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Friday, April 10, 2020

The US economy will be in deep troubles if it continues to inject free monies.

The US FED has unleashed a US$2.3T funding program for the pandemic.

Let's recap what the US FED has done.

1. Reduce interest rate to Zero.
2. Implement a US$2.2T pandemic relief program.
3. Implement a US$2T infrastructure bill.
4. Implement a US$2.3T funding program.

The US FED has introduced a total of US$6.5T package for the pandemic.  The total US debt is already about US$70T in 2020.  With the pandemic packages, the total US debt will increase to US$76.5T.

Is the total US debt sustainable? No!

The day of reckoning will come one day and when it comes, it will hit the US severely.

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