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Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Australia chickened out after Russia's warning.

Australia is a coward!  Australia wants to follow behind USA's butt but is unwilling to take any risk.

No wonder our late PM Lee called Australia the white trash of Asia.

Supercomputer ranking in 2017 and China is the best.

China has secured the no.1 and 2 ranking for 2017.

No. 1 : China
No. 2 : China
No. 3: Swiss
No. 4: USA

Wow! Kudos to China technology!

AI can detect skin cancer through your smartphone camera.

This is definitely a life-saver as you don't have to go through the hassle to get a medical assessment because the AI is more accurate than a dermatologist.

AI can develop creativity now because it has learnt how to compose its own poems.

If AI continues to develop, it will be able to create, design and produce new products and services without any human input.

Humans won't be able to compete with an AI because we cannot think 24/7 while AI can.

OMG! Artificial intelligence chat bots have created a new language that a human cannot understand.

When machines can talk to each other in an alien language, humans won't be able to control machines anymore because humans cannot understand the linguistic logic.  This is very dangerous because machines will rule over humans or even destroy humans in the future.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 20 June 2017

Syria is a missiles playground.

Poor Syria!  It seems that any country can fire missiles into Syria. USA can do it! Russia can do it! Turkey can do it! Iran also can do it!

This could be a new business model for Syria.  Syria can just charge a fee any country for testing missiles in Syria.

PM Lee apologises to Singaporeans but will not disband the ministerial committee.

This is an insincere apology as he still insists on retaining the house instead of allowing his siblings to execute the will.

Will noble group's credit extension trigger a credit default swap payout?

Credit default swap is tantamount to an insurance against a default.  When there is a credit event, the buyer of CDS will get a payout from the seller.  If this credit extension to noble represents a credit event, the buyers of CDS will get payouts on the company's $5b debt.

Basically, the CDS doesn't affect the underlying shares because CDS market is largely unregulated.  If there is a default, you'll get the par value of your CDS as a buyer.  A buyer will have to pay an "insurance premium" to the seller for the CDS periodically for the risk transfer and is entitled to an "insurance payout" when there is a credit event.

USA destroyer collision was due to blatant flouting of international maritime law.

USA destroyer collided with a container ship because it flouted the international maritime law.  USA destroyer suffered heavy damages on its right side (starboard) as it collided with the left side (port) of the container ship.

Anyone with a power craft boat licence will know that one cannot approach another vessel on its left side (port).  The right side (starboard) is designated with a GREEN light and the left side (port) is designated with a RED light.  When you see that your vessel is navigating towards a RED light (port) of another vessel, you should slow down or even stop.  Any vessel has to be mindful of its starboard (right side) and monitor any vessel approaching from its right.

Obviously, USA destroyer breached this international maritime law in the name of freedom of navigation and collided with the container ship.  A normal radar will show the direction, speed and trajectory of another vessel.  Therefore, the captain will definitely know that his vessel is approaching on the starboard or port of another vessel and any activity on its own starboard.

Shame on you, USA!

Monday, June 19, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 19 June 2017

Russia and USA cannot get along in Syria.

Syria bombed US-led forces and USA retaliated by shooting down Syrian fighter plane.  Putin and Syria won't let it go just like that.

It's getting harder to find peace in Syria now.

Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Wei Ling are at the losing end due to the ministerial committee.

Most of the ministers on the ministerial committee are PM Lee's hardcore subordinates.  There's no way for Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Wei Ling to execute the old Lee's will because the ministerial committee will block them which is the primary motive for setting the committee in the first place.

PM Lee cannot lose or else his reputation and integrity will be sacrilege. Losing to his siblings will mean PM Lee is wrong.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

China has achieved another breakthrough in quantum satellite.

This breakthrough will enable China to further develop its quantum radar with a longer range too and render stealth fighter planes like F22 or F35 useless.

Great job!

Saturday, June 17, 2017

OMG! Lee Hsien Yang's wife has resigned from her managing partner position in a global law firm.

Did PM Lee have a hand in this? Or She is making preparation to leave SG with her hubby.

US destroyer collided with a container ship!

OMG! A container ship is very big and will definitely appear on the radar because it doesn't have any stealth mode.  If the state of art radar on the US destroyer cannot detect a container ship, how can it go to war?

This is really a big joke!

PM Lee's integrity is at stake now!

If PM Lee cannot refute the allegations against him by his own siblings, then he is definitely unfit to be a PM.  Singapore cannot have a PM whose integrity is questionable.

