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Friday, April 15, 2022

Former treasury secretary (Larry Summer) is warning about US recession again!

This is the 2nd time that Larry Summer is warning about the US recession in such a short period and this shows the great concern he has for the US economy.

Larry Summer warned about the US recession on 6 April 2022.

Let's look at some main street statistics to verify his concern.

Sectorial growth:

Some sectors in the US are starting to show diminishing and negative growth.  For example, the recent US bank earnings results had plunged.  However, the most important sector is transportation, particularly truckers, because the truckers are primarily used to transport physical goods in the US.

The above chart is showing truck and auto sales which means there is no new demand because the US economy is weak.

The US FED had indicated that it would sell its FED assets to reduce excessive liquidity in the financial market.  The chart below is showing that liquidity affects shipping and freight activities.
We had explained the FED's impact on the real economy (liquidity) below.

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