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Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The US is going to impose a blanket ban on Huawei.


It is time for China to impose a ban on US IT firm too.  Many US IT firms have backdoors for NSA and FBI to snoop around to gather intelligence of any kind, be it for terrorism or commercial purposes.



China should ban Microsoft as it poses a high security risk.

I've stopped using Microsoft a long time ago and switched to Linux (ubuntu).


Eric Ho said...

The US cannot find any evidence of spying by Huawei but it wants to ban Huawei based on pure speculation.

On the contrary, IT specialists have found evidence of US IT firms spying for NSA and FBI.

Therefore, China should just ban US IT firms that are involved in spying.

Eric Ho said...

China should draft a new IT act to scrutinize US IT firms because the US NSA act will make the US IT firms the state agents to spy on China.

This is what the US is doing and China should follow suit.