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Thursday, November 22, 2018

A financial analysis on Initial Coin Offering (ICO) and Cryptocurrency.

Before we embark on the ICO and Crypto analyses, we will need to understand the proper concepts of value and money because ICO and Crypto developers are trying to portray their digital tokens as cryptocurrencies that are tantamount to monies.

What is a value?
Value in financial term is just a monetary worth but value by itself has 2 inherent meanings: Extrinsic and Intrinsic values.

Basically, an extrinsic value is a perceived value of an item and it differs from person to person because a perceived value is something very subjective and is affected by our want(s).  An extrinsic value is usually highly volatile because it is affected by an elastic demand.  Therefore, the extrinsic value (price) is affected by demand and supply.

For example, you may perceive $10 of an item as cheap but I may value it as expensive because our perceived values and wants are different.

Conversely, an intrinsic value is an essential value, which is vital for our survival and is commonly defined as a need.  An intrinsic value has low volatility because it has an inelastic demand.  Therefore, intrinsic value is not affected by the demand and supply.

For example, water has an intrinsic value to us because we need water for our survival and we will consume water regardless of the water price.

Please let me digress a bit to explain the demand-supply concept because I feel that it is important to get the concept right.

Many people have the wrong notion of the demand-supply concept.  Demand and supply concept is premised under a perfect world condition.  That was what I learnt in my economics class aeon ago.  A perfect world is defined as an environment with no alternatives and is ceteris paribus.  However, we live in an imperfect world.  For example, I can travel to Kuala Lumpur from Singapore in a budget airline like Airasia, which has some direct competitors (direct alternatives) like Scoot, Jetstar, etc., and the indirect alternatives will be to travel in a train, car or coach.  Thus, Airasia cannot keep its fare prices high by reducing its supply.  Subsequently, I will use my own bar diagram to illustrate the flawed demand-supply concept of bitcoin instead of the standard demand-supply curves graph.  Likewise, bitcoin has many competing alternatives.

Currently, about 17m of bitcoins are mined insofar but the price is hovering at US$4,500m on 20 November 2018.  Cryptocurrency was developed based on a flawed demand-supply concept because the developer(s) didn’t have a proper understanding of economics.  Please see the bar diagram below.

If the demand-supply concept conceived by the crypto developer(s) works in reality, bitcoin price will be approaching a record high level as there is only about 4m of bitcoins (21m in total) left to mine but the bitcoin price is at US$4,500 (Nov 2018) instead of its peak of US$20,000 (Dec 2017).  The bar diagram has revealed that bitcoin is developed on a flawed demand-supply concept because bitcoin price does not follow the demand-supply principles.

Let us get back to the analysis again.
Generally speaking, a product with an intrinsic value will have an existing or future extrinsic value but a product with an extrinsic value may not have an intrinsic value.

For example, the air we breathe in has an intrinsic value but no existing extrinsic value.  However, when there is any serious air pollution, we will put an extrinsic value on the air by buying an air purifier within our monetary means because we need clean air to stay healthy.

Water has both extrinsic and intrinsic values because we only drink water for our survival.  There is no added benefit for drinking more water because we will get water poisoning when we drink excessively.

A luxury item has an extrinsic value but no intrinsic value because it is just a want and we can do without it since it does not affect our survival.

Next, we will need to understand the functions of money in order to analyse any cryptocurrency.  Money is an economic concept and serves 3 primary functions.

3 Functions:
1.     A medium of exchange
2.     A store of value
3.     A unit of account

As we can see, money is not created by technology because the aforesaid functions need not be fulfilled by technology.  Let us look at the functions in more details.

A medium of exchange is an intermediary instrument to facilitate transactions.  Therefore, it has to be something that is easily transferrable and money serves this role better than barter trade.  Cryptocurrency also fulfills this function well because of the ease of transfer.

A store of value is an asset that has a relatively stable value over time so that it can be saved and used in the future.  In a nutshell, it is an asset with an intrinsic value and has a low volatility for change.  Money has an intrinsic value not because it is backed by a country’s reserves but rather its legal tender status that is passed in the parliament.  This legal tender act allows the government to impose upon users to use the stipulated money as a medium of exchange and the state money cannot be rejected.  In short, we need to use the state money for any transaction in the country.  Thus, this legal tender status is not affected by the financial reserves of a country and is recognized to have a low volatility for change unless the government declares it as void.