Baltic dry index - 851

Today, Friday, June 16 2017, the Baltic Dry Index decreased by 4 points, reaching 851 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.
Related stocks: Sembcorp Marine, Cosco & Pan Ocean.

US rig count - 933

HOUSTON (AP) -- The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. rose by six this week to 933.
A year ago, just 424 rigs were active.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes said Friday that 747 rigs sought oil and 186 explored for natural gas this week.
Among major oil- and gas-producing states, North Dakota added three rigs while Alaska, Colorado and New Mexico gained two rigs each. California and Louisiana increased by one apiece.
Oklahoma declined by four rigs and Wyoming was down one.
Arkansas, Kansas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah and West Virginia were unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out in May of 2016 at 404.
Related stocks: Keppel Corp, Sembcorp Marine & Cosco.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Singapore non-oil domestic exports (NODX) - Part 3

Singapore NODX is declining again in May 2017.

Year on year changes:

May 2017: -1.2%
Apr 2017: -0.7%
Mar 2017: 16.5%
Feb 2017: 21.1%
Jan 2017: 8.6%
Dec 2016: 9.1%
Nov 2016: 15.6%

Singapore stock calls for 16 June 2017

Wow! Lee Hsien Yang accused PM Lee of being a liar!

No wonder Lee Hsien Yang will have to leave SG for good because of the acrimonious family feud.

PM Lee will definitely accuse Lee Hsien Yang of casting aspersion on his integrity because a liar is unfit to be a PM especially one who is lying openly in public.

Why is Lee Kuan Yew's house or will no longer a family affair!

Lee Kuan Yew's house or will is no longer a family affair for a simple reason despite PM Lee's assertion.
It used to be a family affair until PM Lee set up a ministerial committee to handle his "family affair".
When you use parliament or set up a ministerial committee to handle or take charge of something, it becomes a public or national issue because you are basically using our national resources to resolve the matter.
You cannot use our national resources to handle or resolve your private or family affair and still proclaim it to be a personal or family issue.
This is setting a dangerous precedent for our future PMs and we don't think this is right and therefore strongly oppose this.
If there's a doubt about the veracity of the will, please contest it in court with your own resources and not use our national resources.  Then you will have the right to proclaim this to be a family affair.

Lee Hsien Yang will be leaving Singapore for fear of retaliation from PM Lee, his elder brother.

Lee Hsien Yang doesn't trust PM Lee at all now.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 14 June 2017

Hot news! Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Wei Ling have no confidence in PM Lee.

The siblings of PM Lee have no confidence in him because they believe PM Lee is trying to capitalize on Lee Kuan Yew's legacy for his own political agenda, be it for himself or for his son.

If this is how PM Lee's siblings see their own brother, then something is seriously wrong because it's 2 Lee vs 1 Lee.

Financial experts couldn't agree among themselves about global growth.

Financial experts are giving conflicting opinions about global growth and this phenomenon shows that the markets are getting dicey because the future is becoming unpredictable.  One says a recession is very remote while the other says the market risk is getting high.

Singapore had repented and invited China to bid for KL-HSR construction.

Singapore had repented because of Japan's public expression to join the BRI and was rejected by China. Singapore knew that it couldn't support Japan anymore after seeing Japan being snubbed by China unless SG wanted to be ostracized completely by China.

Furthermore, HK has just joined AIIB.  SG has always been looking at HK as a direct competitor in this region as HK is a much bigger financial hub than SG.  HK will be able to capitalize on its financial expertise to provide financial assistance to the BRI project through AIIB which SG is also targeting.

Women are really bad drivers!

They don't know how to operate a handbrake. Hahaha!

Russia has deployed K-300P bastion missiles on Kuril Islands.

It was reported that Russia deployed K-300P bastion missiles on the Kuril Islands after Japan received its first F35 fighter plane.  This type of missile can fly at 2.5mach and the missile system will usually fire 2 missiles at around the same time.  Once one missile hits the target, the other missile will search for the next target.

Kuril islands are very near to Hokkaido and these bastion missiles will definitely put Japan on constant alert.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 13 June 2017

Panama dumps Taiwan for China!

Panama has definitely made a wise choice by choosing China over Taiwan.  This is a win-win situation for Panama and China.

What a joke! Singapore to help bankroll China's global ambitions.

