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Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Why is Sinovac so well-received in Singapore?

I've tried to book for Sinovac too but to no avail.  I will continue to try until I can book it.

Why do I prefer to take the Sinovac vaccine?

First of all, China had administered 1B vaccines and nothing serious had happened in China.

I had also compared the side effects between BNT and Sinovac.

In HK, the Sinovac vaccine has no serious side effects.

Furthermore, Sinovac targeted only high-risk groups in its final trial in Brazil.  The selected medical workers had daily exposure to the covid virus as they were treating and caring for the covid patients.  This kind of stringent and vigorous trial was not conducted for the US and UK vaccines.  This final trial in Brazil showed a 50.4% efficacy when the medics had daily exposure to the virus.

The Indonesia study which comprised of about 130,000 medics (high-risk groups again) showed high efficacy rates (more than 90%) too.

However, some media highlighted 350 medics (7%) who were infected recently out of 5,000 medics in a specific Indonesia region to cast doubts on Sinovac's efficacy.  In the Brazilian final trial, the stated medics' efficacy rate was only 50.4% but the real-life medics' statistics were much higher at more than 90%.

Therefore, I've full confidence in Sinovac.

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