Neutral
11/26/10 Lim & Tan Capitaland 3.73 0 Neutral

06/03/10 OCBC Capitaland 3.51 4.97 Buy RNAV
06/07/10 OCBC Capitaland 3.6 4.97 Buy RNAV
06/16/10 OCBC Capitaland 3.75 4.97 Buy
07/05/10 OCBC Capitaland 3.62 4.97 Buy
07/16/10 OCBC Capitaland 3.78 4.97 Buy
11/02/10 OCBC Capitaland 3.84 4.54 Buy
11/16/10 OCBC Capitaland 3.8 4.96 Buy
12/06/10 OCBC Capitaland 3.67 4.95 Buy
12/08/10 OCBC Capitaland 3.69 4.54 Buy RNAV

12/14/10 RBS Capitaland 3.66 3.2 Sell

Capitacommercial - Hold calls from most analysts.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

06/15/10 CIMB CapitaCommercial 1.17 1.37 Outperform
07/19/10 CIMB CapitaCommercial 1.32 1.37 Outperform DDM
07/22/10 CIMB CapitaCommercial 1.35 1.27 Neutral DDM
10/21/10 CIMB CapitaCommercial 1.44 1.41 Neutral DDM
10/22/10 CIMB CapitaCommercial 1.45 1.41 Neutral DDM
11/18/10 CIMB CapitaCommercial 1.46 1.41 Neutral DDM

07/22/10 Citigroup CapitaCommercial 1.35 1.42 Hold

07/19/10 DBS Vickers CapitaCommercial 1.32 1.3 Hold DCF
07/22/10 DBS Vickers CapitaCommercial 1.33 1.33 Hold
10/22/10 DBS Vickers CapitaCommercial 1.45 1.47 Hold DCF

07/16/10 DMG & Partners CapitaCommercial 1.32 1.24 Neutral
07/20/10 DMG & Partners CapitaCommercial 1.32 1.24 Neutral
07/22/10 DMG & Partners CapitaCommercial 1.33 1.24 Neutral DDM
08/12/10 DMG & Partners CapitaCommercial 1.36 1.24 Neutral
09/24/10 DMG & Partners CapitaCommercial 1.48 1.24 Neutral
10/22/10 DMG & Partners CapitaCommercial 1.44 1.55 Neutral

07/22/10 Kim Eng CapitaCommercial 1.35 1.2 Hold DDM
09/22/10 Kim Eng CapitaCommercial 1.41 1.2 Hold DDM
10/22/10 Kim Eng CapitaCommercial 1.45 1.25 Hold

06/24/10 Lim & Tan CapitaCommercial 1.18 0 Buy
06/29/10 Lim & Tan CapitaCommercial 1.22 0 Buy

06/01/10 OCBC CapitaCommercial 1.14 1.26 Buy RNAV
07/07/10 OCBC CapitaCommercial 1.23 1.26 Hold RNAV
07/12/10 OCBC CapitaCommercial 1.33 1.26 Hold
09/30/10 OCBC CapitaCommercial 1.46 1.26 Hold
10/07/10 OCBC CapitaCommercial 1.44 1.5 Hold RNAV
10/28/10 OCBC CapitaCommercial 1.46 1.52 Hold
12/10/10 OCBC CapitaCommercial 1.48 1.52 Hold RNAV

Monday, December 27, 2010

Cambridge Industrial - Analysts are confused about this reit.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

07/16/10 DBS Vickers Cambridge Industrial 0.51 0.54 Buy
09/30/10 DBS Vickers Cambridge Industrial 0.545 0.54 Hold
10/25/10 DBS Vickers Cambridge Industrial 0.55 0.58 Buy

07/16/10 DMG & Partners Cambridge Industrial 0.51 0.64 Buy
08/13/10 DMG & Partners Cambridge Industrial 0.505 0.62 Buy DCF
10/21/10 DMG & Partners Cambridge Industrial 0.565 0.62 Buy DDM

07/19/10 phillip Cambridge Industrial 0.515 0.51 Hold
08/16/10 phillip Cambridge Industrial 0.51 0.52 Hold DCF
10/25/10 phillip Cambridge Industrial 0.55 0.61 Hold

Cache Logistics - Everyone likes this stock.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

04/12/10 CIMB Cache Logistics 0.88 1.23 Outperform DDM
05/18/10 CIMB Cache Logistics 0.96 1.23 Outperform
07/30/10 CIMB Cache Logistics 1.01 1.26 Outperform DDM
10/29/10 CIMB Cache Logistics 0.99 1.3 Outperform DDM
11/18/10 CIMB Cache Logistics 0.95 1.3 Outperform DDM

06/09/10 DBS Vickers Cache Logistics 0.95 1.05 Buy DDM
07/30/10 DBS Vickers Cache Logistics 1.01 1.08 Buy
10/29/10 DBS Vickers Cache Logistics 0.99 1.11 Buy
12/17/10 DBS Vickers Cache Logistics 0.94 1.11 Buy

04/12/10 DMG & Partners Cache Logistics 0.88 1.0225 Buy IPO

Sunday, December 26, 2010

C&O Pharm - Buy calls from analysts.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

09/02/10 DMG & Partners C&O Pharm 0.47 0.62 Buy PER13x
10/22/10 DMG & Partners C&O Pharm 0.49 0.62 Buy PER13x
11/16/10 DMG & Partners C&O Pharm 0.475 0.62 Buy PER13x

11/15/10 phillip C&O Pharm 0.475 0.65 Buy DCF, PER13.7x
12/03/10 phillip C&O Pharm 0.495 0.65 Buy DCF, PER13.7x

Saturday, December 25, 2010

CNA - DMG downgraded this stock!

Date/Reseach House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

07/01/10 DMG & Partners CNA 0.235 0.26 Neutral PER3.7x
08/23/10 DMG & Partners CNA 0.23 0.23 Neutral PER7x
12/03/10 DMG & Partners CNA 0.215 0.19 Sell
12/07/10 DMG & Partners CNA 0.2 0.19 Sell PER7x

Bukit Sembawang - A lousy property developer?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

07/02/10 CIMB Bukit Sembawang 4.76 4.8 Underperform RNAV (30% discount)
11/15/10 CIMB Bukit Sembawang 4.89 4.8 Underperform RNAV (30% discount)

07/16/10 DBS Vickers Bukit Sembawang 4.8 5.25 Hold
08/10/10 DBS Vickers Bukit Sembawang 4.83 5.25 Hold RNAV (40% discount)
12/20/10 DBS Vickers Bukit Sembawang 4.62 5.25 Hold

11/16/10 OCBC Bukit Sembawang 4.82 5.21 Hold

Friday, December 24, 2010

Baltic Dry Index (BDI) - 1830


The index, which gauges the cost of shipping commodities including iron ore, cement, grain, coal, and fertiliser, fell 2.97 per cent, or 56 points, to 1,830 points and was at its lowest since July 23.

End Quote.

Broadway - Target prices were downgraded by analysts.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

06/24/10 CIMB Broadway 1.12 1.86 Outperform PER8x
07/23/10 CIMB Broadway 1.14 1.86 Outperform PER8x
07/29/10 CIMB Broadway 1.23 1.86 Outperform PER8x
09/06/10 CIMB Broadway 1.15 1.86 Outperform PER8x
10/26/10 CIMB Broadway 1.23 1.86 Outperform PER8x
10/28/10 CIMB Broadway 1.21 1.82 Outperform PER8x

07/15/10 DBS Vickers Broadway 1.17 1.5 Buy PER7x
07/29/10 DBS Vickers Broadway 1.23 1.5 Buy PER7x
10/22/10 DBS Vickers Broadway 1.22 1.5 Buy
10/28/10 DBS Vickers Broadway 1.21 1.34 Hold PER6x

07/29/10 DMG & Partners Broadway 1.23 1.46 Buy
08/03/10 DMG & Partners Broadway 1.15 1.46 Buy PER6.9x
09/27/10 DMG & Partners Broadway 1.18 1.46 Buy
10/28/10 DMG & Partners Broadway 1.21 1.39 Buy PER7x

07/29/10 Lim & Tan Broadway 1.23 0 Buy
10/28/10 Lim & Tan Broadway 1.21 0 Neutral

Breadtalk - Nobody likes bread anymore.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

09/15/10 JP Morgan Breadtalk 0.58 0.7 Overweight PER7x

01/29/10 Kim Eng Breadtalk 0.645 1 Buy
02/26/10 Kim Eng Breadtalk 0.705 1 Buy
05/26/10 Kim Eng Breadtalk 0.49 0.7 Buy
08/12/10 Kim Eng Breadtalk 0.56 0.66 Hold DCF
11/15/10 Kim Eng Breadtalk 0.65 0.66 Hold

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Boustead - Downgraded by DBS Vickers.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuaton Method

01/05/10 DBS Vickers Boustead 0.79 1 Buy Sum of parts
02/09/10 DBS Vickers Boustead 0.79 1 Buy Sum of parts
05/27/10 DBS Vickers Boustead 0.78 1 Buy Sum of parts
06/21/10 DBS Vickers Boustead 0.875 1.1 Buy
06/30/10 DBS Vickers Boustead 0.85 1.1 Buy
09/27/10 DBS Vickers Boustead 1 1.1 Buy
12/02/10 DBS Vickers Boustead 1.12 1 Hold Sum of parts

Biosensors - A good bio-tech firm!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

09/16/10 DBS Vickers Biosensors 0.84 1.2 Buy Sum of parts
09/27/10 DBS Vickers Biosensors 1.01 1.2 Buy
10/14/10 DBS Vickers Biosensors 1.06 1.2 Buy

10/15/10 OCBC Biosensors 1.04 1.3 Outperform FCFE Model
11/04/10 OCBC Biosensors 1.16 1.3 Buy
11/10/10 OCBC Biosensors 1.22 1.35 Buy DCF
12/01/10 OCBC Biosensors 1.18 1.35 Buy DCF
12/06/10 OCBC Biosensors 1.19 1.35 Buy

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Beyonics - Sell call by Lim & Tan.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

06/07/10 Lim & Tan Beyonics 0.23 0 Sell
09/29/10 Lim & Tan Beyonics 0.24 0 Sell

Baltic Dry Index (BDI) - 1955


The Baltic Exchange's main sea freight index, which tracks rates to ship dry commodities, fell to its lowest in over four months on Monday as weaker activity on the smaller panamaxes weighed on sentiment. The index, which gauges the cost of shipping commodities including iron ore, cement, grain, coal as well as fertiliser, fell 2.2 per cent, or 44 points, to 1,955 points in a tenth straight drop - falling to its lowest since July 29.

End Quote.

Berlian Laju - A different kind of shipper!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

05/27/10 CIMB Berlian Laju 0.06 0.15 Outperform Sum of parts (15% discount)
07/15/10 CIMB Berlian Laju 0.045 0.11 Outperform Sum of parts

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

BBR - DMG loves this stock very much!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

03/03/10 DMG & Partners BBR 0.255 0.33 Buy PER7.1x
04/07/10 DMG & Partners BBR 0.25 0.33 Buy
05/10/10 DMG & Partners BBR 0.225 0.33 Buy PER7.1x
05/13/10 DMG & Partners BBR 0.235 0.33 Buy PER7.1x
05/14/10 DMG & Partners BBR 0.235 0.33 Buy PER7.1x
06/17/10 DMG & Partners BBR 0.225 0.33 Buy
07/01/10 DMG & Partners BBR 0.215 0.33 Buy
08/13/10 DMG & Partners BBR 0.23 0.33 Buy PER7.1x
09/29/10 DMG & Partners BBR 0.24 0.33 Buy
11/11/10 DMG & Partners BBR 0.25 0.33 Buy PER6.5x
11/23/10 DMG & Partners BBR 0.26 0.33 Buy

Banyan Tree - Analysts don't like this resort!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

03/01/10 CIMB Banyan Tree 0.69 0.86 Outperform EV/Ebita 12x
05/18/10 CIMB Banyan Tree 0.83 0.8 Underperform
08/16/10 CIMB Banyan Tree 0.85 0.86 Underperform Sum of parts, Cease coverage

03/03/10 DBS Vickers Banyan Tree 0.71 1.04 Buy Sum of parts, EV/Ebita 15x
05/14/10 DBS Vickers Banyan Tree 0.82 0.96 Hold Sum of parts
08/12/10 DBS Vickers Banyan Tree 0.86 0.98 Hold Sum of parts

Monday, December 20, 2010

Avi-Tech - OCBC loves this stock so much.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

01/21/10 OCBC Avi-Tech 0.19 0.24 Buy NTA1.2x
02/10/10 OCBC Avi-Tech 0.16 0.24 Buy NTA1.2x
04/09/10 OCBC Avi-Tech 0.18 0.24 Buy NTA1.2x
05/10/10 OCBC Avi-Tech 0.18 0.24 Buy NTA1.2x
05/26/10 OCBC Avi-Tech 0.165 0.24 Buy NTA1.2x
06/08/10 OCBC Avi-Tech 0.175 0.24 Buy NTA1.2x
06/22/10 OCBC Avi-Tech 0.19 0.24 Buy Div Yield 6.1%
07/08/10 OCBC Avi-Tech 0.19 0.24 Buy NTA1.2x
08/31/10 OCBC Avi-Tech 0.19 0.24 Buy NTA1.2x
09/02/10 OCBC Avi-Tech 0.19 0.24 Buy
09/13/10 OCBC Avi-Tech 0.19 0.24 Buy NTA1.2x
10/05/10 OCBC Avi-Tech 0.21 0.24 Buy NTA1.2x
10/08/10 OCBC Avi-Tech 0.215 0.28 Buy NTA1.5x
11/12/10 OCBC Avi-Tech 0.205 0.28 Buy Under Review
11/18/10 OCBC Avi-Tech 0.19 0.28 Buy NTA
12/07/10 OCBC Avi-Tech 0.19 0.28 Buy NTA1.5x

Ausgroup - A lousy stock!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

08/11/10 CIMB Ausgroup 0.51 0.47 Underperform PER8.5x
11/15/10 CIMB Ausgroup 0.47 0.46 Underperform PER8.5x

06/28/10 OCBC Ausgroup 0.515 0.45 Hold PER11x
08/24/10 OCBC Ausgroup 0.485 0.45 Hold Cease coverage

Sunday, December 19, 2010

ASL Marine - Downgraded by CIMB & OCBC.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

05/31/10 CIMB ASL Marine 0.78 1.1 Outperform
06/08/10 CIMB ASL Marine 0.8 1.1 Outperform
08/06/10 CIMB ASL Marine 0.87 1.1 Outperform
08/19/10 CIMB ASL Marine 0.9 1.03 Outperform PER7.5x
11/11/10 CIMB ASL Marine 0.9 0.98 Neutral PER7.5x

