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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Why you should sell into the market strength now?

The US is refusing to do covid-19 testings for people with mild symptoms and this will have a serious repercussion.

When these mildly infected people are not tested and quarantined, they will spread the virus to others and the virus outbreak will last longer and cause prolonged economic damages.  Eventually, the medical workers will also get infected and the whole medical system in the US will break down.

The only way to mitigate this outbreak is to Test and Quarantine.  The US had already missed the windows to contain this virus outbreak.  Therefore, the only thing left to do is to mitigate this outbreak.

Just watch and listen to this American who is full of praises in how China is dealing with the outbreak.

When the US is not doing the right thing at all, this virus outbreak will last longer and the infection cases will surpass China's.  I am very certain this will happen unless the US gets serious about mitigating the outbreak.

The US cannot reboot its economy when it keeps injecting trillions into its financial markets because the financial markets cannot get rid of the virus.  Yes, there will be some temporary respite for the stock markets but the investors' confidence will get shaken again when they see the US infection rate and the death toll rising continuously.

1 comment:

Eric Ho said...

The US Q2 will be the worst quarter for 2020. Run while you still can!