For example, cowry shells were recognized and used as monies 3,000 years ago.  Why? This was because cowry shell was declared as legal tender in the past and not because it was backed by the financial reserves of the involved countries.  However, cryptocurrency does not fulfill this function because any user can reject it as a medium of exchange since it is not protected by the legal tender act and it has high price volatility.  Consequently, cryptocurrency does not have an intrinsic value, that is, a real need to use it.

A unit of account is a monetary unit of measure that is divisible.  For example, a 100gram gold ingot is non-divisible for $2.75.  Conversely, money is easily divisible.  Cryptocurrency also serves this function well because it is in a digital form, which is easily divisible.

Since money has to serve the aforesaid 3 functions in order to be widely accepted, cryptocurrency cannot be classified as money as it does not fulfill the basic requirements.  Therefore, the proponents who try to portray cryptocurrency as money is doomed to fail.  Furthermore, bitcoin is also not suitable to be a payment system because of its structural design flaws and volatile processing fees.

An ICO is an issuance of specific digital tokens based on another cryptocurrency.  In other words, the ICO is piggybacking on a specific cryptocurrency, which is based on a public blockchain.  This ICO infrastructure exposes ICO investors to higher risks than necessary but the issuer will not discuss these risks with the investors.

A responsible and ethical organization will not use a public blockchain to process and store sensitive data because of confidential and privacy issues.  When a company uses a public (decentralized) blockchain, it has to allow external nodes to access its data using public keys.  This kind of decentralization will renegade the company’s confidential and privacy terms.  Let me ask you this question: How many people are comfortable to show their bank statements to strangers even though the strangers cannot alter their bank account information?  I believe you get the whiff of my drift now.  Therefore, the reputable financial institutions, medical facilities, etc., will not use public blockchains for their data processing and storage.  I will not discuss the security of blockchain because it is irrelevant in our financial analysis.  For your information, blockchain security is hackable by using a method known as 51% attack (plus double spending technique).

Next, an ICO has a higher risk because it is riding on another dicey cryptocurrency, which will derive a lower success rate in the end.  This lower success rate can be fully explained by the binomial probability theorem.  For example, if an ICO has a probability of 80% success rate but it is piggybacking on another crypto, which also has a probability of 80% success rate, the ensuing outcome for the ICO success rate will decrease to 64% (0.8 x 0.8 = 0.64).  A mathematics theorem is always a working theorem unlike a business or philosophy theorem and I will prove the working binomial theorem with some applicative examples.

A bi-nomial theorem involves 2 coefficients (Bi) which is what the name is known for.  A binomial theorem is often used in the calculation of probability, financial derivative, factorization, etc.  For example, (x-2) is a binomial expression because it has 2 coefficients that consist of (+1)x and (–2).

The simple binomial probability (P) methodology will be:
PAB = P(A) * P(B)
The other common binomial probability (P) methodology will be:
PAB = P(A1B1) + P(A2B2) + P(A3B3) +…………+ P(AnBn)

--> The binomial theorem can be arranged into a pascal’s triangle (binomial pyramid) to solve a binomial factorization.  The pascal’s triangle is shown below as:
As an example, we will apply the above pascal’s triangle to solve the factorization of (X-2)3.

Using normal factorization method:
(X-2)3 = (X-2) (X-2) (X-2)
            = (X2-2X-2X+4) (X-2)
            = (X2-4X+4) (X-2)
            = X3-4X2+4X-2X2+8X-8
            = X3-6X2+12X-8

Using binomial factorization method:
Since (X-2)3 has an exponent of 3, we will use (1 3 3 1) in the pascal’s triangle as the X coefficients to solve the factorization.  The first coefficient will have decreasing exponents while the 2nd coefficient will have increasing exponents in the working expression.

(X-2)3 = (1)X3 * (-2)0 + (3)X2 * (-2)1 + (3)X1 * (-2)2 + (1)X0 * (-2)3
            = (X3 * 1) + (3X2 * -2) + (3X * 4) + (1 * -8)
            = X3 + (-6X2) + 12X + (-8)
            = X3-6 X2+12X-8

The binomial theorem is able to solve the binomial factorization with the same answer as the normal factorization method.  Therefore, binomial is a valid theorem.