11/09/10 DnB Nor ASL Marine 0.9 1.35 Buy NAV 1.37, PER4.9x, EV/Ebitda3.4x

08/19/10 Kim Eng ASL Marine 0.895 1.53 Buy
09/13/10 Kim Eng ASL Marine 0.9 1.12 Buy PB1x
11/11/10 Kim Eng ASL Marine 0.9 1.12 Buy
11/26/10 Kim Eng ASL Marine 0.85 1.12 Buy

06/09/10 OCBC ASL Marine 0.8 1.09 Buy
07/08/10 OCBC ASL Marine 0.82 1.09 Buy
07/15/10 OCBC ASL Marine 0.85 1.09 Buy
08/19/10 OCBC ASL Marine 0.895 1.04 Buy
08/25/10 OCBC ASL Marine 0.87 1.04 Buy
09/02/10 OCBC ASL Marine 0.865 1.04 Buy
09/06/10 OCBC ASL Marine 0.88 1.04 Buy
09/13/10 OCBC ASL Marine 0.9 1.09 Buy
09/27/10 OCBC ASL Marine 0.94 1.04 Buy
09/30/10 OCBC ASL Marine 0.93 1.04 Buy
10/04/10 OCBC ASL Marine 0.93 1.04 Buy
11/11/10 OCBC ASL Marine 0.9 0.94 Hold PER9x
12/02/10 OCBC ASL Marine 0.9 0.94 Hold Bonus Issue

Asia Travel - Bad time to travel?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

07/28/10 DBS Vickers Asiatravel 0.48 0.42 Hold
08/17/10 DBS Vickers Asiatravel 0.46 0.53 Hold DCF
10/13/10 DBS Vickers Asiatravel 0.47 0.63 Hold PER20x
11/23/10 DBS Vickers Asiatravel 0.45 0.63 Buy
11/30/10 DBS Vickers Asiatravel 0.42 0.4 Hold

06/09/10 DMG & Partners Asiatravel 0.35 0.56 Buy
08/03/10 DMG & Partners Asiatravel 0.48 0.56 Buy
08/18/10 DMG & Partners Asiatravel 0.46 0.56 Buy PER23x
10/28/10 DMG & Partners Asiatravel 0.45 0.56 Buy DCF, PER22x

08/16/10 Kim Eng Asiatravel 0.45 0.53 Hold
11/29/10 Kim Eng Asiatravel 0.45 0.47 Hold

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ascendas India Trust - Can we trust the indians?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

07/26/10 DBS Vickers Ascendas India Trust 0.985 1.06 Buy
10/25/10 DBS Vickers Ascendas India Trust 1.04 1.08 Hold

07/27/10 JP Morgan Ascendas India Trust 0.96 1.1 Overweight

Ascott Residences Trust (ART) - Some analysts downgraded this ART.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

07/26/10 CIMB ART 1.23 1.35 Outperform DDM
08/23/10 CIMB ART 1.2 1.35 Outperform
10/25/10 CIMB ART 1.24 1.24 Underperform DDM
11/18/10 CIMB ART 1.2 1.24 Underperform DDM

12/13/10 Credit Suisse ART 1.21 1.3 Neutral

07/26/10 DBS Vickers ART 1.23 1.44 Buy
07/28/10 DBS Vickers ART 1.23 1.44 Buy
08/18/10 DBS Vickers ART 1.23 1.44 Buy
08/20/10 DBS Vickers ART 1.23 1.44 Buy
10/25/10 DBS Vickers ART 1.24 1.38 Buy
11/23/10 DBS Vickers ART 1.2 1.38 Buy
12/17/10 DBS Vickers ART 1.22 1.38 Buy

09/06/10 DIR ART 1.16 1.38 Outperform

07/26/10 Kim Eng ART 1.23 1.35 Buy
08/10/10 Kim Eng ART 1.19 1.35
08/10/10 Kim Eng ART 1.18 1.35 Buy DDM
08/11/10 Kim Eng ART 1.18 1.35 Buy DDM
08/23/10 Kim Eng ART 1.2 1.45 Buy
10/26/10 Kim Eng ART 1.25 1.38 Buy

09/15/10 Lim & Tan ART 1.15 0 Buy
11/25/10 Lim & Tan ART 1.19 0 Buy

07/12/10 OCBC ART 1.17 1.32 Buy
07/23/10 OCBC ART 1.24 1.32 Buy
08/06/10 OCBC ART 1.18 1.33 Buy
09/02/10 OCBC ART 1.12 1.33 Buy
09/30/10 OCBC ART 1.15 1.33 Buy
10/12/10 OCBC ART 1.16 1.38 Buy
10/25/10 OCBC ART 1.24 1.38 Buy
12/10/10 OCBC ART 1.23 1.38 Buy

Market analyses for US market (Dow Jones Industrial Average index), Japan market (Nikkei 225 index), Singapore market (Straits Times Index) & Hong Kong maket (Hang Seng Index)

The chart above dated 15/12/10 shows that the 100-day SMA for trading volume has stopped deteriortating which will bode well for the US market.  Coincidentally, US market also responded positively recently.  If the rally is to be sustainable, the 100-day SMA has to keep on improving and I urge investors to be vigilant about this.

The chart above dated 15/12/10 indicates that there is renewed confidence in the japan market which is supported by increasing 100-day SMA for trading volume.  Nikkei also responded very well during this period.

The chart above dated 15/12/10 depicts strong inflow of funds into Singapore with the property and stock markets moving in tandem.  Although STI has fallen from its high, it has not fallen below its low due to strong investor confidence in Singapore.  However, investors have to be beware once the 100-day SMA for trading volume starts to fall.

The chart above dated 15/12/10 indicates the same phemomenon of STI happening to HSI.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Armstrong - This stock is super strong!

06/07/10 CIMB Armstrong 0.39 0.56 Outperform PER9x
06/18/10 CIMB Armstrong 0.43 0.555 Outperform PER9x
08/13/10 CIMB Armstrong 0.42 0.55 Outperform PER9x

05/18/10 DMG & Partners Armstrong 0.39 0.49 Buy PER9.8x
05/19/10 DMG & Partners Armstrong 0.39 0.49 Buy PER9.8x
05/24/10 DMG & Partners Armstrong 0.355 0.49 Buy PER9.8x
06/11/10 DMG & Partners Armstrong 0.45 0.49 Buy
08/16/10 DMG & Partners Armstrong 0.415 0.545 Buy PER10x
11/10/10 DMG & Partners Armstrong 0.44 0.545 Buy PER10x

05/17/10 Kim Eng Armstrong 0.38 0.48 Buy PER11x
06/21/10 Kim Eng Armstrong 0.455 0.57 Buy PER10x
08/13/10 Kim Eng Armstrong 0.415 0.57 Buy PER10x
10/15/10 Kim Eng Armstrong 0.435 0.53 Buy PER10x
11/09/10 Kim Eng Armstrong 0.455 0.53 Buy

05/17/10 Lim & Tan Armstrong 0.38 0 Buy
06/11/10 Lim & Tan Armstrong 0.45 0 Buy
08/13/10 Lim & Tan Armstrong 0.415 0 Buy
09/29/10 Lim & Tan Armstrong 0.435 0 Buy

Ascendas Reit (A-reit) - More hold calls than buy calls.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

07/19/10 CIMB A-Reit 2 2.02 Neutral DDM
10/19/10 CIMB A-Reit 2.11 2.13 Neutral DDM
11/18/10 CIMB A-Reit 2.05 2.13 Neutral DDM

07/19/10 Credit Suisse A-Reit 2 2.33 Outperform

07/01/10 DBS Vickers A-Reit 1.86 2.11 Buy
07/19/10 DBS Vickers A-Reit 2 2.11 Buy
08/18/10 DBS Vickers A-Reit 2.04 2.11 Hold
10/19/10 DBS Vickers A-Reit 2.11 2.19 Hold

07/16/10 DMG & Partners A-Reit 2 2.11 Neutral DDM
07/20/10 DMG & Partners A-Reit 2 2.11 Neutral Div Yield 6.5%
10/19/10 DMG & Partners A-Reit 2.11 2.11 Neutral

07/20/10 Kim Eng A-Reit 2 2.32 Buy
09/14/10 Kim Eng A-Reit 2.29 2.4 Hold
10/20/10 Kim Eng A-Reit 2.1 2.3 Hold

07/12/10 OCBC A-Reit 1.93 1.85 Hold
09/30/10 OCBC A-Reit 2.2 1.85 Hold
11/03/10 OCBC A-Reit 2.1 2.11 Hold
12/10/10 OCBC A-Reit 2.12 2.21 Hold RNAV

09/02/10 RBS A-Reit 2.12 2.55 Buy

Thursday, December 16, 2010

ARA Asset Management - Downgraded by CIMB.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

08/13/10 CIMB ARA Asset Management 1.12 1.35 Outperform Sum of parts
10/27/10 CIMB ARA Asset Management 1.29 1.57 Outperform PER18x
11/11/10 CIMB ARA Asset Management 1.56 1.58 Neutral Sum of parts

07/09/10 DBS Vickers ARA Asset Management 1.12 1.3 Buy Sum of parts
08/13/10 DBS Vickers ARA Asset Management 1.12 1.3 Buy Sum of parts

Anwell - Is everything going well?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

04/09/10 DMG & Partners Anwell 0.585 0.78 Buy PER8x, PB0.8x
04/12/10 DMG & Partners Anwell 0.635 0.78 Buy PER8x

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Allgreen - Downgraded by analysts.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

08/13/10 AmFraser Allgreen 1.12 1.45 Buy RNAV
08/30/10 AmFraser Allgreen 1.14 1.45 Hold

08/13/10 CIMB Allgreen 1.12 1.16 Neutral RNAV (25% discount)
11/11/10 CIMB Allgreen 1.21 1.25 Neutral RNAV (25% discount)

07/16/10 DBS Vickers Allgreen 1.1 1.32 Hold

09/07/10 Nomura Allgreen 1.08 1.38 Buy PB0.8x

11/16/10 OCBC Allgreen 1.19 1.34 Hold

09/14/10 UBS Allgreen 1.13 1.13 Neutral

AIM AMP Cap Ind Reit - Hold call by Phillip.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/09/10 phillip AIM AMP Cap Ind Reit 0.215 0.22 Hold
05/14/10 phillip AIM AMP Cap Ind Reit 0.22 0.23 Hold
05/14/10 phillip AIM AMP Cap Ind Reit 0.22 0.23 Hold DCF
08/03/10 phillip AIM AMP Cap Ind Reit 0.225 0.23 Hold
11/01/10 phillip AIM AMP Cap Ind Reit 0.225 0.24 Hold

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Adampak - Buy calls from analysts.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/18/10 DMG & Partners Adampak 0.23 0.295 Buy
03/05/10 DMG & Partners Adampak 0.245 0.31 Buy DDM
05/21/10 DMG & Partners Adampak 0.265 0.35 Buy DDM, PER7.2x
05/24/10 DMG & Partners Adampak 0.26 0.35 Buy DDM, PER7.2x
08/23/10 DMG & Partners Adampak 0.295 0.375 Buy DDM

05/04/10 Lim & Tan Adampak 0.3 0 Buy
05/14/10 Lim & Tan Adampak 0.28 0 Buy
05/20/10 Lim & Tan Adampak 0.265 0 Buy
08/19/10 Lim & Tan Adampak 0.3 0 Buy
11/23/10 Lim & Tan Adampak 0.31 0 Buy

Baltic Dry Index (BDI) - 2095


The index, which gauges the cost of shipping commodities including iron ore, cement, grain, coal and fertiliser, fell last week 0.76 per cent, or 16 points, to 2,095 points.

End Quote.

Second Chance - Worth to give a 2nd chance?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

05/24/10 DMG & Partners 2nd Chance 0.3 0.41 Buy
08/27/10 DMG & Partners 2nd Chance 0.38 0.53 Buy DDM

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ziwo - Buy call by Phillip.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

11/25/10 phillip Ziwo 0.335 0.47 Buy PER6x

Yongnam - Buy calls by analysts

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

03/01/10 CIMB Yongnam 0.26 0.46 Outperform PER10x
03/15/10 CIMB Yongnam 0.27 0.46 Outperform PER10x
03/24/10 CIMB Yongnam 0.26 0.46 Outperform PER10x
04/01/10 CIMB Yongnam 0.27 0.46 Outperform PER10x
05/17/10 CIMB Yongnam 0.25 0.46 Outperform PER10x
08/16/10 CIMB Yongnam 0.235 0.39 Outperform PER8x
10/04/10 CIMB Yongnam 0.27 0.41 Outperform PER8x
10/07/10 CIMB Yongnam 0.31 0.41 Outperform PER8x
11/11/10 CIMB Yongnam 0.305 0.41 Outperform PER8x

10/05/10 DBS Vickers Yongnam 0.27 0.45 Buy PER10x
11/11/10 DBS Vickers Yongnam 0.305 0.47 Buy
12/01/10 DBS Vickers Yongnam 0.28 0.47 Buy PER10x

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Yong Xin - Buy call by Phillip.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/04/10 phillip Yong Xin 0.165 0.29 Buy

02/19/10 phillip Yong Xin 0.18 0.29 Buy DCF, PER6.6x
03/09/10 phillip Yong Xin 0.175 0.29 Buy

Ying Li - DMG hates this stock.

01/08/10 DBS Vickers Ying Li 0.67 1.17 Buy
01/19/10 DBS Vickers Ying Li 0.62 1.08 Buy RNAV (10% discount)

01/26/10 DBS Vickers Ying Li 0.59 1.06 Buy RNAV (20% discount)
05/18/10 DBS Vickers Ying Li 0.42 0.67 Buy RNAV (40% discount)
08/23/10 DBS Vickers Ying Li 0.395 0.52 Buy RNAV (40% discount)
08/27/10 DBS Vickers Ying Li 0.4 0.52 Buy RNAV (40% discount)

01/25/10 DMG & Partners Ying Li 0.58 1.09 Buy RNAV
02/24/10 DMG & Partners Ying Li 0.45 0.8 Buy RNAV (20% discount)
05/05/10 DMG & Partners Ying Li 0.485 0.5 Neutral RNAV (50% discount)
05/19/10 DMG & Partners Ying Li 0.435 0.42 neutral RNAV (50% discount)
08/17/10 DMG & Partners Ying Li 0.405 0.33 Sell RNAV (50% discount)

01/25/10 Kim Eng Ying Li 0.575 1.2 Buy
02/25/10 Kim Eng Ying Li 0.45 1.2 Buy
04/09/10 Kim Eng Ying Li 0.53 1.04 Buy RNAV
05/18/10 Kim Eng Ying Li 0.42 0.78 Buy RNAV
08/16/10 Kim Eng Ying Li 0.415 0.62 Under Review
08/18/10 Kim Eng Ying Li 0.4 0.43 Hold
08/18/10 Kim Eng Ying Li 0.4 0.43 Hold RNAV (40% discount)
08/31/10 Kim Eng Ying Li 0.395 0.46 Hold RNAV (40% discount)
11/16/10 Kim Eng Ying Li 0.39 0.5 Buy RNAV (40% discount)

01/25/10 phillip Ying Li 0.58 1.15 Buy RNAV
02/25/10 phillip Ying Li 0.45 0.655 Buy RNAV (30% discount)

Yanlord - Latest stock call is HOLD!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

05/14/10 CIMB Yanlord 1.64 1.83 Neutral RNAV (35% discount)
08/12/10 CIMB Yanlord 1.8 1.83 Neutral RNAV (35% discount)

12/07/10 Citigroup Yanlord 1.67 2.38 Buy

02/18/10 DBS Vickers Yanlord 1.79 2.22 Buy RNAV (20% discount)
02/26/10 DBS Vickers Yanlord 1.77 2.3 Buy RNAV (20% discount)
04/23/10 DBS Vickers Yanlord 1.74 1.99 Hold RNAV (30% discount)
05/14/10 DBS Vickers Yanlord 1.62 1.71 Hold RNAV (40% discount)
08/12/10 DBS Vickers Yanlord 1.8 1.71 Hold RNAV (40% discount)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Yangzijiang - Analysts are also feeling ambivalence about this stock.