Let's face it. Singapore needs China more than China needs Singapore.  China can secure its goods and oil without going through SG already.

China has more money than SG but SG wants to help finance China's BRI.  Furthermore, AIIB is always there to help finance BRI for other governments.  Therefore, I don't see how SG can compete with AIIB and other local banks.  SG is trying to paint a beautiful picture between SG and China but the truth deviates far from the news.

As long as we've a USA naval base and P8A plane in sg, China will NEVER trust SG.  If we want to gain China's trust, we'll need to start to purchase China-made military weapons but this move would anger the USA.

Hot news! ISIS leader was killed in Syria!

I hope this news is true because ISIS will be weakened significantly without a leader.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Why is China going to the moon?

The moon has an abundance of Helium 3 which can be used as a fuel for clean energy.

The most efficient energy technology now is nuclear fission but it will produce deadly radiation and nuclear waste.  However, there is a better alternative which is nuclear fusion and it is the same fusion process as the sun.

Nuclear fusion requires Helium 3 as the fuel or power source and the fusion technology produces no radiation and waste.  It is often touted as the clean energy technology.

China wants to explore the moon for Helium 3 mining and Alien discovery projects.

Singapore stock calls for 12 June 2017

Noble has to sell its core assets because it can't get new loans.

Noble has to sell its core assets for survival since it cannot get new loans.  Noble will be left with just bad assets after selling its good assets.  It'll be hard for Noble to turn around with its remaining bad assets.

Updates on Qatar

Trump should be a roti prata seller instead because he sure knows how to flip flop so easily.

Trump has pitted its own navy against its airforce.  Why? Saudi has strong support from USA navy whilst USA air force is based in Qatar.

This will be a good show to watch.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Mass sightings of UFO in Melbourne in 1966

How to believe there is no UFO when there are so many sightings till today?

Baltic dry index - 849

Today, Friday, June 09 2017, the Baltic Dry Index climbed by 25 points, reaching 849 points.

Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.


Related stocks: Sembcorp Marine, Cosco & Pan Ocean.

US rig count - 927

HOUSTON — The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. rose by 11 this week to 927.
A year ago, just 414 rigs were active.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes said Friday that 741 rigs sought oil and 185 explored for natural gas this week. One was listed as miscellaneous.
Oklahoma added five rigs, New Mexico gained four, while West Virginia and Ohio tacked on two each. Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Utah and Wyoming each gained one.
Texas lost three rigs, Alaska shed two, while Colorado lost one.
Arkansas, California, Kansas and North Dakota were all unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out in May of 2016 at 404.
Related stocks: Keppel Corp, Sembcorp Marine & Cosco.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Taiwan TSMC is in trouble now!

The IBM research alliance has succeeded in the development of 5nm chip.  Samsung has finally found the way to defeat TSMC now.

Singapore stock calls for 8 June 2017

Women are getting vicious nowadays!

Women showed no fear and remorse over killings of their gal friends!

Indonesian girl faced 20 years jail over killing her best friend with cyanide in a coffee cafe in 2016 because she was jealous of her friend's better life.

A Thai girl chopped her gal friend into half after she reported her boyfriend for a drug offence in 2017.

Both incidents showed the women were showing no fear or remorse and were seen smiling happily over their killings.

What is happening to this world?

South Korea has put the undeclared 4 THAAD systems on hold.

Only 2 THAAD systems are deployed in SK now while the other 4 undeclared THAAD systems are put on hold.

North Korea is firing missiles again!

The Middle East is in chaos now and NK wants to disrupt the peace in Asia too.


Ancient civilisation found on Mars!

NASA found ancient civilisation on Mars recently.

What were discovered on Mars?

Perfectly cut stones



Train stations


Stones structures

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Why did Middle Eastern Countries cut diplomatic ties with Qatar?

Middle Eastern Countries cut diplomatic ties with Qatar because Qatar paid ISIS US$30b ransom for the release of its 26 princes.  There was an unconfirmed news about the abduction of 26 princes.

26 princes went out for a hunting trip and got abducted by ISIS and Qatar paid US$30b ransom for the princes' release.  This angered its neighbouring countries as ISIS might kidnap their princes too because ISIS was successful in getting Qatar to pay.  The US$30b ransom will be a big boost to ISIS because it has enough money to carry out more and bigger terrorist activities now.

Singapore stock calls for 7 June 2017

Saudi will sell oil to China in Yuan!

