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Thursday, October 19, 2017

SGX doesn't understand the capital market!

Why do I say that?

Just look at the flopped collaborative agreements in the past.

SGX-CLOB failed!
SGX-ASX failed!
SGX-TWSE failed!
SGX-ASEAN failed!

The SGX has just signed another collaborative agreement with Nasdaq.  Needless to say, it will flop too because no company will want to list on SGX when it can list on Nasdaq.  This win-lose collaboration will benefit Nasdaq more than SGX.

SGX just doesn't understand the capital market and stock trading exchange well enough.  It removed and reinstated the lunch break, kept changing the bid/sell spreads, etc.  No wonder SGX is losing its listed clients more than it is attracting the IPOs.

1 comment:

Eric Ho said...

Very few companies will want to maintain 2 stock listings on 2 exchanges because of the costs involved.

HKEX is a lot bigger than SGX and many companies will choose HKEX over SGX. Even if we have a tie-up with Nasdaq, many companies will also choose Nasdaq over SGX. SGX just doesn't give the companies the "exposures" as proclaimed because other stock exchanges are already giving the companies the exposures.