09/15/10 BOA Yangzijiang 1.67 2.26 Buy PER14x

03/12/10 CIMB Yangzijiang 1.19 1.5 Outperform PER11x
04/09/10 CIMB Yangzijiang 1.2 1.5 Outperform PER11x
04/15/10 CIMB Yangzijiang 1.43 2.1 Outperform PER14x
04/19/10 CIMB Yangzijiang 1.43 2.07 Outperform PER14x
04/30/10 CIMB Yangzijiang 1.36 2.07 Outperform
04/30/10 CIMB Yangzijiang 1.63 1.97 Neutral
06/03/10 CIMB Yangzijiang 1.24 2.07 Outperform
08/11/10 CIMB Yangzijiang 1.43 1.54 Trading Buy PER10.5x
08/31/10 CIMB Yangzijiang 1.55 1.68 Outperform PER11x
10/07/10 CIMB Yangzijiang 1.81 2.15 Outperform PER12x
10/26/10 CIMB Yangzijiang 2.01 2.15 Outperform PER12x

10/12/10 Citigroup Yangzijiang 1.92 2.25 Buy PER13x

10/28/10 CLSA Yangzijiang 1.89 0 Sell

01/08/10 DBS Vickers Yangzijiang 1.22 1.36 Buy
04/19/10 DBS Vickers Yangzijiang 1.43 1.75 Buy
06/18/10 DBS Vickers Yangzijiang 1.3 1.8 Buy PER14x
06/22/10 DBS Vickers Yangzijiang 1.35 1.8 Buy PER14x
06/28/10 DBS Vickers Yangzijiang 1.37 1.8 Buy PER14x
08/02/10 DBS Vickers Yangzijiang 1.45 1.8 Buy
08/11/10 DBS Vickers Yangzijiang 1.43 1.8 Buy PER14x
08/31/10 DBS Vickers Yangzijiang 1.55 2.05 Buy PER14x
09/02/10 DBS Vickers Yangzijiang 1.6 2.05 Buy
09/27/10 DBS Vickers Yangzijiang 1.78 2.05 Buy
10/27/10 DBS Vickers Yangzijiang 1.96 2.38 Buy PER14x

03/30/10 DMG & Partners Yangzijiang 1.16 1.48 Buy PER12x
04/12/10 DMG & Partners Yangzijiang 1.24 1.48 Buy
04/19/10 DMG & Partners Yangzijiang 1.43 1.8 Buy PER15x
04/28/10 DMG & Partners Yangzijiang 1.4 1.8 Buy PER15x
04/29/10 DMG & Partners Yangzijiang 1.4 1.8 Buy PER15x
05/17/10 DMG & Partners Yangzijiang 1.34 1.8 Buy
05/25/10 DMG & Partners Yangzijiang 1.25 1.8 Buy PER15x
06/22/10 DMG & Partners Yangzijiang 1.35 1.75 Buy PER15x
07/20/10 DMG & Partners Yangzijiang 1.44 1.75 Buy PER15x
08/11/10 DMG & Partners Yangzijiang 1.43 1.75 Buy PER12x
08/12/10 DMG & Partners Yangzijiang 1.43 1.96 Buy PER15x
08/31/10 DMG & Partners Yangzijiang 1.55 2.02 Buy PER15x
09/01/10 DMG & Partners Yangzijiang 1.55 2.02 Buy PER15x
09/02/10 DMG & Partners Yangzijiang 1.6 2.02 Buy
10/22/10 DMG & Partners Yangzijiang 2 2.02 Buy Under Review
10/27/10 DMG & Partners Yangzijiang 1.96 2.15 Neutral PER15x

10/13/10 HSBC Yangzijiang 1.92 1.9 Neutral

06/22/10 Lim & Tan Yangzijiang 1.35 0 Buy
07/20/10 Lim & Tan Yangzijiang 1.44 0 Buy
09/02/10 Lim & Tan Yangzijiang 1.6 0 Buy

11/18/10 Nomura Yangzijiang 1.87 2.22 Buy

02/24/10 OCBC Yangzijiang 1.12 1.32 Buy
04/05/10 OCBC Yangzijiang 1.2 1.32 Buy
04/13/10 OCBC Yangzijiang 1.33 1.44 Hold PER12x
04/20/10 OCBC Yangzijiang 1.49 1.6 Hold
04/28/10 OCBC Yangzijiang 1.4 1.6 Hold
05/20/10 OCBC Yangzijiang 1.27 1.6 Hold
05/24/10 OCBC Yangzijiang 1.25 1.75 Buy
06/04/10 OCBC Yangzijiang 1.27 1.6 Hold
06/09/10 OCBC Yangzijiang 1.24 1.6 Hold
07/08/10 OCBC Yangzijiang 1.34 1.6 Buy
07/15/10 OCBC Yangzijiang 1.43 1.6 Buy
08/12/10 OCBC Yangzijiang 1.42 1.66 Buy PER12x
08/25/10 OCBC Yangzijiang 1.51 1.66 Buy
09/02/10 OCBC Yangzijiang 1.6 1.76 Buy
09/20/10 OCBC Yangzijiang 1.76 1.9 Hold PER13x
10/29/10 OCBC Yangzijiang 1.86 2.04 Hold

12/02/10 UOB Kay Hian Yangzijiang 1.88 2.37 Buy PER15x

Friday, December 10, 2010

Yamada - Buy calls from analysts.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

10/15/10 Kim Eng Yamada 0.28 0 Buy

11/11/10 DMG & Partners Yamada 0.28 0.4 Buy PER5x
11/15/10 DMG & Partners Yamada 0.285 0.4 Buy Ev/Ebitda

Wing Tai - How is this property developer doing?

02/08/10 CIMB Wing Tai 1.76 2.01 Neutral RNAV
04/16/10 CIMB Wing Tai 1.92 2.01 Neutral
05/10/10 CIMB Wing Tai 1.72 2.01 Neutral
05/18/10 CIMB Wing Tai 1.76 2.01 neutral
06/14/10 CIMB Wing Tai 1.52 1.92 Outperform RNAV (15% discount)
08/24/10 CIMB Wing Tai 1.69 1.95 Outperform RNAV (15% discount)

03/08/10 DBS Vickers Wing Tai 1.71 1.97 Hold
05/14/10 DBS Vickers Wing Tai 1.76 1.97 Hold RNAV (15% discount)
06/16/10 DBS Vickers Wing Tai 1.63 1.97 Hold
07/16/10 DBS Vickers Wing Tai 1.6 1.97 Hold
08/24/10 DBS Vickers Wing Tai 1.69 1.97 Hold RNAV (15% discount)
10/26/10 DBS Vickers Wing Tai 1.79 2.05 Hold RNAV (15% discount)

02/05/10 DMG & Partners Wing Tai 1.76 2.15 Buy RNAV (10% premium)
03/15/10 DMG & Partners Wing Tai 1.77 2.15 Buy
04/01/10 DMG & Partners Wing Tai 1.9 2.15 Buy
04/06/10 DMG & Partners Wing Tai 1.91 2.15 Buy RNAV (10% premium)
04/16/10 DMG & Partners Wing Tai 1.92 2.15 Buy
05/14/10 DMG & Partners Wing Tai 1.76 2.15 Buy RNAV (10% premium)
06/01/10 DMG & Partners Wing Tai 1.52 2.15 Buy
08/23/10 DMG & Partners Wing Tai 1.69 2.08 Buy RNAV
10/08/10 DMG & Partners Wing Tai 1.74 2.18 Buy RNAV
10/28/10 DMG & Partners Wing Tai 1.76 2.2 Buy RNAV
11/24/10 DMG & Partners Wing Tai 1.78 2.2 Buy

07/30/10 JP Morgan Wing Tai 1.77 2.2 Buy RNAV

02/08/10 Kim Eng Wing Tai 1.76 2.2 Buy RNAV (10% discount)
03/17/10 Kim Eng Wing Tai 1.82 2.28 Buy RNAV (10% discount)
05/14/10 Kim Eng Wing Tai 1.76 2.5 Buy RNAV (10% discount)
08/24/10 Kim Eng Wing Tai 1.69 2.5 Buy RNAV (10% discount)
10/08/10 Kim Eng Wing Tai 1.74 2.5 Buy RNAV (10% discount)
10/26/10 Kim Eng Wing Tai 1.79 2.55 Buy

11/16/10 OCBC Wing Tai 1.83 2.05 Hold

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Wilmar - Analysts are feeling ambivalence about this stock.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

03/02/10 AmFraser Wilmar 6.67 6.55 Hold PER18x
04/08/10 AmFraser Wilmar 6.93 7.31 Hold
05/06/10 AmFraser Wilmar 6.72 7.3 Hold
05/25/10 AmFraser Wilmar 5.69 6.55 Hold
05/31/10 AmFraser Wilmar 5.78 6.55 Hold

04/19/10 CIMB Wilmar 6.93 8.4 Outperform
05/12/10 CIMB Wilmar 6.54 8.4 Outperform PER20x
05/13/10 CIMB Wilmar 6.52 8.4 Outperform PER20x
05/14/10 CIMB Wilmar 6.42 8.4 Outperform PER20x
05/18/10 CIMB Wilmar 6.35 8.4 Outperform
05/19/10 CIMB Wilmar 6.19 7.85 Outperform PER19x
05/21/10 CIMB Wilmar 5.5 7.85 Outperform PER19x
06/25/10 CIMB Wilmar 5.9 6.5 Neutral PER16x
07/07/10 CIMB Wilmar 5.95 6.5 Neutral PER16x
07/22/10 CIMB Wilmar 6.14 6.5 Neutral PER16x
08/13/10 CIMB Wilmar 6.27 6.5 Neutral PER16x
08/16/10 CIMB Wilmar 6.13 6.5 Neutral PER16x
09/13/10 CIMB Wilmar 6.36 6.5 Neutral PER16x
10/14/10 CIMB Wilmar 6.15 7.08 Outperform PER16x
11/10/10 CIMB Wilmar 6.88 7.08 Outperform Re-rating
11/11/10 CIMB Wilmar 6.51 6.7 Neutral PER16x

07/05/10 Citigroup Wilmar 5.95 6.16 Sell Sum of parts
08/17/10 Citigroup Wilmar 6.11 6.33 Sell

11/11/10 CLSA Wilmar 6.51 6.2 Underperform

01/05/10 DBS Vickers Wilmar 6.43 7.3 Buy
03/01/10 DBS Vickers Wilmar 6.67 8 Buy DCF
04/08/10 DBS Vickers Wilmar 6.93 8 Buy
05/19/10 DBS Vickers Wilmar 6.19 8.3 Buy
05/21/10 DBS Vickers Wilmar 5.5 8.3 Buy
07/06/10 DBS Vickers Wilmar 5.95 8.3 Buy
10/26/10 DBS Vickers Wilmar 6.47 6.9 Hold

11/11/10 DIR Wilmar 6.51 7.49 Outperform 6-month target

03/02/10 DMG & Partners Wilmar 6.67 7.35 Buy PER18.8x
05/14/10 DMG & Partners Wilmar 6.52 7.35 Buy
05/20/10 DMG & Partners Wilmar 5.76 7.35 Buy
07/07/10 DMG & Partners Wilmar 5.95 7.35 Buy
11/10/10 DMG & Partners Wilmar 6.88 7.12 Buy

12/08/10 Goldman Sachs Wilmar 6.04 6.25 Neutral

06/02/10 JP Morgan Wilmar 5.56 6.65 Overweight

01/15/10 Kim Eng Wilmar 7.04 8.1 Buy Sum of parts
03/02/10 Kim Eng Wilmar 6.67 8.1 Buy PER20x
05/13/10 Kim Eng Wilmar 6.52 8.1 Buy PER20x
05/20/10 Kim Eng Wilmar 5.76 7.2 Buy PER18x
07/22/10 Kim Eng Wilmar 6.14 7.2 Buy
11/11/10 Kim Eng Wilmar 6.51 7.2 Buy
11/19/10 Kim Eng Wilmar 6.25 7.2 Buy
12/09/10 Lim & Tan Wilmar 5.97 0 Neutral

03/02/10 OCBC Wilmar 6.67 8.23 Buy PER20x
08/16/10 OCBC Wilmar 6.13 7.25 Buy PER18x
09/02/10 OCBC Wilmar 6.26 7.25 Buy
10/04/10 OCBC Wilmar 5.97 7.25 Buy
11/11/10 OCBC Wilmar 6.51 7.04 Hold PER18x

06/17/10 phillip Wilmar 5.89 6.86 Buy DCF
07/08/10 phillip Wilmar 6 6.86 Buy DCF
08/16/10 phillip Wilmar 6.13 6.86 Buy
10/22/10 phillip Wilmar 6.39 7.03 Buy DCF
11/11/10 phillip Wilmar 6.51 7.08 Hold

08/18/10 UBS Wilmar 6.13 8 Buy

Wheelock Properties - Buy calls from analysts.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/24/10 AmFraser Wheelock Properties 1.87 2.08 Hold RNAV (10% discount)
03/15/10 AmFraser Wheelock Properties 1.92 2.1 Hold RNAV
05/17/10 AmFraser Wheelock Properties 1.87 2.1 Hold RNAV
08/30/10 AmFraser Wheelock Properties 1.8 2.09 Buy

04/16/10 CIMB Wheelock Properties 1.96 2.19 Neutral
04/20/10 CIMB Wheelock Properties 1.99 2.39 Outperform RNAV
05/10/10 CIMB Wheelock Properties 1.79 2.39 Outperform
05/17/10 CIMB Wheelock Properties 1.87 2.39 Outperform RNAV
05/18/10 CIMB Wheelock Properties 1.87 2.39 Outperform
06/14/10 CIMB Wheelock Properties 1.88 2.39 Outperform
08/16/10 CIMB Wheelock Properties 1.79 2.24 Outperform RNAV (10% discount)
11/10/10 CIMB Wheelock Properties 1.99 2.37 Outperform RNAV (10% discount)

02/22/10 DBS Vickers Wheelock Properties 1.9 2.14 Buy
02/24/10 DBS Vickers Wheelock Properties 1.87 2.24 Buy RNAV (10% discount)
03/08/10 DBS Vickers Wheelock Properties 1.91 2.24 Buy
03/30/10 DBS Vickers Wheelock Properties 1.9 2.24 Buy
05/17/10 DBS Vickers Wheelock Properties 1.87 2.28 Buy RNAV (10% discount)
05/18/10 DBS Vickers Wheelock Properties 1.87 2.28 Buy
06/16/10 DBS Vickers Wheelock Properties 1.86 2.28 Buy
07/16/10 DBS Vickers Wheelock Properties 1.92 2.28 Buy
08/17/10 DBS Vickers Wheelock Properties 1.78 2.28 Buy
11/10/10 DBS Vickers Wheelock Properties 1.99 2.32 Buy RNAV (10% discount)

08/16/10 Lim & Tan Wheelock Properties 1.79 0 Hold/Sell $2

11/16/10 OCBC Wheelock Properties 2 2.32 Buy

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Baltic Dry Index (BDI) - 2179


The index added 11 points, or 0.5 per cent, to 2,179 points on Monday, according to the London- based Baltic Exchange.

