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Friday, May 24, 2019

Google has just killed its own future!


Google acted as a US state agent by terminating its Android services with Huawei.  This has raised an alarming signal to other nations that they cannot depend on "free" services from Google because it will pursue US political interests.  Therefore, China, India and the EU will develop their own mobile and PC platforms in the future to prevent the same occurrence from happening to them.  Nobody wants to be held hostage by the US anymore.

These alternative platforms will marginalize Google services in the future and make Google weaker.  This is exactly the same significant mistake made by Nokia in the past when Nokia didn't focus on smartphone developments.

Personally, I would like to see Linux ecosystem being developed worldwide so that we won't be held hostage by anybody.

1 comment:

Eric Ho said...

A good example is the GPS system. The US switched off the GPS system before and this prompted China to develop Beidou. The EU and Russia also developed their own satellite systems for fear that they would be held hostage by the US.

Look at Beidou now! It is better than GPS and it is opening up its system for public use.


A mobile platform is much easier to develop than a satellite system. Therefore, I've no doubt that China can supersede android services with its own mobile platform.