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Monday, October 23, 2017

Italy is on the verge of breaking up after Spain.

The domino effect is happening.  Some parts of Italy also want to gain independence after Catalan's independence vote.

If Europe allows Catalan's independence, there won't be any reason to stop others from following suit.  Catalan will be kicked out of Europe after independence and has to pay high taxes for its goods and services.  No FTA for Catalan!

1 comment:

Eric Ho said...

The black sheeps of Europe are breaking up.

The black sheeps are called PIGS in Europe. PIGS is just an acronym for Portugal, Italy, Greece & Spain. These countries are called PIGS because they have poor economic growth and high national debts. 2 of the PIGS (Spain & Italy) are breaking up for now. Let's see how the situation in Europe will pan out.