End Quote.

Wee Hur - Downgraded by Phillip.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

03/12/10 phillip Wee Hur 0.485 0.66 Buy PER11x
03/24/10 phillip Wee Hur 0.545 0.68 Buy PER11x
05/14/10 phillip Wee Hur 0.505 0.62 Buy
05/14/10 phillip Wee Hur 0.505 0.62 Buy PER11x
08/16/10 phillip Wee Hur 0.48 0.56 Buy PER11x
11/11/10 phillip Wee Hur 0.565 0.56 Hold PER11x

Viking Offshore & Marine - Buy call from OCBC.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

04/29/10 OCBC Viking Offshore & Marine 0.215 0.31 Buy Sum of parts
05/06/10 OCBC Viking Offshore & Marine 0.2 0.31 Buy
05/20/10 OCBC Viking Offshore & Marine 0.205 0.31 Buy
06/09/10 OCBC Viking Offshore & Marine 0.18 0.31 Buy
07/08/10 OCBC Viking Offshore & Marine 0.2 0.31 Buy
07/15/10 OCBC Viking Offshore & Marine 0.2 0.31 Buy
07/20/10 OCBC Viking Offshore & Marine 0.21 0.32 Buy
08/03/10 OCBC Viking Offshore & Marine 0.215 0.32 Buy
09/02/10 OCBC Viking Offshore & Marine 0.195 0.32 Buy
09/13/10 OCBC Viking Offshore & Marine 0.205 0.31 Buy
09/27/10 OCBC Viking Offshore & Marine 0.215 0.32 Buy
10/04/10 OCBC Viking Offshore & Marine 0.2 0.32 Buy
10/19/10 OCBC Viking Offshore & Marine 0.2 0.32 Buy
11/25/10 OCBC Viking Offshore & Marine 0.19 0.32 Buy
12/02/10 OCBC Viking Offshore & Marine 0.21 0.32 Buy

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Venture - Buy calls from analysts.

09/30/10 BNP Paribas Venture 9.37 10.93 Buy

03/11/10 CIMB Venture 8.48 9.36 Outperform
04/30/10 CIMB Venture 9.86 10.54 Neutral PER14x
05/18/10 CIMB Venture 8.94 10.54 Outperform
08/03/10 CIMB Venture 9.12 10.54 Outperform PER14x
08/06/10 CIMB Venture 9.21 10.91 Outperform PER14x
09/29/10 CIMB Venture 9.24 10.91 Outperform PER14x
10/28/10 CIMB Venture 9.09 11.98 Outperform PER14x

03/01/10 DBS Vickers Venture 8.44 9.8 Buy PER15x
07/15/10 DBS Vickers Venture 9.14 10.7 Buy PER15x
08/06/10 DBS Vickers Venture 9.21 11.8 Buy PER15x
09/27/10 DBS Vickers Venture 9.12 11.8 Buy
10/22/10 DBS Vickers Venture 9.23 11.8 Buy
11/01/10 DBS Vickers Venture 9.06 11.8 Buy PER15x

03/02/10 DMG & Partners Venture 8.44 8.61 Neutral PER14.8x
04/30/10 DMG & Partners Venture 9.86 9.31 Neutral PER13.6x
08/06/10 DMG & Partners Venture 9.21 9.31 Neutral PER13.6x

03/01/10 Kim Eng Venture 8.44 8.47 Hold PER12x
04/30/10 Kim Eng Venture 9.86 11.3 Buy PER17x
08/06/10 Kim Eng Venture 9.21 11.3 Buy PER13x
09/17/10 Kim Eng Venture 8.77 11.3 Buy PER17x
10/29/10 Kim Eng Venture 8.97 11.3 Buy PER13x
11/01/10 Kim Eng Venture 9.06 11.3 Buy

03/01/10 Lim & Tan Venture 8.44 0 Sell
04/30/10 Lim & Tan Venture 9.86 0 Sell
08/06/10 Lim & Tan Venture 9.21 8 Sell Buy at $8, Div Yield 6.25%
09/01/10 Lim & Tan Venture 8.7 0 Buy Div Yield 6.25%

03/01/10 OCBC Venture 8.44 9.03 Buy PER13x
04/08/10 OCBC Venture 9.28 9.93 Buy PER14x
06/10/10 OCBC Venture 8.62 10.73 Buy PER15x
08/06/10 OCBC Venture 9.21 10.73 Buy PER15x
09/02/10 OCBC Venture 8.7 10.73 Buy
11/01/10 OCBC Venture 9.06 10.73 Buy PER15x
12/07/10 OCBC Venture 9.08 12.1 Buy PER15x

Valuetronics - Buy calls from analysts!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

10/12/10 CIMB Valuetronics 0.25 0.41 Buy PER6.5x

01/06/10 OCBC Valuetronics 0.145 0.19 Buy
02/11/10 OCBC Valuetronics 0.14 0.19 Buy PER8x
03/11/10 OCBC Valuetronics 0.145 0.19 Buy NTA1X
03/31/10 OCBC Valuetronics 0.16 0.29 Buy PER8x
05/20/10 OCBC Valuetronics 0.17 0.32 Buy
06/25/10 OCBC Valuetronics 0.185 0.32 Buy
08/17/10 OCBC Valuetronics 0.19 0.39 Buy
09/02/10 OCBC Valuetronics 0.185 0.39 Buy
09/29/10 OCBC Valuetronics 0.185 0.39 Buy PER8x
11/16/10 OCBC Valuetronics 0.235 0.44 Buy

Monday, December 6, 2010

UOL - CIMB doesn't like this stock anymore.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

01/11/10 CIMB UOL 4.17 5.07 Outperform RNAV
02/24/10 CIMB UOL 4 4.98 Outperform RNAV

04/16/10 CIMB UOL 4.1 4.98 Outperform
05/10/10 CIMB UOL 3.62 4.98 Outperform
05/18/10 CIMB UOL 3.73 4.98 Outperform
05/20/10 CIMB UOL 3.7 4.98 Outperform RNAV
06/14/10 CIMB UOL 3.79 4.98 Outperform
06/15/10 CIMB UOL 3.83 4.98 Outperform
08/10/10 CIMB UOL 4.1 4.17 Neutral RNAV (20% discount)
11/11/10 CIMB UOL 4.7 4.72 Neutral RNAV (20% discount)

01/05/10 DBS Vickers UOL 4.07 4.52 Buy
01/25/10 DBS Vickers UOL 3.95 4.52 Buy
02/22/10 DBS Vickers UOL 3.9 4.52 Buy
02/24/10 DBS Vickers UOL 4 4.94 Buy RNAV (10% discount)
03/08/10 DBS Vickers UOL 3.91 4.94 Buy
04/15/10 DBS Vickers UOL 4.12 4.94 Buy
05/13/10 DBS Vickers UOL 3.66 5.04 Buy RNAV (10% discount)
06/16/10 DBS Vickers UOL 3.76 5.04 Buy
07/16/10 DBS Vickers UOL 3.83 5.04 Buy
07/28/10 DBS Vickers UOL 3.92 5.04 Buy RNAV (10% discount)
08/10/10 DBS Vickers UOL 4.1 5.11 Buy RNAV (10% discount)
08/20/10 DBS Vickers UOL 3.95 5.11 Buy
08/23/10 DBS Vickers UOL 4 5.11 Buy
09/27/10 DBS Vickers UOL 4.36 5.11 Buy
10/18/10 DBS Vickers UOL 4.6 5.11 Buy
11/22/10 DBS Vickers UOL 4.65 5.23 Buy
11/23/10 DBS Vickers UOL 4.8 5.22 Buy

11/22/10 Goldman Sachs UOL 4.65 5.8 Buy

02/24/10 Lim & Tan UOL 4 0 Hold
05/13/10 Lim & Tan UOL 3.66 0 Buy
09/29/10 Lim & Tan UOL 4.53 0 Buy
11/11/10 Lim & Tan UOL 4.7 0 Buy

02/01/10 OCBC UOL 3.74 4.55 Buy
02/04/10 OCBC UOL 3.79 4.55 Buy Sum of parts
02/24/10 OCBC UOL 4 5.25 Buy RNAV
03/03/10 OCBC UOL 3.98 5.25 Buy
03/12/10 OCBC UOL 3.95 5.25 Buy
04/05/10 OCBC UOL 3.94 5.25 Buy
04/07/10 OCBC UOL 3.97 5.25 Buy RNAV
05/13/10 OCBC UOL 3.66 5.33 Buy RNAV
06/03/10 OCBC UOL 3.69 5.33 Buy RNAV
06/07/10 OCBC UOL 3.74 5.33 Buy RNAV
06/16/10 OCBC UOL 3.76 5.37 Buy
06/24/10 OCBC UOL 3.81 5.38 Buy RNAV
07/05/10 OCBC UOL 3.78 5.38 Buy
07/16/10 OCBC UOL 3.83 5.38 Buy
08/10/10 OCBC UOL 4.1 5.38 Buy Under Review
11/02/10 OCBC UOL 4.64 5.38 Buy Under Review
11/11/10 OCBC UOL 4.7 5.4 Buy RNAV (10% discount)
11/16/10 OCBC UOL 4.62 5.23 Buy
12/03/10 OCBC UOL 4.67 5.42 Buy RNAV (10% discount)

UOB - How is this bank doing?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

01/07/10 AmFraser UOB 19.9 23.77 Buy Gordon Growth Model
03/01/10 AmFraser UOB 18.64 23.95 Buy Gordon Growth Model

01/07/10 CIMB UOB 19.9 23.32 Outperform PB1.96x
02/02/10 CIMB UOB 18.24 23.32 Outperform
04/19/10 CIMB UOB 20.46 23.32 Outperform
04/30/10 CIMB UOB 20.16 23.32 Outperform
05/06/10 CIMB UOB 19.54 23.32 Outperform
05/18/10 CIMB UOB 18.98 23.32 Outperform
06/03/10 CIMB UOB 18.46 23.32 Outperform PB1.5x
07/05/10 CIMB UOB 19.6 23.32 Outperform PB1.9x
08/11/10 CIMB UOB 19.3 21.37 Outperform PB1.77x
10/28/10 CIMB UOB 18.76 21.37 Outperform PB1.77x, Gordon Growth Model
11/16/10 CIMB UOB 18.48 20.83 Outperform PB1.55x & GGM

11/02/10 Credit Suisse UOB 18.6 23 Neutral

02/04/10 DBS Vickers UOB 18.54 21.2 Buy
03/01/10 DBS Vickers UOB 18.64 21.2 Buy Gordon Growth Model
03/04/10 DBS Vickers UOB 18.2 21.2 Buy
04/08/10 DBS Vickers UOB 19.8 22.2 Buy BV1.8x
04/15/10 DBS Vickers UOB 20.88 22.2 Buy PB1.8x
05/03/10 DBS Vickers UOB 20.32 22.2 Buy PB1.8x
05/10/10 DBS Vickers UOB 18.72 22.2 Buy Gordon Growth Model
05/19/10 DBS Vickers UOB 19.2 22.2 Buy Gordon Growth Model, PB1.8x
06/01/10 DBS Vickers UOB 18.1 22.2 Buy
07/22/10 DBS Vickers UOB 19.26 22.2 Buy PB1.8x
08/11/10 DBS Vickers UOB 19.3 22.8 Buy Gordon Growth Model
09/02/10 DBS Vickers UOB 18.9 22.8 Buy
11/01/10 DBS Vickers UOB 18.64 22.8 Buy Gordon Growth Model
11/18/10 DBS Vickers UOB 18.3 21.5 Buy PB1.8x, PER13x, GGM

02/27/10 DMG & Partners UOB 18.64 22.3 Buy PB1.9x
04/01/10 DMG & Partners UOB 19.44 22.3 Buy
05/07/10 DMG & Partners UOB 19.14 22.3 Buy
05/10/10 DMG & Partners UOB 18.72 21.5 Buy PB1.8x
05/11/10 DMG & Partners UOB 18.72 21.5 Buy PB1.8x
07/15/10 DMG & Partners UOB 19.88 21.5 Buy
08/11/10 DMG & Partners UOB 19.3 21.5 Buy PB1.8x
08/12/10 DMG & Partners UOB 18.92 21.5 Neutral PB1.8x
10/29/10 DMG & Partners UOB 18.6 21.5 Under Review
11/01/10 DMG & Partners UOB 18.64 22 Buy

09/02/10 Goldman Sachs UOB 18.9 20.8 Neutral

08/26/10 JP Morgan UOB 18.42 22 Overweight

01/07/10 Kim Eng UOB 19.9 23 Buy
03/01/10 Kim Eng UOB 18.64 21.8 Buy PB1.8x
03/08/10 Kim Eng UOB 17.86 21.8 Buy PB1.8x
05/10/10 Kim Eng UOB 18.72 22.3 Buy PB1.8x
11/01/10 Kim Eng UOB 18.64 20.5 Hold PB1.5x
11/22/10 Kim Eng UOB 18.32 20.48 Buy PB1.6x

05/10/10 OCBC UOB 18.72 19.4 Hold
08/11/10 OCBC UOB 19.3 19.4 Hold

01/07/10 phillip UOB 19.9 23 Buy NAV2x
03/01/10 phillip UOB 18.64 23 Buy Gordon Growth Model, PB1.94x
05/03/10 phillip UOB 20.32 23 Buy Gordon Growth Model
05/10/10 phillip UOB 18.72 23 Buy Gordon Growth Model
08/11/10 phillip UOB 19.3 20.12 Hold
11/01/10 phillip UOB 18.64 20.12 Hold
12/01/10 phillip UOB 18.5 20.12 Buy

