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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The US is targeting Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam for the trade war now.


Vietnam will definitely be slaughtered by the US in the future because of its burgeoning trade surpluses with the US.  The trade surplus will keep increasing because many foreign companies are using Vietnam as a manufacturing base.

Singapore is the most aggrieved party because SG uses its currency as a monetary tool since the small population and international trading render the interest rate policy as ineffective in managing its economy.  SG will suffer greatly if the US sanctions us because we cannot use interest rate policy to manage our economy.

Malaysia is being punished because it is getting pro-China and is an Islamic country.  The western superpower doesn't like Muslims at all.


Eric Ho said...

Many analysts said that Vietnam would benefit from the US-China trade war but we disagreed. We've been vindicated because the US puts Vietnam on its watchlist now.

We had stated our disagreement in our previous post below.


Eric Ho said...


Our MAS is learning now that standing with the US in international political issues will not get any special exemption from the US. The US is never a reliable and trustworthy ally. It will renege on any agreement when it doesn't benefit the US anymore.

Eric Ho said...

The US is trying to force SG to change its societal and economic model. The US wants SG to boost its domestic consumption and reduce its high saving rates. In other words, the US wants SG to import more from the US. How to import more when our population is so small?

The US wants SG to go into debts by reducing our saving rates!