2017 was a superb year for the ICO industry because many billions were raised.  Since most of the ICOs are using ERC20 infrastructure and Ethereum cryptocurrency, this phenomenon makes Ethereum highly vulnerable and volatile.  As the ICO issuers take between 1 to 2 years to fully develop their ICO eco-systems,  ICO investors are already suffering from the crypto carnage now because they exchanged their Ethereums at higher prices in 2017 for the ICOs.  Furthermore, there will be a rush to cash out of their ICOs in 2019 and this will depress the Ethereum prices.

--> In conclusion, the ICO issuers expose ICO investors to higher risk by lowering the success rate and offer no additional benefit to the investors.  Thus, I will avoid ICO and Crypto investments because more than 80% of them are either not feasible or scams.

Samudera - Stock calls

Date Analyst Company Last Target Call Valuation
04/26/17 Amfrasers Samudera 0.189 0.26 Buy PB0.4x
10/13/17 Amfrasers Samudera 0.24 0.38 Buy PB0.6x FY17

Sabana Reit - Stock calls

Date Analyst Company Last Target Call Valuation
01/23/17 phillip Sabana Reit 0.375 0.51 Trading Buy PB0.9x, Ex-rights 42 for 100 @ $0.258
03/06/17 phillip Sabana Reit 0.43 0.54 Trading Buy PB0.9x
05/11/17 phillip Sabana Reit 0.455 0.54 Trading Buy PB0.9X
08/08/17 phillip Sabana Reit 0.49 0.57 Trading Buy PB1x

Roxy-Pacific - Stock calls

Date Analyst Company Last Target Call Valuation
08/01/17 OCBC Roxy-Pacific 0.525 0.52 Hold
11/22/17 OCBC Roxy-Pacific 0.52 0.52 Hold
12/07/17 OCBC Roxy-Pacific 0.54 0.6 Buy
12/12/17 DBS Vickers Roxy-Pacific 0.53 0.69 Buy RNAV (30% discount)
02/15/18 OCBC Roxy-Pacific 0.56 0.66 Buy
02/19/18 DBS Vickers Roxy-Pacific 0.56 0.69 Buy RNAV (30% discount)
03/20/18 DBS Vickers Roxy-Pacific 0.555 0.69 Buy RNAV (30% discount)
04/03/18 DBS Vickers Roxy-Pacific 0.55 0.69 Buy
05/08/18 DBS Vickers Roxy-Pacific 0.515 0.63 Buy
05/15/18 OCBC Roxy-Pacific 0.515 0.6 Buy
06/05/18 DBS Vickers Roxy-Pacific 0.505 0.63 Buy
07/09/18 DBS Vickers Roxy-Pacific 0.43 0.4 Fully Valued RNAV (55% discount)
08/01/18 OCBC Roxy-Pacific 0.44 0.44 Hold RNAV (35% discount)
08/01/18 DBS Vickers Roxy-Pacific 0.44 0.4 Hold RNAV (55% discount)
08/02/18 DBS Vickers Roxy-Pacific 0.44 0.4 Fully Valued RNAV (55% discount)
11/01/18 OCBC Roxy-Pacific 0.38 0.41 Hold RNAV (40% discount)

Stock calls for 22 November 2018

Date Analyst Company Last Target Call Valuation
11/22/18 Lim & Tan Jumbo 0.405 0 Hold
11/22/18 DBS Vickers Jumbo 0.405 0.44 Hold
11/22/18 DMG & Partners SGX 7.21 8.4 Buy

Singapore Q3 GDP slowed more than expected.

Singapore Q3 GDP grew only 2.2%, below expectation and slower than the previous quarter of 4.1%.

Many countries in Asia are slowing down now and SG cannot escape unscathed.  2019 will be a bad year as the full impact of the trade war will be felt.

The US corporate debt is US$29T, not US$9T as stated.

The US is trying to understate its corporate debt in the country because its economy is faltering and the trade war is escalating.

We had posted the US corporate debt previously.

There is no way for the US companies to reduce the corporate debt from US$29T to US$9T in just 1 year.