Sunday, December 5, 2010

United Envirotech - Buy calls from analysts.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

07/09/10 DMG & Partners United Envirotech 0.375 0.53 Buy PER12x
07/12/10 DMG & Partners United Envirotech 0.385 0.53 Buy
09/17/10 DMG & Partners United Envirotech 0.49 0.53 Buy PER12x
09/20/10 DMG & Partners United Envirotech 0.49 0.66 Buy PER12x
10/22/10 DMG & Partners United Envirotech 0.48 0.635 Buy PER12x
11/02/10 DMG & Partners United Envirotech 0.455 0.635 Buy PER12x

06/30/10 OCBC United Envirotech 0.38 0.52 Buy FCFE Model
08/11/10 OCBC United Envirotech 0.41 0.52 Buy DCF
09/02/10 OCBC United Envirotech 0.37 0.52 Buy
09/09/10 OCBC United Envirotech 0.42 0.52 Buy
09/28/10 OCBC United Envirotech 0.475 0.63 Buy
11/05/10 OCBC United Envirotech 0.465 0.69 Buy

Saturday, December 4, 2010

United Engineers - CIMB supports this stock!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

01/06/10 CIMB United Engineers 1.87 2.83 Outperform RNAV
02/25/10 CIMB United Engineers 1.99 2.83 Outperform RNAV
03/31/10 CIMB United Engineers 2.27 3.22 Outperform RNAV
04/06/10 CIMB United Engineers 2.51 3.34 Outperform RNAV
04/16/10 CIMB United Engineers 2.57 3.34 Outperform
05/10/10 CIMB United Engineers 2.23 3.34 Outperform RNAV
05/18/10 CIMB United Engineers 2.31 3.34 Outperform
06/14/10 CIMB United Engineers 2.24 3.34 Outperform
08/13/10 CIMB United Engineers 2.26 2.74 Outperform RNAV (20% discount)
11/11/10 CIMB United Engineers 2.59 3.03 Outperform RNAV (20% discount)
12/03/10 CIMB United Engineers 2.67 3.21 Outperform RNAV (15% discount)

UIC - Hold calls by analysts!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/17/10 DBS Vickers UIC 1.9 2.04 Hold RNAV (5% discount)
03/08/10 DBS Vickers UIC 2.01 2.04 Hold
06/16/10 DBS Vickers UIC 2.13 2.16 Hold
07/16/10 DBS Vickers UIC 2.12 2.16 Hold
08/10/10 DBS Vickers UIC 2.15 2.1 Hold RNAV (10% discount)

11/16/10 OCBC UIC 2.37 2.21 Hold

Friday, December 3, 2010

TTJ - Neutral call by CIMB

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

11/25/10 CIMB TTJ 0.19 0.17 Neutral PER6x

Trek2000 - Buy call from DMG.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

04/22/10 DMG & Partners Trek2000 0.285 0.39 Buy PER5.6x
04/23/10 DMG & Partners Trek2000 0.345 0.49 Buy PER5.6x
05/11/10 DMG & Partners Trek2000 0.325 0.385 Buy
05/13/10 DMG & Partners Trek2000 0.3 0.39 Buy PER5.6x
08/13/10 DMG & Partners Trek2000 0.3 0.39 Buy PER5.6x
09/02/10 DMG & Partners Trek2000 0.295 0.39 Buy

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Treasury China - Outperform call by CIMB

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

10/06/10 CIMB Treasury China 1.55 1.83 Outperform RNAV (30% discount)

TPV - Target price was downgraded by CIMB

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/01/10 CIMB TPV 0.83 1.22 Outperform PB1.2x
03/10/10 CIMB TPV 0.93 1.29 Outperform PER11x
05/18/10 CIMB TPV 0.92 1.25 Outperform
05/31/10 CIMB TPV 0.87 1.25 Outperform PER11x
06/04/10 CIMB TPV 0.9 1.25 Outperform PER11x
06/07/10 CIMB TPV 0.92 1.25 Outperform PER11x
08/25/10 CIMB TPV 0.83 1.25 Outperform PER11x
08/27/10 CIMB TPV 0.795 1.25 Outperform PER11x
10/13/10 CIMB TPV 0.82 1.03 Outperform PB0.95x
11/22/10 CIMB TPV 0.825 1.01 Outperform PB0.95x
11/25/10 CIMB TPV 0.84 1.01 Outperform PB0.95x

06/04/10 Lim & Tan TPV 0.9 0 Buy
06/10/10 Lim & Tan TPV 0.9 0 Buy
11/25/10 Lim & Tan TPV 0.84 0 Buy

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tiong Woon - Analysts dislike this stock!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/11/10 AmFraser Tiong Woon 0.52 0.69 Hold
05/12/10 AmFraser Tiong Woon 0.49 0.44 Sell
08/27/10 AmFraser Tiong Woon 0.42 0.55 Hold

01/04/10 CIMB Tiong Woon 0.64 0.73 Neutral PER7.2x
02/11/10 CIMB Tiong Woon 0.52 0.56 Underperform PER7.2x
04/01/10 CIMB Tiong Woon 0.515 0.56 Underperform PER7.2x
05/12/10 CIMB Tiong Woon 0.485 0.37 Underperform PER7.2x
08/26/10 CIMB Tiong Woon 0.4 0.37 Underperform PER7.2x
11/15/10 CIMB Tiong Woon 0.425 0.32 Underperform PER7.2x

02/11/10 DMG & Partners Tiong Woon 0.515 0.72 Buy
04/06/10 DMG & Partners Tiong Woon 0.54 0.72 Buy
05/13/10 DMG & Partners Tiong Woon 0.49 0.53 Neutral PER7.1x
08/31/10 DMG & Partners Tiong Woon 0.41 0.45 Neutral PER6.7x

Tiong Seng - DBS Vickers loves this stock!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

08/26/10 DBS Vickers Tiong Seng 0.24 0.36 Buy RNAV (30% discount)
09/27/10 DBS Vickers Tiong Seng 0.28 0.36 Buy
11/09/10 DBS Vickers Tiong Seng 0.26 0.36 Buy Sum of parts (30% discount)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tiger Airways - Can tiger really fly?

04/14/10 Citigroup Tiger Airways 1.89 2.4 Buy

09/23/10 CLSA Tiger Airways 2.15 2.46 Outperform

03/10/10 DBS Vickers Tiger Airways 1.62 2.1 Buy PER12x
04/14/10 DBS Vickers Tiger Airways 1.88 2.1 Buy PER15x
04/15/10 DBS Vickers Tiger Airways 1.89 2.1 Buy PER15x
05/11/10 DBS Vickers Tiger Airways 1.62 2.1 Buy PER15x
05/17/10 DBS Vickers Tiger Airways 1.8 2.25 Buy PER15x
06/04/10 DBS Vickers Tiger Airways 1.77 2.25 Buy
07/14/10 DBS Vickers Tiger Airways 1.82 2.25 Buy
07/28/10 DBS Vickers Tiger Airways 1.97 2.25 Buy
08/06/10 DBS Vickers Tiger Airways 2.24 2 Hold
11/03/10 DBS Vickers Tiger Airways 1.88 1.9 Hold PER15x

07/15/10 DMG & Partners Tiger Airways 1.82 2.45 Buy
08/02/10 DMG & Partners Tiger Airways 2.05 2.45 Buy PER18.3x
08/03/10 DMG & Partners Tiger Airways 2.05 2.45 Buy PER18.3x
08/10/10 DMG & Partners Tiger Airways 2.07 2.45 Buy
08/12/10 DMG & Partners Tiger Airways 1.96 2.45 Buy
08/23/10 DMG & Partners Tiger Airways 1.92 2.13 Buy PER16.5x
09/15/10 DMG & Partners Tiger Airways 1.95 2.13 Buy
09/17/10 DMG & Partners Tiger Airways 1.99 2.13 Buy
10/07/10 DMG & Partners Tiger Airways 2 2 Neutral
10/13/10 DMG & Partners Tiger Airways 2 2 Neutral
10/29/10 DMG & Partners Tiger Airways 1.79 2 Neutral
11/04/10 DMG & Partners Tiger Airways 1.93 2 Neutral PER16.5x
11/11/10 DMG & Partners Tiger Airways 1.9 2 Neutral
11/16/10 DMG & Partners Tiger Airways 1.86 2 Neutral

08/19/10 Lim & Tan Tiger Airways 1.98 0 Hold Buy @ $1.80-1.90
10/04/10 Lim & Tan Tiger Airways 2.04 0 Hold

Thomson Medical - Just accept the offer from Mr. Peter Lim

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

04/12/10 AmFraser Thomson Medical 0.7 0.77 Accumulate
07/13/10 AmFraser Thomson Medical 0.72 0.795 Accumulate

01/12/10 DMG & Partners Thomson Medical 0.7 0.78 Buy PER16x
04/09/10 DMG & Partners Thomson Medical 0.695 0.78 Buy
04/13/10 DMG & Partners Thomson Medical 0.705 0.78 Buy PER16x
07/13/10 DMG & Partners Thomson Medical 0.72 0.88 Buy PER16x
09/21/10 DMG & Partners Thomson Medical 0.99 0.94 Neutral PER16x
10/27/10 DMG & Partners Thomson Medical 1.01 0.94 Neutral
11/01/10 DMG & Partners Thomson Medical 1.08 1.75 Accept Offer PER30x

09/17/10 Standard Chart Thomson Medical 0.965 1.1 Outperform PER19x

Monday, November 29, 2010

Think Environment - Not worth thinking about this, Sell call by DMG.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

05/31/10 DMG & Partners Think Environment 0.425 0.33 Sell Sum of parts
06/01/10 DMG & Partners Think Environment 0.425 0.33 Sell Sum of parts
07/15/10 DMG & Partners Think Environment 0.4 0.33 Sell
07/20/10 DMG & Partners Think Environment 0.405 0.33 Sell
07/21/10 DMG & Partners Think Environment 0.405 0.35 Sell Sum of parts

Techcomp - Buy call by Westcomb.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

03/18/10 Westcomb Techcomp 0.475 0.94 Buy PER10x

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Market analyses for US market (Dow Jones Industrial Average Index), Japan market (Nikkei 225 Index), Hong Kong market (Hang Seng Index), Singapore market (Straits Times Index)

The chart dated 26/11/10 above indicated that funds were still flowing out of US market after the announcement of QE2 and this was in synchronize with the fall in DJIA index.  As stated before in my earlier postings, the market won't be able to sustain the rally if the average trading volumes kept falling.

The chart dated 26/11/10 above indicated that funds were flowing into the Japan market as indicated by the 100-day average trading volumes and this continued even after the announcement of QE2 in US.  This inflow of funds bodes well for Japan market as this will keep the rally sustainable.

The chart dated 26/11/10 above depicted that investors stopped pulling out funds 3 months ago and started to invest in HK market again as shown by the 100-day average trading volumes which helped to propel HSI to a new high recently.  As HSI is weighted heavily towards property and financial sectors, it will be interesting to observe the future trend after the recent anti-speculative measures in the property sector.

The chart dated 26/11/10 above showed that funds had been coming into Singapore market which aided the recent high closing of STI.  The recent falls in STI were due to concerns in the US & Europe and it seemed that investors were buying on the dips as the average trading volumes kept on increasing.

Tat Hong - Downgraded by all analysts!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

11/16/10 AmFraser Tat Hong 1.02 0.94 Hold

04/01/10 CIMB Tat Hong 0.87 0.87 Underperform PER7x
04/16/10 CIMB Tat Hong 0.95 1.24 Outperform PER10x
05/25/10 CIMB Tat Hong 0.89 1.24 Outperform PER10x
07/16/10 CIMB Tat Hong 0.94 1.24 Outperform PER10x
07/28/10 CIMB Tat Hong 0.99 1.21 Outperform PER10x
08/16/10 CIMB Tat Hong 0.92 1.21 Outperform PER10x
08/30/10 CIMB Tat Hong 0.9 1.29 Outperform PER10x
11/15/10 CIMB Tat Hong 1.04 1.13 Neutral PER10x

11/18/10 CLSA Tat Hong 0.99 1.06 Underperform

02/17/10 DBS Vickers Tat Hong 0.96 0.89 Fully Valued NTA0.9x, PER9x
05/25/10 DBS Vickers Tat Hong 0.885 1.11 Buy PER10x, PB1.2x
07/16/10 DBS Vickers Tat Hong 0.935 1.11 Buy PER12x
09/27/10 DBS Vickers Tat Hong 1 1.11 Buy
11/16/10 DBS Vickers Tat Hong 1.02 1.08 Hold PER12x

02/17/10 OCBC Tat Hong 0.96 1.02 Hold NTA1.2x
03/24/10 OCBC Tat Hong 0.88 1.02 Hold
05/25/10 OCBC Tat Hong 0.85 0.975 Buy PER10x
05/31/10 OCBC Tat Hong 0.895 0.975 Buy
08/16/10 OCBC Tat Hong 0.92 1.03 Buy PER10x
09/02/10 OCBC Tat Hong 0.91 1.03 Buy
09/03/10 OCBC Tat Hong 0.93 1.03 Buy
09/17/10 OCBC Tat Hong 0.98 1.1 Buy PER10x
11/16/10 OCBC Tat Hong 1.02 0.99 Hold PER10x

Synear - Downgraded by Lim & Tan

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

05/06/10 Lim & Tan Synear 0.285 0 Buy
08/03/10 Lim & Tan Synear 0.265 0 Hold

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Swing Media - DMG loves this stock very much.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

01/14/10 DMG & Partners Swing Media 0.065 0.105 Buy PB0.7x
03/11/10 DMG & Partners Swing Media 0.06 0.105 Buy PB0.7x
03/17/10 DMG & Partners Swing Media 0.065 0.105 Buy
04/07/10 DMG & Partners Swing Media 0.065 0.105 Buy PB1.1x
04/12/10 DMG & Partners Swing Media 0.07 0.105 Buy PB1.1x
07/06/10 DMG & Partners Swing Media 0.045 0.105 Buy PB0.95x

Friday, November 26, 2010

Swiber - Buy calls from all analysts!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

