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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Japan and Russia alleged that covid-19 originated in the US. - Part 4

It is becoming crystal clear that covid-19 originated in the US.  Just look at the recent signs and you will understand.

1. Japan alleged that the virus originated in the US by analyzing big data.
2. China scientists traced covid-19 H38 to the US.
3. Russia alleged that the virus originated in the US.
4. The chronological events in 2019 also inferred that the US was involved.
5. CDC hearing acknowledged that covid-19 virus was found in corpses thought to have died from US flu.
6. Italy traced its patient zero back to US (Hawaii).
7. The US health authority had already conceived such a virus outbreak in China in October 2019 and then spread to the US.
8. Being a NATO member, Italy sought help from China, Russia & Cuba but not the US.
9. An Italian doctor claimed that he saw covid symptoms in November 2019 which meant that covid didn't originate in China.

I believe Italy knows by now that the covid virus originated in the US and refuses to seek help from the US.  The US also stabbed Italy in the back by transporting 500k testing kits back to the US when Italy was in need of such testing kits.
It is getting harder for the US to cover up its bad deed now as more signs are pointing back to the US.
Italy has just learnt that a friend in need is a friend indeed.  Italy knows who are its true friends and who are its true foes now.

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