Fake news again!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Riverstone - Stock calls

Date Analyst Company Last Target Call Valuation
01/03/17 DMG & Partners Riverstone 0.88 0.93 Neutral
02/24/17 CIMB Riverstone 0.91 0.91 Hold PER16.4x CY18
02/24/17 Kim Eng Riverstone 0.91 0.83 Hold PER16x FY17
05/05/17 Kim Eng Riverstone 0.885 1.05 Buy
05/05/17 Lim & Tan Riverstone 0.885 1.06 Buy PER16x
05/08/17 CIMB Riverstone 0.96 1.11 Add PER18.3x FY18
05/08/17 DBS Vickers Riverstone 0.96 1.07 Buy PER16x FY18
08/04/17 Lim & Tan Riverstone 1.065 0 Hold
08/04/17 DBS Vickers Riverstone 1.065 1.07 Buy PER16x FY18
08/07/17 CIMB Riverstone 1.05 1.2 Add PER16.3x FY18
08/07/17 Kim Eng Riverstone 1.05 1.05 Hold
08/08/17 DBS Vickers Riverstone 1.055 1.09 Hold PER16x FY18
11/09/17 Kim Eng Riverstone 1.065 1.05 Hold PER16x FY18
11/09/17 DBS Vickers Riverstone 1.065 1.09 Hold
02/26/18 CIMB Riverstone 1.04 1.28 Add PER18.6x FY19
02/26/18 DBS Vickers Riverstone 1.04 1.27 Buy PER16x FY19
02/26/18 Kim Eng Riverstone 1.04 1.22 Buy PER18x FY18
05/09/18 DBS Vickers Riverstone 0.985 1.27 Buy
05/09/18 Lim & Tan Riverstone 0.985 0 Hold
05/14/18 CIMB Riverstone 1 1.28 Add
08/08/18 CIMB Riverstone 1.1 1.28 Add PER16.7x FY19
08/08/18 DBS Vickers Riverstone 1.1 1.25 Buy PER16x FY19
08/20/18 CIMB Riverstone 1.11 1.3 Add PER16.7x FY19
11/05/18 DBS Vickers Riverstone 1.18 1.17 Hold PER16x FY19
11/05/18 CIMB Riverstone 1.18 1.3 Add PER16.7x CY19

Religare Health Trust - Stock calls

Date Analyst Company Last Target Call Valuation
02/07/17 DBS Vickers Religare Health Trust 0.925 0.85 Hold DDM
02/08/17 CIMB Religare Health Trust 0.89 0.89 Hold DDM
05/24/17 DBS Vickers Religare Health Trust 0.92 0.85 Hold DDM, PB1x
08/07/17 CIMB Religare Health Trust 0.88 0.92 Hold DDM
11/16/17 DBS Vickers Religare Health Trust 0.895 0.85 Hold DDM, Offer $0.90
11/16/17 CIMB Religare Health Trust 0.895 0.92 Hold DDM, PB1.08x
02/14/18 CIMB Religare Health Trust 0.83 0.92 Hold DDM
03/20/18 DBS Vickers Religare Health Trust 0.775 0.85 Hold
06/14/18 CIMB Religare Health Trust 0.765 0.81 Hold DDM

Regal - Stock calls

Date Analyst Company Last Target Call Valuation
01/18/17 NRA Regal 0.145 0.315 Overweight
03/20/17 NRA Regal 0.149 0.3 Overweight RNAV (15% discount)
06/19/17 NRA Regal 0.143 0.3 Overweight
12/11/17 NRA Regal 0.135 0.3 Overweight
04/10/18 NRA Regal 0.13 0.3 Overweight
08/23/18 NRA Regal 0.11 0.3 Overweight

Stock calls for 21 November 2018

Date Analyst Company Last Target Call Valuation
11/21/18 Phillip A-Reit 2.55 2.78 Accumulate
11/21/18 phillip Cache Logistics 0.665 0.75 Neutral
11/21/18 Phillip CapitaCommercial 1.7 1.9 Accumulate
11/21/18 Phillip Capitamall Trust 2.2 2.09 Neutral
11/21/18 Phillip CapitaRetail China 1.35 1.66 Accumulate
11/21/18 DMG & Partners China Aviation Oil 1.22 1.32 Neutral
11/21/18 phillip First Reit 0.975 1.3 Neutral
11/21/18 Phillip Frasers Centrepoint Trust 2.15 2.21 Neutral
11/21/18 CIMB Keppel Corp 6.18 8.38 Add Sum of parts
11/21/18 Phillip Keppel DC Reit 1.35 1.45 Accumulate
11/21/18 Phillip Mapletree Industrial 1.84 1.99 Neutral
11/21/18 UOB Kay Hian Netlink 0.77 0.99 Buy DCF
11/21/18 OCBC Yanlord 1.26 2.04 Buy PEG

Bitcoin is hit with another bad news!

