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Thursday, January 24, 2019

Singapore is facing a political upheaval now!

Lee Hsien Yang, son of LKY, has come out to support TCB openly to be the future leader of Singapore. In other words, LHY wants TCB to be the next PM of Singapore.

The acrimonious relationship in the Lee family, whereby the 2 siblings are against the current PM Lee Hsien Loong, will cause political upheaval in Singapore.

LHL will definitely become more offensive against LHY and his immediate family.  Presently, AGC is going after LHY's wife and son under the blessing of LHL.

The next election will be a vote for change for Singapore.  This is the only chance for true Singaporeans to change Singapore.

1 comment:

Eric Ho said...

The fight is on!

TCB will stand a high chance if LWL, daughter of LKY, also supports him.