03/02/10 AmFraser Swiber 1.08 1.3 Buy PER16x

01/21/10 CIMB Swiber 1.15 1.72 Outperform PER12x
02/05/10 CIMB Swiber 1.04 1.72 Outperform PER12x
03/02/10 CIMB Swiber 1.07 1.65 Outperform PER12x
04/06/10 CIMB Swiber 1.13 1.65 Outperform PER12x
05/03/10 CIMB Swiber 1.15 1.65 Outperform PER12x
05/14/10 CIMB Swiber 1.09 1.65 Outperform PER12x
05/18/10 CIMB Swiber 1.09 1.65 Outperform
05/21/10 CIMB Swiber 1 1.65 Outperform PER12x
05/31/10 CIMB Swiber 0.96 1.65 Outperform
06/08/10 CIMB Swiber 0.92 1.65 Outperform
08/06/10 CIMB Swiber 1.04 1.65 Outperform
08/16/10 CIMB Swiber 1.01 1.42 Outperform PER12x
08/19/10 CIMB Swiber 0.99 1.42 Outperform
09/08/10 CIMB Swiber 1 1.42 Outperform PER12x
11/12/10 CIMB Swiber 1.08 1.37 Outperform PER12x

01/04/10 DBS Vickers Swiber 1.02 1.24 Buy PER5.9x
05/17/10 DBS Vickers Swiber 1.09 1.42 Buy PER10x
11/09/10 DBS Vickers Swiber 1.08 1.28 Buy PER10x
11/15/10 DBS Vickers Swiber 1.04 1.28 Buy PER10x

06/10/10 DMG & Partners Swiber 0.91 1.35 Buy PER10x
06/14/10 DMG & Partners Swiber 0.99 1.35 Buy PER10x
08/16/10 DMG & Partners Swiber 1.01 1.35 Buy PER10x
08/17/10 DMG & Partners Swiber 1.01 1.35 Buy PER10x
11/03/10 DMG & Partners Swiber 1.04 1.35 Buy
11/15/10 DMG & Partners Swiber 1.04 1.25 Buy

09/02/10 Dnb Nor Swiber 0.96 1.5 Buy

01/04/10 OCBC Swiber 1.02 1.1 Hold PER9x
02/19/10 OCBC Swiber 1.05 1.1 Hold
03/03/10 OCBC Swiber 1.03 1.1 Hold
03/05/10 OCBC Swiber 1.03 1.1 Hold
03/26/10 OCBC Swiber 1.05 1.1 Hold
05/06/10 OCBC Swiber 1.12 1.1 Hold
05/17/10 OCBC Swiber 1.09 1.38 Buy PER11x
05/20/10 OCBC Swiber 0.985 1.38 Buy
06/09/10 OCBC Swiber 0.925 1.38 Buy
06/14/10 OCBC Swiber 0.945 1.38 Buy
07/08/10 OCBC Swiber 0.97 1.38 Buy
07/15/10 OCBC Swiber 1.01 1.38 Buy
08/17/10 OCBC Swiber 0.995 1.33 Buy
09/02/10 OCBC Swiber 0.96 1.33 Buy
09/13/10 OCBC Swiber 1.01 1.38 Buy
09/27/10 OCBC Swiber 1.08 1.33 Buy
10/04/10 OCBC Swiber 1.07 1.33 Buy
11/12/10 OCBC Swiber 1.08 1.33 Buy Under Review
11/15/10 OCBC Swiber 1.04 1.33 Buy PER11x

Super Group - Do people still appreciate coffee now?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

04/30/10 DMG & Partners Super Coffeemix 0.815 1.1 Buy PER11.3x
05/17/10 DMG & Partners Super Coffeemix 0.93 1.1 Buy
05/26/10 DMG & Partners Super Coffeemix 0.82 1.1 Buy
08/12/10 DMG & Partners Super Coffeemix 0.905 1.1 Buy
08/25/10 DMG & Partners Super Coffeemix 0.895 1.1 Buy
09/03/10 DMG & Partners Super Coffeemix 0.955 1.06 Buy PER11x
11/15/10 DMG & Partners Super Group / Coffeemix 1.31 1.24 Neutral PER14.6x

05/04/10 Kim Eng Super Coffeemix 0.875 1.33 Buy Sum of parts
05/17/10 Kim Eng Super Coffeemix 0.925 1.33 Buy Sum of parts
08/12/10 Kim Eng Super Coffeemix 0.905 1.37 Buy Sum of parts
11/12/10 Kim Eng Super Group / Coffeemix 1.31 1.81 Buy

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Baltic Dry Index (BDI) - 2199 now!


The index, which gauges the cost of shipping commodities including iron ore, cement, grain, coal and fertiliser, rose 0.92 per cent, or 20 points, to 2,199 in a second session of gains after falling for 17 straight sessions previously.

End Quote

Sunvic Chemical - Target price is being upgraded this month.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

09/15/10 phillip Sunvic Chemical 0.385 0.6 Buy PER5.5x
11/11/10 phillip Sunvic Chemical 0.675 0.95 Buy PER6x

Suntec Reit - Is this a good reit?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/02/10 CIMB Suntec Reit 1.3 1.59 Outperform
03/25/10 CIMB Suntec Reit 1.35 1.59 Outperform
04/19/10 CIMB Suntec Reit 1.39 1.59 Outperform
04/28/10 CIMB Suntec Reit 1.38 1.59 Outperform DDM
05/18/10 CIMB Suntec Reit 1.31 1.59 Outperform
05/20/10 CIMB Suntec Reit 1.3 1.6 Outperform DDM
06/15/10 CIMB Suntec Reit 1.31 1.6 Outperform
07/23/10 CIMB Suntec Reit 1.44 1.6 Outperform DDM
10/27/10 CIMB Suntec Reit 1.56 1.63 Outperform
11/09/10 CIMB Suntec Reit 1.54 1.55 Neutral DDM
11/18/10 CIMB Suntec Reit 1.47 1.55 Neutral DDM

01/26/10 DBS Vickers Suntec Reit 1.33 1.47 Buy DCF
06/08/10 DBS Vickers Suntec Reit 1.3 1.47 Buy DCF
08/18/10 DBS Vickers Suntec Reit 1.4 1.55 Buy
08/23/10 DBS Vickers Suntec Reit 1.39 1.55 Buy
08/31/10 DBS Vickers Suntec Reit 1.4 1.55 Buy
09/27/10 DBS Vickers Suntec Reit 1.53 1.55 Hold
10/27/10 DBS Vickers Suntec Reit 1.56 1.66 Buy

01/25/10 DMG & Partners Suntec Reit 1.33 1.56 Buy Div Yield 6.5%
03/02/10 DMG & Partners Suntec Reit 1.29 1.56 Buy DDM
04/28/10 DMG & Partners Suntec Reit 1.38 1.56 Buy DDM
07/23/10 DMG & Partners Suntec Reit 1.44 1.71 Buy DDM
08/12/10 DMG & Partners Suntec Reit 1.37 1.71 Buy
09/24/10 DMG & Partners Suntec Reit 1.5 1.71 Buy
10/28/10 DMG & Partners Suntec Reit 1.56 1.71 Buy DDM

10/28/10 JP Morgan Suntec Reit 1.54 1.35 Underweight

01/04/10 OCBC Suntec Reit 1.35 1.4 Buy
02/01/10 OCBC Suntec Reit 1.3 1.44 Buy
03/04/10 OCBC Suntec Reit 1.33 1.44 Buy
04/14/10 OCBC Suntec Reit 1.4 1.44 Buy
05/12/10 OCBC Suntec Reit 1.3 1.44 Buy
06/14/10 OCBC Suntec Reit 1.3 1.44 Buy
07/12/10 OCBC Suntec Reit 1.37 1.44 Buy
09/30/10 OCBC Suntec Reit 1.5 1.44 Hold
10/08/10 OCBC Suntec Reit 1.51 1.44 Hold
10/28/10 OCBC Suntec Reit 1.54 1.64 Buy
11/09/10 OCBC Suntec Reit 1.54 1.64 Buy Under Review
11/19/10 OCBC Suntec Reit 1.45 1.63 Buy

01/26/10 phillip Suntec Reit 1.33 1.21 Hold
04/29/10 phillip Suntec Reit 1.37 1.34 Hold
07/23/10 phillip Suntec Reit 1.44 1.34 Hold
10/27/10 phillip Suntec Reit 1.56 1.34 Hold

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Baltic Dry Index (BDI) - 2179 now!


The index, which gauges the cost of shipping commodities including iron ore, cement, grain, coal, and fertiliser, rose 1.11 per cent, or 24 points, to 2,179 points in the first gain since Oct 28. The index had fallen for 17 straight sessions previously, dropping over 20 per cent.

End Quote

First was Greece, then came Ireland, so who's next?

It seems that the financial problems in EU are deep rooted and are spreading insidiously across Europe.

First, it was Greece to be bailed out.  Then, Ireland also started to seek bailout recently.  Just how many more countries can IMF and EU save?  Portugal and Spain are still struggling now but the last draw will be the collapse of Spain.

Why? Well, the financial strains in Spain are twice bigger than the problems of Greece, Ireland & Portugal added together.

Sunpower - This stock has the power of the sun.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

08/11/10 phillip Sunpower 0.29 0.46 Buy 58.62068966
11/12/10 phillip Sunpower 0.325 0.56 Buy 72.30769231 PER13.3x

STX Pan Ocean - Not a good shipper!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/22/10 CIMB STX Pan Ocean 13.8 17.3 Outperform Sum of parts
05/14/10 CIMB STX Pan Ocean 15 17.3 Outperform Sum of parts
05/18/10 CIMB STX Pan Ocean 15 17.3 Outperform
08/13/10 CIMB STX Pan Ocean 13.6 13.9 Neutral Sum of parts (10% discount)
08/16/10 CIMB STX Pan Ocean 13.88 13.9 Neutral Sum of parts (10% discount)
11/12/10 CIMB STX Pan Ocean 15.52 13.9 Underperform Sum of parts (10% discount)
11/15/10 CIMB STX Pan Ocean 14.62 13.85 Underperform Sum of parts (10% discount)

02/22/10 DBS Vickers STX Pan Ocean 13.8 10.5 Fully Valued PB0.7x

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Straits Asia - No longer in favour?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

01/13/10 CIMB Straits Asia 2.6 3.37 Trading Buy DCF
03/08/10 CIMB Straits Asia 1.99 2.09 Neutral DCF
08/16/10 CIMB Straits Asia 2.08 1.95 Underperform DCF
11/03/10 CIMB Straits Asia 2.32 2.01 Underperform DCF

01/19/10 DBS Vickers Straits Asia 2.57 3.35 Buy DCF
02/25/10 DBS Vickers Straits Asia 2.14 3.2 Buy DCF
10/08/10 DBS Vickers Straits Asia 2.34 2.3 Hold DCF
11/04/10 DBS Vickers Straits Asia 2.33 2.3 Hold DCF

04/08/10 DMG & Partners Straits Asia 1.19 1.4 Buy PER15x
04/12/10 DMG & Partners Straits Asia 2.21 2.08 Neutral DCF
04/29/10 DMG & Partners Straits Asia 2.04 2.08 Neutral DCF, PER11.4x
06/17/10 DMG & Partners Straits Asia 2.04 2.08 Neutral DCF, PER11.4x
08/16/10 DMG & Partners Straits Asia 2.08 2.08 Neutral DCF
08/23/10 DMG & Partners Straits Asia 2.13 2.1 Neutral DCF, PER11.5x
11/03/10 DMG & Partners Straits Asia 2.32 2.1 Neutral DCF, PER11.5x
11/08/10 DMG & Partners Straits Asia 2.35 2.1 Neutral DCF, PER11.5x

08/02/10 Merrill Lynch Straits Asia 2.14 2.87 Buy DCF

11/04/10 Nomura Straits Asia 2.33 2.8 Buy

01/20/10 OCBC Straits Asia 2.57 2.49 Hold
02/25/10 OCBC Straits Asia 2.14 1.73 Sell
03/05/10 OCBC Straits Asia 1.97 1.76 Sell
03/10/10 OCBC Straits Asia 2.12 1.76 Sell
04/27/10 OCBC Straits Asia 2.11 1.76 Sell
04/29/10 OCBC Straits Asia 2.04 1.8 Sell
06/03/10 OCBC Straits Asia 1.85 1.82 Hold DCF
06/15/10 OCBC Straits Asia 2.01 1.82 Hold
07/09/10 OCBC Straits Asia 1.95 1.85 Hold DCF
08/18/10 OCBC Straits Asia 2.04 2.08 Hold
09/08/10 OCBC Straits Asia 2.1 2.08 Hold
10/06/10 OCBC Straits Asia 2.33 2.24 Hold

STATS - Sell call by Lim & Tan

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

01/05/10 Lim & Tan STATS 1.09 0 Buy
04/28/10 Lim & Tan STATS 1.15 0 Buy
05/24/10 Lim & Tan STATS 0.97 0 Buy
06/09/10 Lim & Tan STATS 1.07 0 Buy
06/14/10 Lim & Tan STATS 1.08 0 Buy
06/16/10 Lim & Tan STATS 1.07 0 Buy
06/18/10 Lim & Tan STATS 1.08 0 Buy
08/02/10 Lim & Tan STATS 1.15 0 Buy
08/05/10 Lim & Tan STATS 1.23 0 Buy
10/29/10 Lim & Tan STATS 0.985 0 Sell

Monday, November 22, 2010

Starhub - It looks like this stock is no better than Singtel.