The commercial transactions in using bitcoin as payments have dropped by 80% in 2018.

This means that most of the bitcoin transactions are speculative trading, not some real commercial transactions.

We had stated previously that bitcoin was not feasible to be a payment mode.

We will be updating our viewers with a detailed write-up on ICO & Crypto soon.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

OMG! Noble Group is under CAD investigation now!

Commercial Affairs Dept (CAD) is investigating Noble Group for false statements, disclosure breaches and non-compliance of accounting standards.  If a fraud is detected by CAD, Noble will be in a serious trouble.

RE&S - Stock calls

Date Analyst Company Last Target Call Valuation
11/17/17 Phillip RE & S 0.22 0 Subscribe IPO

Raffles Medical - Stock calls

Date Analyst Company Last Target Call Valuation
01/03/17 DMG & Partners Raffles Medical 1.43 1.76 Buy DCF
01/03/17 UOB Kay Hian Raffles Medical 1.43 1.7 Buy DCF
01/19/17 DIR Raffles Medical 1.475 1.49 Hold DCF
02/08/17 UOB Kay Hian Raffles Medical 1.455 1.7 Buy
02/20/17 CIMB Raffles Medical 1.48 1.46 Reduce Sum of parts
02/20/17 OCBC Raffles Medical 1.48 1.61 Buy
02/21/17 CIMB Raffles Medical 1.46 1.36 Reduce Sum of parts, EV/Ebitda23x CY17
02/21/17 Credit Suisse Raffles Medical 1.46 1.6 Neutral
02/21/17 DBS Vickers Raffles Medical 1.46 1.4 Hold PER29x FY17/18
02/21/17 DIR Raffles Medical 1.46 1.43 Hold DCF
02/21/17 DMG & Partners Raffles Medical 1.46 1.72 Buy DCF
02/21/17 Kim Eng Raffles Medical 1.46 1.7 Buy DCF
02/21/17 Lim & Tan Raffles Medical 1.46 0 Hold
02/21/17 OCBC Raffles Medical 1.46 1.6 Buy
02/21/17 UOB Kay Hian Raffles Medical 1.46 1.67 Buy
02/22/17 Phillip Raffles Medical 1.445 1.6 Accumulate DCF
03/21/17 UOB Kay Hian Raffles Medical 1.42 1.66 Buy
03/24/17 Kim Eng Raffles Medical 1.405 1.7 Buy DCF
04/03/17 OCBC Raffles Medical 1.415 1.6 Buy Sum of parts
04/04/17 CIMB Raffles Medical 1.43 1.36 Reduce Sum of parts
04/04/17 Credit Suisse Raffles Medical 1.43 1.6 Neutral
04/04/17 DIR Raffles Medical 1.43 1.63 Outperform DCF
04/04/17 DMG & Partners Raffles Medical 1.43 1.72 Buy Sum of parts
04/05/17 DBS Vickers Raffles Medical 1.445 1.4 Hold PER29x FY17/18
04/10/17 UOB Kay Hian Raffles Medical 1.47 1.66 Buy DCF
04/25/17 CIMB Raffles Medical 1.415 1.37 Reduce Sum of parts
04/25/17 DIR Raffles Medical 1.415 1.56 Outperform DCF
04/25/17 DMG & Partners Raffles Medical 1.415 1.49 Neutral DCF
04/25/17 Kim Eng Raffles Medical 1.415 1.67 Buy DCF
04/25/17 Phillip Raffles Medical 1.415 1.49 Accumulate DCF
04/25/17 UOB Kay Hian Raffles Medical 1.415 1.52 Hold DCF, Buy @ $1.35
06/05/17 Kim Eng Raffles Medical 1.365 1.54 Buy DCF
06/08/17 OCBC Raffles Medical 1.375 1.6 Buy
06/19/17 UOB Kay Hian Raffles Medical 1.355 1.52 Hold DCF
06/20/17 CIMB Raffles Medical 1.36 1.25 Reduce Sum of parts
08/01/17 Phillip Raffles Medical 1.285 1.27 Neutral DCF
