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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The US is using WSJ to smear China now.

After the failure of Bloomberg to smear China on so-called China's spy microchip which was never found and presented to the public, the US is using WSJ to launch another smearing campaign against China.

The US government is adept at using media channels to discredit other people or countries and the US is also good at fabricating intelligence such as the Iraq's WMD's which are still not found yet.

There is no need for China to bail out 1MDB in exchange for the stakes in railway and pipelines. Why?  This is because China can just offer to berth all its ships in Malaysia in exchange for the stakes in the OBR initiative since more than 70% of the ships plying the Strait of Malacca are from China.  This offer is more lucrative and attractive than the so-called 1MDB offer.

Alternatively, China can buy Malaysia's bonds to prop up its currency.  There are so many avenues to help Malaysia which are better than bailing out 1MDB since 1MDB has a bad name already.  Why would China want to associate itself with a corrupted entity?

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