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

05/07/10 AmFraser Starhub 2.27 1.88 Sell
05/10/10 AmFraser Starhub 2.19 1.88 Sell
08/06/10 AmFraser Starhub 2.33 1.88 Sell

02/05/10 CIMB Starhub 2.17 2.14 Underperform DCF
03/05/10 CIMB Starhub 2.17 2.14 Underperform
04/15/10 CIMB Starhub 2.38 2.14 Underperform
05/12/10 CIMB Starhub 2.18 2.14 Underperform
05/18/10 CIMB Starhub 2.23 2.14 Underperform
05/19/10 CIMB Starhub 2.27 2.14 Underperform
08/06/10 CIMB Starhub 2.33 2.14 Underperform DCF
08/30/10 CIMB Starhub 2.38 2.14 Underperform
09/03/10 CIMB Starhub 2.52 2.14 Underperform DCF
10/18/10 CIMB Starhub 2.62 2.24 Underperform DCF
11/10/10 CIMB Starhub 2.8 2.5 Underperform DCF

01/05/10 DBS Vickers Starhub 2.17 2.06 Fully Valued PER12x
02/05/10 DBS Vickers Starhub 2.17 2.06 Fully Valued PER12x
03/15/10 DBS Vickers Starhub 2.15 2.06 Fully Valued
05/07/10 DBS Vickers Starhub 2.27 2.06 Fully Valued
07/28/10 DBS Vickers Starhub 2.31 2.2 Fully Valued DCF
07/30/10 DBS Vickers Starhub 2.35 2.2 Fully Valued
08/06/10 DBS Vickers Starhub 2.33 2.2 Fully Valued DCF
08/18/10 DBS Vickers Starhub 2.38 2.2 Fully Valued
09/01/10 DBS Vickers Starhub 2.46 2.2 Fully Valued
09/03/10 DBS Vickers Starhub 2.52 2.2 Fully Valued
09/07/10 DBS Vickers Starhub 2.49 2.2 Fully Valued
11/04/10 DBS Vickers Starhub 2.76 2.2 Sell DCF

02/05/10 DMG & Partners Starhub 2.17 2.2 Neutral DCF
04/09/10 DMG & Partners Starhub 2.35 2.2 Neutral
04/28/10 DMG & Partners Starhub 2.38 2.2 Neutral
05/07/10 DMG & Partners Starhub 2.27 2.15 Neutral DCF
05/10/10 DMG & Partners Starhub 2.19 2.15 Neutral
07/22/10 DMG & Partners Starhub 2.32 2.15 Neutral
08/06/10 DMG & Partners Starhub 2.32 2.15 Neutral
09/01/10 DMG & Partners Starhub 2.46 2.15 Neutral
09/02/10 DMG & Partners Starhub 2.46 2.15 Neutral
09/07/10 DMG & Partners Starhub 2.49 2.15 Neutral
11/10/10 DMG & Partners Starhub 2.8 2.85 Neutral DCF

02/05/10 Kim Eng Starhub 2.17 1.8 Sell PER10x
03/18/10 Kim Eng Starhub 2.23 1.8 Sell
08/06/10 Kim Eng Starhub 2.33 2.78 Buy PER15x
10/06/10 Kim Eng Starhub 2.6 2.78 Buy
11/10/10 Kim Eng Starhub 2.8 3.27 Buy Yield 5.5%

01/29/10 OCBC Starhub 2.1 2.29 Buy
02/05/10 OCBC Starhub 2.17 2.29 Buy
03/30/10 OCBC Starhub 2.3 2.44 Buy DCF
05/19/10 OCBC Starhub 2.27 2.32 Buy 8.8% Div Yield
06/16/10 OCBC Starhub 2.24 2.32 Buy Div Yield 8.8%
07/06/10 OCBC Starhub 2.29 2.32 Buy
07/28/10 OCBC Starhub 2.31 2.32 Buy Div Yield 8.8%
09/01/10 OCBC Starhub 2.46 2.41 Buy Div Yield 7.3%
09/02/10 OCBC Starhub 2.46 2.41 Buy
10/11/10 OCBC Starhub 2.57 2.58 Buy Div Yield 7%

02/05/10 phillip Starhub 2.17 2.05 Hold DCF
05/07/10 phillip Starhub 2.27 1.92 Sell
08/06/10 phillip Starhub 2.33 2.16 Hold DCF
09/03/10 phillip Starhub 2.52 2.41 Hold
11/10/10 phillip Starhub 2.8 2.63 Hold

ST Engineering - This company covers businesses from the air, sea & land!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/19/10 CIMB ST Engineering 3.19 2.98 Underperform PER20.1x
04/01/10 CIMB ST Engineering 3.19 3.62 Outperform PER18.5x
05/05/10 CIMB ST Engineering 3.13 3.62 Outperform Blended (PER, DCF, Div Yield)
05/18/10 CIMB ST Engineering 3.22 3.62 Outperform
08/04/10 CIMB ST Engineering 3.26 3.62 Outperform
11/10/10 CIMB ST Engineering 3.47 3.88 Outperform DCF & PER

01/06/10 DBS Vickers ST Engineering 3.27 3.8 Buy PER23x
01/18/10 DBS Vickers ST Engineering 3.22 3.8 Buy
02/19/10 DBS Vickers ST Engineering 3.19 3.6 Buy
05/05/10 DBS Vickers ST Engineering 3.13 3.55 Buy
08/04/10 DBS Vickers ST Engineering 3.26 3.55 Buy
08/20/10 DBS Vickers ST Engineering 3.15 3.55 Buy
11/10/10 DBS Vickers ST Engineering 3.47 3.85 Buy Sum of parts

05/05/10 DMG & Partners ST Engineering 3.13 3.15 Hold PER19.9x

02/19/10 Kim Eng ST Engineering 3.19 3.15 Hold PER19x
04/01/10 Kim Eng ST Engineering 3.19 3.15 Hold PER19.3x
04/09/10 Kim Eng ST Engineering 3.28 3.15 Hold PER15x
08/04/10 Kim Eng ST Engineering 3.26 3.15 Hold PER20x
09/30/10 Kim Eng ST Engineering 3.37 3.15 Hold
11/10/10 Kim Eng ST Engineering 3.47 3.15 Hold

08/04/10 Macquarie ST Engineering 3.26 3.8 Outperform

09/20/10 OCBC ST Engineering 3.32 3.66 Buy PER20x
11/09/10 OCBC ST Engineering 3.4 3.66 Buy

07/15/10 phillip ST Engineering 3.28 3.64 Buy FCFE Model
08/04/10 phillip ST Engineering 3.26 3.64 Buy
09/21/10 phillip ST Engineering 3.29 3.69 Buy FCFE Model
11/10/10 phillip ST Engineering 3.47 3.88 Buy

Saturday, November 20, 2010

SPH - Is monopoly really good for this stock?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

03/15/10 CIMB SPH 3.8 4.5 Outperform Sum of parts
04/14/10 CIMB SPH 3.93 4.5 Outperform Sum of parts
05/18/10 CIMB SPH 3.84 4.5 Outperform
06/02/10 CIMB SPH 3.69 4.43 Outperform Sum of parts
07/13/10 CIMB SPH 3.93 4.47 Outperform Sum of parts
09/03/10 CIMB SPH 4.15 4.47 Outperform Sum of parts
10/13/10 CIMB SPH 4.22 4.51 Neutral Sum of parts

01/14/10 DBS Vickers SPH 3.82 4.33 Buy Div Yield 6.8%
01/14/10 DBS Vickers SPH 3.66 4.33 Buy Sum of parts
02/23/10 DBS Vickers SPH 3.73 4.33 Buy
03/05/10 DBS Vickers SPH 3.77 4.32 Buy Sum of parts
03/08/10 DBS Vickers SPH 3.8 4.32 Buy
04/14/10 DBS Vickers SPH 3.93 4.32 Buy
04/15/10 DBS Vickers SPH 3.97 4.42 Buy Sum of parts
05/27/10 DBS Vickers SPH 3.73 4.42 Buy Sum of parts
06/04/10 DBS Vickers SPH 3.79 4.42 Buy
07/13/10 DBS Vickers SPH 3.93 4.42 Buy Sum of parts
08/23/10 DBS Vickers SPH 3.98 4.42 Buy
09/08/10 DBS Vickers SPH 4.18 4.52 Buy Sum of parts
10/13/10 DBS Vickers SPH 4.22 4.37 Hold Sum of parts

04/14/10 DMG & Partners SPH 3.93 3.95 Neutral Sum of parts
07/13/10 DMG & Partners SPH 3.93 4.31 Neutral Sum of parts
10/13/10 DMG & Partners SPH 4.22 4.11 Neutral

01/14/10 Kim Eng SPH 3.66 4.47 Buy
04/14/10 Kim Eng SPH 3.93 4.61 Buy
07/13/10 Kim Eng SPH 3.93 4.62 Buy Sum of parts
09/07/10 Kim Eng SPH 4.17 4.62 Buy Sum of parts
10/13/10 Kim Eng SPH 4.22 4.7 Buy Sum of parts

01/14/10 Lim & Tan SPH 3.66 0 Buy Div Yield 6.8%
07/13/10 Lim & Tan SPH 3.93 0 Buy
09/03/10 Lim & Tan SPH 4.15 0 Buy
10/04/10 Lim & Tan SPH 4.24 0 Buy
10/13/10 Lim & Tan SPH 4.22 0 Buy Div Yield 6.4%

04/14/10 OCBC SPH 3.97 4.31 Buy Sum of parts
07/13/10 OCBC SPH 3.93 4.63 Buy Sum of parts
09/02/10 OCBC SPH 4.08 4.63 Buy

10/14/10 UOB Kay Hian SPH 4.25 4.35 Hold

Sound Global - Citigroup hated this stock!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

04/09/10 CIMB Sound Global 0.99 1.33 Outperform PER20x
04/30/10 CIMB Sound Global 0.91 1.33 Outperform
05/17/10 CIMB Sound Global 0.81 1.33 Outperform PER20x
08/10/10 CIMB Sound Global 0.78 1.08 Outperform PER14x
08/11/10 CIMB Sound Global 0.765 1.08 Outperform PER14x

07/07/10 Citigroup Sound Global 0.75 0.7 Sell PER13x

08/11/10 DBS Vickers Sound Global 0.765 0.84 Hold PER12x
08/26/10 DBS Vickers Sound Global 0.72 0.84 Hold
09/29/10 DBS Vickers Sound Global 0.81 0.96 Buy PER13.2x
11/15/10 DBS Vickers Sound Global 0.87 0.94 Hold PER14.3x

05/18/10 DMG & Partners Sound Global 0.81 1.04 Buy PER16x
05/24/10 DMG & Partners Sound Global 0.83 1.04 Buy PER16x
05/31/10 DMG & Partners Sound Global 0.78 1.04 Buy
06/11/10 DMG & Partners Sound Global 0.85 1.04 Buy
08/11/10 DMG & Partners Sound Global 0.765 0.93 Buy PER14x
11/16/10 DMG & Partners Sound Global 0.84 1.05 Buy PER14x

05/17/10 phillip Sound Global 0.81 1.1 Buy DCF
06/29/10 phillip Sound Global 0.78 1.1 Buy DCF
07/06/10 phillip Sound Global 0.77 1.04 Buy
08/11/10 phillip Sound Global 0.77 1.06 Buy DCF
09/06/10 phillip Sound Global 0.71 0.82 Hold DCF
11/16/10 phillip Sound Global 0.84 0.82 Hold DCF

Friday, November 19, 2010

Soilbuild - Accept the offer!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/01/10 OCBC Soilbuild 0.97 1.33 Buy
02/11/10 OCBC Soilbuild 1.05 1.75 Buy RNAV
03/03/10 OCBC Soilbuild 1.16 1.75 Buy
04/05/10 OCBC Soilbuild 1.47 1.75 Buy
04/15/10 OCBC Soilbuild 1.49 1.81 Buy RNAV
05/14/10 OCBC Soilbuild 1.3 1.76 Buy RNAV
06/03/10 OCBC Soilbuild 0.62 0.88 Buy RNAV
06/07/10 OCBC Soilbuild 0.65 0.88 Buy RNAV
06/16/10 OCBC Soilbuild 0.64 0.88 Buy
07/05/10 OCBC Soilbuild 0.59 0.88 Buy
07/16/10 OCBC Soilbuild 0.615 0.88 Buy
08/13/10 OCBC Soilbuild 0.62 1.76 Under Review RNAV
09/22/10 OCBC Soilbuild 0.705 0.8 Accept Offer
10/11/10 OCBC Soilbuild 0.795 0 Accept Offer
11/02/10 OCBC Soilbuild 0.79 0 Accept Offer

SMRT - A lousy transports operator?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

01/27/10 AmFraser SMRT 1.86 2.03 Buy
01/28/10 AmFraser SMRT 1.89 2.19 Buy
04/08/10 AmFraser SMRT 2.13 2.19 Hold
04/21/10 AmFraser SMRT 2.19 2.19 Hold
05/03/10 AmFraser SMRT 2.16 1.99 Hold
08/03/10 AmFraser SMRT 2.1 1.99 Hold

01/28/10 CIMB SMRT 1.89 2.26 Outperform DCF
04/21/10 CIMB SMRT 2.19 2.41 Outperform DCF
05/03/10 CIMB SMRT 2.28 2.35 Neutral DCF
05/18/10 CIMB SMRT 2.11 2.35 Neutral
08/02/10 CIMB SMRT 2.22 2.31 Buy DCF
09/17/10 CIMB SMRT 2.09 1.95 Underperform DCF

04/30/10 Citigroup SMRT 2.15 1.9 Sell PER16.4x, PB3.5x
07/30/10 Citigroup SMRT 2.1 1.9 Sell

01/05/10 DBS Vickers SMRT 1.91 2.08 Buy
01/28/10 DBS Vickers SMRT 1.89 2.08 Buy DCF, PER15x
02/23/10 DBS Vickers SMRT 1.94 2.08 Buy
05/03/10 DBS Vickers SMRT 2.28 2 Fully Valued DCF, PER15x
08/02/10 DBS Vickers SMRT 2.22 1.88 Fully Valued DCF & PER15x
08/17/10 DBS Vickers SMRT 2.1 1.88 Fully Valued
11/01/10 DBS Vickers SMRT 2.05 1.88 Fully Valued PER15x & DCF
01/28/10 DMG & Partners SMRT 1.89 2 Buy DCF, PER16.5x
04/05/10 DMG & Partners SMRT 2.05 2 Buy DCF
04/30/10 DMG & Partners SMRT 2.28 2 Neutral
05/03/10 DMG & Partners SMRT 2.28 2 Neutral PER21x
05/17/10 DMG & Partners SMRT 2.11 2 Sell
06/07/10 DMG & Partners SMRT 2.14 2 Sell
06/21/10 DMG & Partners SMRT 2.22 2 Sell
08/02/10 DMG & Partners SMRT 2.22 2 Sell PER20x
08/17/10 DMG & Partners SMRT 2.1 2 Sell
09/03/10 DMG & Partners SMRT 2.06 2 Sell
10/21/10 DMG & Partners SMRT 2.04 2.08 Neutral

03/16/10 Kim Eng SMRT 1.99 0 Buy
04/13/10 Kim Eng SMRT 2.13 2.22 Buy PER20x
04/21/10 Kim Eng SMRT 2.19 2.47 Buy
08/02/10 Kim Eng SMRT 2.22 1.57 Sell PER17x
09/28/10 Kim Eng SMRT 2.07 1.71 Sell
11/01/10 Kim Eng SMRT 2.05 1.71 Sell

01/28/10 Lim & Tan SMRT 1.89 0 Buy
04/21/10 Lim & Tan SMRT 2.19 0 Buy
08/02/10 Lim & Tan SMRT 2.22 2 Buy Buy when hit $2, Div Yield 4.4%
08/10/10 Lim & Tan SMRT 2.04 0 Buy

03/08/10 OCBC SMRT 1.96 2.05 Buy DDM
04/07/10 OCBC SMRT 2.09 2.22 Buy DDM, PER19x
05/27/10 OCBC SMRT 2.11 2.33 Buy
08/02/10 OCBC SMRT 2.22 2.16 Hold DDM
10/18/10 OCBC SMRT 2.06 2.16 Hold

03/18/10 phillip SMRT 2.01 2.19 Buy
04/28/10 phillip SMRT 2.24 2.42 Hold DCF
05/03/10 phillip SMRT 2.28 2.36 Hold DCF
05/21/10 phillip SMRT 2.1 2.36 Hold
07/20/10 phillip SMRT 2.3 2.36 Hold
08/02/10 phillip SMRT 2.22 2.18 Hold
10/25/10 phillip SMRT 2.06 2.18 Hold PER19.6x
11/01/10 phillip SMRT 2.05 2.18 Hold

