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Friday, August 4, 2017

China has given India the ultimatum to leave China's border.

We did mention in our previous post that a border war was likely to break out in August if India didn't retreat from China's border.

India is asking for troubles.  Many Indians will die if India doesn't retreat.

1 comment:

Eric Ho said...

Let me tell you guys that China is really serious about starting a border war.

Besides the 6 warnings given in just 24 hours, China has delivered 100,000cc of blood from Nanjing to Lhasa. These bags of blood can cater for 5000 to 6000 injured soldiers. Other provinces will also deliver blood bags to Lhasa and it is estimated that 2.4 tonnes of blood can be delivered for a whole year of border war.

After the celebration of 90th PLA anniversary, some troops are deployed to the border immediately. China also sends its latest J-10C fighter planes to the border.

India, be wise and back off or you will suffer a very humiliating defeat.