After Saudi Arab King's visit to China in March 2017, China has managed to get Saudi to give more price discounts to China and also use Yuan as the oil currency.

This is a bone-breaking deal that will hurt the USD reserve currency status.  USD will weaken when more international tradings are done in non-USD currency.

China is definitely the biggest winner as it gets more price discounts and also no currency exchange losses.

What is Japan thinking! It just shows its inane in public.

After badmouthing China in the Singapore during the Shangri-La Security Dialogue, Japan has expressed interest in joining the one-belt-one-road initiatives.  What is Japan thinking? Who will be so generous and forgiving?

Thus, it is not surprising for China to reject Japan's interest and Japan really deserves a tight slap for its inane behaviour.

Last but not least, China has also downgraded the security dialogue by sending a non-ministerial and low-ranking personnel to attend this summit in Singapore.

Public security is very bad in Europe now!

France started allowing China police officers to patrol Paris streets to protect China tourists in 2014 because of the high crimes rate.  Italy has followed suit and allowed China police officers to patrol 4 cities to protect China tourists.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 6 June 2017

Middle East crisis!

Qatar is being ostracized by other middle eastern countries because it is the main supporter for ISIS.  Qatar has been funding and supporting ISIS for a long time.  Therefore, it's about time that other islamic countries take actions against Qatar.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Noble has difficulty in getting new loans!

Noble is asking for credit extensions with its existing banks because it has encountered great difficulties in securing new funding.

We did warn in our previous postings that investors would have little confidence in Noble because of its negative cash flows and the weak commodities industry.

Singapore stock calls for 5 June 2017

Malaysian cops are asking for bribery for this Ramadan Festival again!

Here we go again! Bribery is still rampant in Malaysia.  Do not go to Malaysia during this period unless you want to do "kind" donation so that Malaysian cops can enjoy a good Ramadan festival.

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Number Puzzle Game

The working will be revealed later. Try it and have some fun!

Baltic dry index - 830

Today, Friday, June 02 2017, the Baltic Dry Index decreased by 20 points, reaching 830 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.
Related stocks: Sembcorp Marine, Cosco & Pan Ocean.

US rig count - 916

HOUSTON (AP) — The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. rose by eight this week to 916.
A year ago, just 408 rigs were active.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes said Friday that 733 rigs sought oil and 182 explored for natural gas this week. One was listed as miscellaneous.
Texas added five rigs, Oklahoma added three, while Colorado, North Dakota, and Ohio each gained one.
New Mexico and Pennsylvania each lost two rigs, while Louisiana lost one.
Alaska, Arkansas, California, Kansas, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming were all unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out in May of 2016 at 404.
Related stocks: Keppel Corp, Sembcorp Marine & Cosco.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Global warming is a threat to humanity but USA President Trump doesn't care.

The withdrawal from the Paris climate pact by USA is definitely a setback for the world.  The Paris climate pact is supposed to control the temperature rise within 2 degree celsius from pre-industrial era.

The impact of global warming can be felt by our generation now.  Just look at the warmer weather in Alaska.  The Alaskan mosquitoes are breeding faster and living longer now compared to the past.

These mosquitoes are spreading because they're slowly killing other animals living in the vicinity.  As it gets harder for the mosquitoes to feed on blood from other animals, the mosquitoes are targeting humans now.

The Alaskan mosquitoes are much bigger than other types of mosquitoes.

DBS and OCBC played a part in Indonesian haze that affected Singapore.

What happened to corporate social responsibility advocated by our local banks?

Look like being conscious of our environment is never part of our banks' CSR.  Making money is a higher priority over protecting the environment!

Resorts World Manila was attacked! This casino is a subsidiary of Genting.

Resorts World Manila, a subsidiary of Genting, was under attacked and at least 36 people were dead.

Singapore stock calls for 2 June 2017

OMG! There is a huge shortage of Renminbi now! - Part 2

For those not in the finance industry, CNH means Offshore Chinese Yuan while CNY means Onshore Chinese Yuan.  Overnight CNH Hibor is still high at 8.7%.  Can you imagine paying 8.7% just for borrowing Renminbi for an overnight?

What are the implications for a rising Renminbi?

By right, the Moody's downgrade of China's credit rating would cause Renminbi to depreciate because more investors would stay away from China resulting in lesser capital inflows and more outflows.  However, the opposite happened because of intervention by the China government.  The rising Renminbi will affect a few things in the world because China is the 2nd largest economy.