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sinotel - Hold calls by analysts!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

03/02/10 AmFraser Sinotel 0.505 0.89 Accumulate PER8.9x
05/03/10 AmFraser Sinotel 0.455 0.53 Hold

01/22/10 DBS Vickers Sinotel 0.625 0.8 Buy PER8.5x
04/14/10 DBS Vickers Sinotel 0.56 0.61 Hold PER7x

05/05/10 DMG & Partners Sinotel 0.44 0.49 Neutral PER6.5x

Sinomem - Buy call from CIMB

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

03/02/10 CIMB Sinomem 0.51 1.2 Outperform Sum of parts
04/14/10 CIMB Sinomem 0.61 1.2 Outperform Sum of parts
05/17/10 CIMB Sinomem 0.53 1.2 Outperform Sum of parts
08/16/10 CIMB Sinomem 0.485 1.2 Outperform Sum of parts

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sino Grandness Food - Everyone likes this!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

10/26/10 AmFraser Sino Grandness Food 0.415 0.58 Buy PER7.5x
11/03/10 AmFraser Sino Grandness Food 0.42 0.63 Buy PER7.5x

06/29/10 DMG & Partners Sino Grandness Food 0.285 0.4 Buy
07/16/10 DMG & Partners Sino Grandness Food 0.33 0.4 Buy
08/10/10 DMG & Partners Sino Grandness Food 0.355 0.4 Buy
08/16/10 DMG & Partners Sino Grandness Food 0.345 0.5 Buy PER6x
08/17/10 DMG & Partners Sino Grandness Food 0.345 0.5 Buy Sum of parts
08/23/10 DMG & Partners Sino Grandness Food 0.36 0.5 Buy
09/13/10 DMG & Partners Sino Grandness Food 0.355 0.5 Buy
10/06/10 DMG & Partners Sino Grandness Food 0.37 0.46 Buy
10/22/10 DMG & Partners Sino Grandness Food 0.38 0.5 Buy
11/03/10 DMG & Partners Sino Grandness Food 0.42 0.56 Buy PER6x

10/04/10 Lim & Tan Sino Grandness Food 0.37 0 Buy
10/06/10 Lim & Tan Sino Grandness Food 0.37 0 Buy
10/07/10 Lim & Tan Sino Grandness Food 0.415 0 Buy

07/09/10 phillip Sino Grandness Food 0.31 0.53 Buy PER7x
08/10/10 phillip Sino Grandness Food 0.355 0.58 Buy PER7x
08/16/10 phillip Sino Grandness Food 0.345 0.58 Buy
10/07/10 phillip Sino Grandness Food 0.415 0.57 Buy PER7x
10/27/10 phillip Sino Grandness Food 0.415 0.57 Buy

Singtel - No longer the best telecom?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/02/10 AmFraser Singtel 3.01 3.05 Hold
02/09/10 AmFraser Singtel 3.01 3.05 Hold
02/18/10 AmFraser Singtel 3 3.05 Hold
05/10/10 AmFraser Singtel 2.98 3.05 Hold
05/14/10 AmFraser Singtel 2.97 3.04 Hold
08/13/10 AmFraser Singtel 2.99 2.82 Hold

01/25/10 CIMB Singtel 3.01 3.3 Underperform Sum of parts
02/04/10 CIMB Singtel 2.99 3.3 Underperform Sum of parts
02/09/10 CIMB Singtel 2.95 3.3 Underperform Sum of parts
02/10/10 CIMB Singtel 3.03 3.3 Underperform Sum of parts
03/05/10 CIMB Singtel 3.05 3.3 Underperform
04/05/10 CIMB Singtel 3.19 3.3 Underperform Sum of parts
04/05/10 CIMB Singtel 3.2 3.3 Underperform Sum of parts
04/15/10 CIMB Singtel 3.15 3.3 Underperform
04/22/10 CIMB Singtel 3.12 3.3 Neutral Sum of parts
04/29/10 CIMB Singtel 3.01 3.3 Underperform Sum of parts
05/12/10 CIMB Singtel 2.98 3.3 Underperform
05/14/10 CIMB Singtel 2.97 3 Underperform Sum of parts
05/18/10 CIMB Singtel 2.96 3 Underperform
05/19/10 CIMB Singtel 2.97 3 Underperform
06/21/10 CIMB Singtel 3.1 3 Underperform Sum of parts
06/25/10 CIMB Singtel 3.04 3 Underperform Sum of parts
08/12/10 CIMB Singtel 3.06 3 Underperform Sum of parts
08/30/10 CIMB Singtel 3 3.09 Underperform Sum of parts
09/07/10 CIMB Singtel 3.11 3.09 Underperform Sum of parts
09/13/10 CIMB Singtel 3.08 3.09 Underperform
09/23/10 CIMB Singtel 3.13 3.09 Underperform Sum of parts
10/18/10 CIMB Singtel 3.07 3.09 Underperform Sum of parts
11/09/10 CIMB Singtel 3.28 3.09 Underperform Sum of parts
11/11/10 CIMB Singtel 3.25 3.09 Underperform Sum of parts
11/12/10 CIMB Singtel 3.31 3.29 Underperform Sum of parts

09/17/10 Credit Suisse Singtel 3.09 3.84 Outperform

01/25/10 DBS Vickers Singtel 3.01 3.15 Hold Sum of parts
02/01/10 DBS Vickers Singtel 3.01 3.5 Buy Sum of parts
02/09/10 DBS Vickers Singtel 2.95 3.5 Buy
02/23/10 DBS Vickers Singtel 3.02 3.5 Buy
03/15/10 DBS Vickers Singtel 3.12 3.5 Buy
05/05/10 DBS Vickers Singtel 2.96 3.4 Buy PER12x
05/13/10 DBS Vickers Singtel 3 3.4 Buy Sum of parts
07/12/10 DBS Vickers Singtel 3.12 3.45 Buy Sum of parts
07/15/10 DBS Vickers Singtel 3.15 3.45 Buy
07/30/10 DBS Vickers Singtel 3.11 3.45 Buy
08/18/10 DBS Vickers Singtel 2.95 3.45 Buy
09/01/10 DBS Vickers Singtel 3.08 3.45 Buy
09/07/10 DBS Vickers Singtel 3.11 3.45 Buy PER12.1x

02/10/10 DMG & Partners Singtel 3.02 2.98 Neutral Sum of parts
04/28/10 DMG & Partners Singtel 3.09 2.98 Neutral
05/10/10 DMG & Partners Singtel 2.98 2.98 Neutral
05/17/10 DMG & Partners Singtel 2.97 3.01 Neutral
06/09/10 DMG & Partners Singtel 2.88 3.01 Neutral
06/11/10 DMG & Partners Singtel 2.95 3.01 Neutral
07/12/10 DMG & Partners Singtel 3.09 3.01 Neutral Sum of parts
07/22/10 DMG & Partners Singtel 3.06 3.01 Neutral
08/12/10 DMG & Partners Singtel 3.06 3.01 Neutral
08/13/10 DMG & Partners Singtel 3.01 2.98 Neutral Sum of parts
09/01/10 DMG & Partners Singtel 3.08 2.98 Neutral
09/02/10 DMG & Partners Singtel 3.08 2.98 Neutral
09/07/10 DMG & Partners Singtel 3.11 2.98 Neutral
11/11/10 DMG & Partners Singtel 3.25 2.98 Under Review
11/15/10 DMG & Partners Singtel 3.31 3.05 Neutral

11/09/10 Goldman Sachs Singtel 3.28 3.47 Buy Sum of parts

02/10/10 Kim Eng Singtel 3.03 3.42 Buy
03/18/10 Kim Eng Singtel 3.2 3.42 Buy
04/01/10 Kim Eng Singtel 3.17 3.42 Buy
05/14/10 Kim Eng Singtel 2.97 3.13 Hold PER12x
08/12/10 Kim Eng Singtel 3.06 3.13 Hold
10/06/10 Kim Eng Singtel 3.15 2.88 Hold
11/11/10 Kim Eng Singtel 3.25 0 Under Review
11/12/10 Kim Eng Singtel 3.31 3.11 Hold

02/09/10 Lim & Tan Singtel 2.95 0 Neutral
04/29/10 Lim & Tan Singtel 3.01 0 Neutral
05/13/10 Lim & Tan Singtel 3 0 Neutral
11/11/10 Lim & Tan Singtel 3.25 0 Hold

02/09/10 OCBC Singtel 2.95 3.51 Buy Sum of parts
04/26/10 OCBC Singtel 3.14 3.51 Buy
05/14/10 OCBC Singtel 2.97 3.4 Buy Sum of parts
05/19/10 OCBC Singtel 2.97 3.4 Buy 5.4% Div Yield
06/16/10 OCBC Singtel 2.98 3.4 Buy Div Yield 4.8%
07/28/10 OCBC Singtel 3.1 3.4 Buy Div Yield 4.8%
08/12/10 OCBC Singtel 3.06 3.34 Buy Sum of parts
09/01/10 OCBC Singtel 3.08 3.34 Buy Div Yield 4.2%
09/02/10 OCBC Singtel 3.08 3.34 Buy
10/11/10 OCBC Singtel 3.09 3.34 Buy Div Yield 4.2%
11/11/10 OCBC Singtel 3.25 3.34 Buy Under Review

02/10/10 phillip Singtel 3.03 3.52 Buy DCF
05/14/10 phillip Singtel 2.96 3.43 Buy DCF
08/13/10 phillip Singtel 2.99 3.43 Hold
11/12/10 phillip Singtel 3.31 3.52 Hold

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Singapore Shipping - Lim & Tan supports this stock!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

03/11/10 Lim & Tan Singapore Shipping 0.265 0 Buy

Singapore Post - Nobody sends letters anymore?

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/01/10 CIMB Singapore Post 1.01 1.11 Neutral DDM
05/18/10 CIMB Singapore Post 1.14 1.13 Neutral
07/29/10 CIMB Singapore Post 1.14 1.13 Neutral DDM

10/07/10 CLSA Singapore Post 1.22 0 Underperform

01/05/10 DBS Vickers Singapore Post 1.02 1.05 Hold Div Yield 6% PER13.5x
02/01/10 DBS Vickers Singapore Post 1.01 1.05 Hold
03/25/10 DBS Vickers Singapore Post 1.08 1.05 Hold 6% yield
05/03/10 DBS Vickers Singapore Post 1.09 1.05 Hold 6% Yield
07/29/10 DBS Vickers Singapore Post 1.13 1.17 Hold DDM
11/01/10 DBS Vickers Singapore Post 1.18 1.17 Hold DDM

02/01/10 Kim Eng Singapore Post 1.01 1.12 Hold PER14x
07/29/10 Kim Eng Singapore Post 1.13 1.25 Hold PER15x
11/01/10 Kim Eng Singapore Post 1.18 1.25 Hold PER15x

01/05/10 Lim & Tan Singapore Post 1.02 0 Buy
02/01/10 Lim & Tan Singapore Post 1.01 0 Buy
03/24/10 Lim & Tan Singapore Post 1.07 0 Buy
08/13/10 Lim & Tan Singapore Post 1.15 0 Buy
09/08/10 Lim & Tan Singapore Post 1.23 0 Sell

03/24/10 OCBC Singapore Post 1.08 1.16 Buy
04/09/10 OCBC Singapore Post 1.06 1.16 Buy
05/03/10 OCBC Singapore Post 1.09 1.16 Buy DCF
05/03/10 OCBC Singapore Post 1.09 1.16 Buy DCF
06/25/10 OCBC Singapore Post 1.12 1.16 Hold
07/29/10 OCBC Singapore Post 1.13 1.16 Hold

Monday, November 15, 2010

Singapore Land - The largest commercial landlord in Singapore!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/17/10 AmFraser Singapore Land 6.3 8.98 Buy RNAV
04/30/10 AmFraser Singapore Land 6.69 8.78 Buy RNAV
08/10/10 AmFraser Singapore Land 6.8 8.8 Buy RNAV
08/30/10 AmFraser Singapore Land 6.78 8.8 Buy

01/11/10 CIMB Singapore Land 6.66 6.51 Underperform RNAV (20% discount)
02/17/10 CIMB Singapore Land 6.3 6.73 Underperform RNAV (20% discount)
04/16/10 CIMB Singapore Land 6.89 6.73 Underperform
05/10/10 CIMB Singapore Land 6.7 6.73 Neutral
05/18/10 CIMB Singapore Land 6.73 6.73 Underperform
05/20/10 CIMB Singapore Land 6.75 7.68 Neutral RNAV (15% discount)
06/14/10 CIMB Singapore Land 6.58 7.68 Neutral
06/15/10 CIMB Singapore Land 6.6 7.68 Neutral
11/10/10 CIMB Singapore Land 7.17 8.54 Outperform RNAV (15% discount)

02/17/10 DBS Vickers Singapore Land 6.3 6.94 Hold RNAV (10% discount)
03/08/10 DBS Vickers Singapore Land 6.63 6.94 Hold
06/16/10 DBS Vickers Singapore Land 6.58 7.99 Buy
07/16/10 DBS Vickers Singapore Land 6.62 7.99 Buy
08/10/10 DBS Vickers Singapore Land 6.8 7.85 Buy RNAV (15% discount)
08/31/10 DBS Vickers Singapore Land 6.76 7.85 Buy

02/17/10 Kim Eng Singapore Land 6.3 6.69 Hold RNAV (20% discount)
04/26/10 Kim Eng Singapore Land 6.8 6.69 Hold
08/10/10 Kim Eng Singapore Land 6.8 6.92 Hold PB0.8x
09/29/10 Kim Eng Singapore Land 7.01 7.38 Hold RNAV (20% discount)

11/15/10 Nomura Singapore Land 7.43 9.58 Buy

Baltic Dry Index (BDI) - 2366!


The index, which gauges the cost of shipping commodities including iron ore, cement, grain, coal and fertiliser, dropped 3.59 per cent, or 88 points, to 2,366 points in an eleventh straight drop and was at its lowest since Aug 10.

End Quote

Sing Holdings - Hold call by Phillip!

Date/Research House/Stock/Last Done/Target Price/Call/Valuation Method

02/22/10 phillip Sing Holdings 0.38 0.43 Hold
02/24/10 phillip Sing Holdings 0.385 0.43 Hold RNAV (10% discount)
05/14/10 phillip Sing Holdings 0.35 0.46 Buy RNAV (10% discount)
08/13/10 phillip Sing Holdings 0.33 0.37 Hold RNAV (30% discount)
08/31/10 phillip Sing Holdings 0.32 0.36 Hold RNAV (30% discount)
09/22/10 phillip Sing Holdings 0.335 0.36 Hold RNAV (30% discount)
10/04/10 phillip Sing Holdings 0.33 0.36 Hold RNAV (30% discount), PER25x
11/10/10 phillip Sing Holdings 0.345 0.38 Hold RNAV (25% discount)