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Thursday, January 10, 2019

Is Canada truly a rule of law country? NO!


Canada labels China as a rule by law country while it proclaims itself as a rule of law country.


Basically, a rule of law means a government of law, not by men. Therefore, it will submit and obey the rules or laws.

Although this is what Canada preaches, it doesn't really practise it.  Let's look at the recent event.


Canada signed the new NAFTA with US and Mexico with a poison clause that didn't allow it to sign FTA with a non-market economy (China).  It was supposed to submit itself to the new NAFTA and obey the clause.  However, Canada tried to wiggle itself out of the new NAFTA to strike a FTA with China before the Huawei's CFO incident.

Therefore, Canada is also a country ruled by law, not rule of law!  Don't try to hoodwink the world, Canada!

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