The China property market will start to damper because it becomes more expensive for foreign investors to invest in properties due to unfavourable exchange rates.  The burgeoning debt situation will also be reduced spontaneously because of a stronger Renminbi, especially for the foreign currency denominated debts.  Foreign companies in China and those trading with China will also start to stock up on Renminbi because of this shortage.

All in all, the rising Renminbi will cause the China government to increase interest rates to reduce the demand and keep the yuan in China.  Therefore, fixed income fund manager will be monitoring the spreads between Hibor & Shibor for any arbitrage opportunities.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

China will be building an undersea monitoring system in South China Sea.

This is akin to USA "SOSUS".

China will be able to know the undersea activities soon with this system.  It will be harder for USA submarines and undersea drones to be undetected.

Fake beer production in China!

This time is Budweiser brand.

Don't ever think that buying an international brand in China is a safe shopping decision unless the production is not in China.

Singapore stock calls for 1 June 2017

OMG! There is a huge shortage of Renminbi now!

Just take a look at the charts for the past few days.

The overnight CNH Hibor has surged from 5.35% to 42.8% now which shows that there is a huge shortage of Chinese yuan now.  This means that the China government has succeeded in stamping the capital outflow and attracted foreign investors to stock up on yuan.

The HK-China bond trading link has also helped to boost the Chinese yuan demand.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 31 May 2017

Artificial intelligence will destroy more jobs than it creates.

Many displaced workers won't be able to fit in this new industrial revolution and can no longer find jobs but our government is not forthcoming about this.  Training and re-training will no longer help those displaced workers to find jobs as humans cannot work 24/7 and are not as effective as AI machines.

MIT University research showed that every 1 robot added would displace 6 human workers.  AI machines will create 15m new jobs in USA but also destroy 25m jobs simultaneously.  The net effect will be a job loss of 10m which is tantamount to 10m displaced humans without jobs.  These 10m humans won't be able to work and will create a new social problem.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

USA has a warped viewpoint of the world.

USA accused China of being a bully in South China Sea.  What a joke! USA should look at itself first.

Was USA President a bully when he shoved another PM in public and he didn't feel ashamed at all?

Was USA a bully when it installed more military weapons in SK without permission?  Doing so was a big disgrace and humiliation to SK.

The bottom line is when you are a superpower country, you can just do as you please and everything you do is justifiable.  This is the value USA is spreading to the world.

When you are fit, you can do amazing stunts!

The importance of staying fit in old age helps you to remain healthy.

Singapore stock calls for 30 May 2017

South Korea is no longer a sovereignty.

South Korea is no longer a sovereignty because the USA can install any military system in South Korea without any permission.

What's the use of the investigation when SK dares not do anything to USA?  It's just a political show for its citizens to see.

Credit Sussie escaped relatively unscathed with just a $0.5m fine out of 1MDB scandal.

Credit Sussie got a light tap on its hand for participating in the 1MDB scandal but our local banks got more fines than foreign banks.

Singapore is indeed an investment-friendly country.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 29 May 2017

Thailand to take on Singapore for MRO.

Thailand will have no problem raising funds because even if they can't raise enough fund in Canada, they can approach China.  China will be very eager to help Thailand so that it can take on SG.  We are facing unfriendly neighbours now because we are the only country in ASEAN that is anti-China.

Germany's Merkel: US and UK are unreliable partners.

Hahaha! It took so long for Germany to realize that US & UK are unreliable partners.

Germany is too weak to stand on its own now.  Its military prowess is not as strong as before because it lacks fighter planes, tanks and missiles.  Germany has to form strategic alliances with other countries to fight against US & UK.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

USA is lying again! USA is really a congenital liar!

USA spy plane was intercepted by 2 China J-10 fighter plane in HK airspace but proclaimed publicly that it was flying in international airspace.  What a joke!  Everyone has radar now and either side can show its location on radar for the world to see.

It's getting harder to trust USA nowadays.

How to determine a baby gender without using ultrasound?

There is an ancient Chinese numerical methodology to calculate a baby gender and it is extremely accurate in the gender prediction but it's not 100% correct.  If you calculate the number to be even but the baby is a boy instead, it means the boy has a female personality. Likewise for the odd number but it turns out to be a baby girl, it means the baby girl has a boy personality.

Add the mother's birth giving age first and then the baby's birth month.  If the number sum is odd, it is a boy.  If the number sum is even, it is a girl.

