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Tuesday, June 8, 2021

What's wrong with the US allegation about the Wuhan Lab's virus leakage?

There are many loopholes in the US allegation and we will highlight them here.

If there were really 3 Wuhan researchers who got infected in November 2019 and sought treatments in local hospitals, then the outbreak would happen in the Wuhan Lab, in the hospitals they visited, or in their residences.  However, the outbreak happened at Huanan Seafood Market instead of any of these 3 places.

For this virus leak allegation to be believable, these 3 researchers must work and live in isolation.  This meant that the 3 researchers must work in the lab without interacting with their colleagues, and didn't lunch with other people so that they didn't infect others in the Wuhan Lab.  Furthermore, they also must live in isolation so that they didn't infect their own families and neighbouring residents.

Last but not least, they would have infected the doctors and nurses they had interacted with during their hospital visits but they didn't.  We all knew how new and infectious this virus was.  Thus, the doctors and nurses wouldn't put on masks when they interacted with the "infected" researchers in the local hospitals in Nov 2019.

After our analysis, we've reached a conclusion that the US allegation was false and ridiculous.

What's the truth then?  We had presented the proximate truth below.

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