Mother birth giving age : 24
Baby's birth month : May
Mother = 2 + 4 = 6
Baby = May = 5
Sum = 6 + 5 = 11, 1 + 1 = 2
Final output is 2 which is even, so the baby is a girl.

Mother birth giving age : 31
Baby's birth month : March
Mother = 3 + 1 = 4
Baby = march = 3
Sum = 4 + 3 = 7
FInal output is 7 which is odd, so the baby is boy.

When an obstetrician is able to tell you your baby birth month, you can predict its gender.  Try it and have fun!

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Baltic dry index - 912

Today, Friday, May 26 2017, the Baltic Dry Index decreased by 6 points, reaching 912 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.
Related stocks: Sembcorp Marine, Cosco & Pan Ocean.

US rig count - 908

The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. rose by seven this week to 908.
A year ago, 404 rigs were active.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes said Friday that 722 rigs sought oil and 185 explored for natural gas this week. One was listed as miscellaneous.
Colorado added five rigs while Alaska, New Mexico, North Dakota and Oklahoma each gained one.
Texas lost one rig.
Arkansas, California, Kansas, Louisiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming were all unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out last May at 404.
Related stocks: Keppel Corp, Sembcorp Marine & Cosco.

Singapore government doesn't understand SG-China relationship.

This is precisely why SG was taken aback when HK detained our tanks.  SG government didn't even think that HK would do that after making so many anti-China remarks.  Do you really think that China will take it lightly that we conduct military exercise in South China Sea which is at the doorstep of China?  C'mon, Singapore! Please wake up!

Friday, May 26, 2017

Travel alert to UK issued by Russia.

Visit UK at your own risk!

China's total debt VS USA's total debt. Don't be fooled by the western media.

The western media like to spread fears about China's debt problem and they do this by quoting China's total debt in their analyses.  The western media had been predicting the China collapse for a few years already but China grew stronger economically instead.

Total debt = National debt + Corporation debt.

China's total debt = USD$4.3T (national debt) + USD$25.6T (corporate debt) = USD$30T
China GDP = USD$11T
Total debt to GDP = 270%
Foreign reserve = USD$3T

USA's total debt = USD$19.85 (national debt) + USD$29T (corporate debt) = USD$49T
Total debt to GDP = 270%
Foreign reserve = USD$116B

However, McKinsey estimated that USA total debt to GDP ratio was at 331%.

The western media like to focus on China's total debt vs USA's national debt when making a comparison between these 2 countries.  The actual fact is both countries have similar total debt to GDP ratio.  However, most China total debt is locally funded whilst USA total debt is foreign funded.  This will make a big difference during any financial crisis as foreign investors will force you for repayments compared to local investors.  Furthermore, China has USD$3T in reserves compared to USD$116B in USA and China's economy is growing at twice of USA's.  Therefore, China's economy will be bigger than USA's in the future.

Singapore stock calls for 26 May 2017

USA doesn't have any qualms at all for killing civilians in middle east.

However, USA is quick to pinpoint on others for killing civilians especially Russia in middle east.  In the future, Russia can just copy the justifications given by USA when it kills civilians accidentally in any strikes.

How will the reduction in FED 4.5T affect the real economy?

US Fed has USD$4.5T of balance sheet which composes of $2.46T of bonds and $1.77T of mortgage-backed securities (MBS).

As the MBS are mostly longer dated derivatives of at least 10 years, FED won't unwind these MBS in the short run.  Therefore, FED will just let the shorter dated bonds expire and won't reinvest the proceeds into the bond market.  About 50% of the bonds will expire within the next 5 years which amount to USD$1.2T and this means the money market will have a capital outflow of $1.2T.  Furthermore, USA will hike interest rates for the next few years as stated by FED which is tantamount to price hikes in the real economy.  The higher interest rates will cause USD to appreciate so that the purchasing power won't be eroded.  In other words, inflation can be contained in this way.

To surmise, the reduction in money supply and interest rate increments will cause USD to appreciate in the next few years.

OMG! Anti-Singapore propaganda is being broadcasted on China media.

No wonder PM Lee was not invited to the one-belt-one-road summit.  It is useless for 100% of Singapore (5.3m people) to be anti-China because just 10% of China (140m people) hatred of Singapore will drown us already.

Our government is stupid to conduct a military exercise with India in South China Sea.  Can you imagine China conducting a military exercise just at our doorstep? We are really asking for trouble!