08/01/17 DIR Raffles Medical 1.285 1.46 Outperform DCF
08/01/17 DMG & Partners Raffles Medical 1.285 1.1 Sell DCF
08/01/17 UOB Kay Hian Raffles Medical 1.285 1.3 Hold DCF, Buy @ $1.17
08/01/17 Kim Eng Raffles Medical 1.285 1.12 Sell DCF
08/01/17 OCBC Raffles Medical 1.285 1.47 Buy
08/01/17 Credit Suisse Raffles Medical 1.285 1.45 Neutral
08/01/17 CIMB Raffles Medical 1.285 1.25 Reduce Sum of parts
08/01/17 Lim & Tan Raffles Medical 1.285 0 Sell
08/02/17 DBS Vickers Raffles Medical 1.11 1.2 Hold PER25x FY17/18
09/18/17 CIMB Raffles Medical 1.1 1.21 Add Sum of parts
09/21/17 UOB Kay Hian Raffles Medical 1.105 1.28 Buy DCF
10/11/17 DIR Raffles Medical 1.17 1.29 Outperform DCF
10/16/17 UOB Kay Hian Raffles Medical 1.155 1.28 Buy DCF
10/31/17 CIMB Raffles Medical 1.125 1.24 Add Sum of parts
10/31/17 Phillip Raffles Medical 1.125 1.32 Accumulate DCF
10/31/17 UOB Kay Hian Raffles Medical 1.125 1.34 Buy DCF
10/31/17 DMG & Partners Raffles Medical 1.125 1.1 Neutral DCF
10/31/17 OCBC Raffles Medical 1.125 1.26 Buy
10/31/17 DBS Vickers Raffles Medical 1.125 1 Fully Valued PER26x FY18, PER30x FY19
10/31/17 Lim & Tan Raffles Medical 1.125 0 Hold
11/29/17 DMG & Partners Raffles Medical 1.06 1.1 Neutral
01/08/18 CIMB Raffles Medical 1.12 1.24 Add Sum of parts
02/13/18 UOB Kay Hian Raffles Medical 1.08 1.34 Buy
02/27/18 Phillip Raffles Medical 1.1 1.32 Accumulate DCF
02/27/18 UOB Kay Hian Raffles Medical 1.1 1.32 Buy DCF
02/27/18 OCBC Raffles Medical 1.1 1.26 Buy Sum of parts
02/27/18 Kim Eng Raffles Medical 1.1 1.13 Hold DCF
02/27/18 DMG & Partners Raffles Medical 1.1 1.02 Neutral DCF
02/28/18 DBS Vickers Raffles Medical 1.16 1 Fully Valued Sum of parts, PER26x FY18
03/13/18 UOB Kay Hian Raffles Medical 1.17 1.32 Buy DCF
05/02/18 Phillip Raffles Medical 1.15 1.32 Accumulate DCF
05/02/18 UOB Kay Hian Raffles Medical 1.15 1.32 Buy DCF
05/02/18 DMG & Partners Raffles Medical 1.15 1.02 Sell DCF
05/02/18 OCBC Raffles Medical 1.15 1.26 Buy
05/02/18 CIMB Raffles Medical 1.15 1.24 Hold Sum of parts
05/02/18 Kim Eng Raffles Medical 1.15 1.13 Hold
06/29/18 DMG & Partners Raffles Medical 1.01 1.02 Neutral DCF
07/24/18 UOB Kay Hian Raffles Medical 1.1 1.28 Buy DCF, PER34.8x FY18
08/07/18 UOB Kay Hian Raffles Medical 1.09 1.28 Buy DCF, PER34.8x FY18
08/07/18 DMG & Partners Raffles Medical 1.09 1.02 Neutral
08/07/18 CIMB Raffles Medical 1.09 1.19 Hold Sum of parts
08/07/18 OCBC Raffles Medical 1.09 1.26 Buy
08/08/18 Phillip Raffles Medical 1.11 1.32 Accumulate DCF
09/24/18 OCBC Raffles Medical 1.1 1.26 Buy
10/30/18 OCBC Raffles Medical 1.09 1.26 Buy Sum of parts
10/30/18 UOB Kay Hian Raffles Medical 1.09 1.27 Buy DCF
10/30/18 DMG & Partners Raffles Medical 1.09 1.02 Neutral DCF
10/30/18 CIMB Raffles Medical 1.09 1.19 Hold Sum of parts

QAF - Stock calls

Date Analyst Company Last Target Call Valuation
03/02/17 OCBC QAF 1.41 1.46 Hold Buy @ $1.36 or lower
05/08/17 OCBC QAF 1.34 1.46 Hold

Stock calls for 20 November 2018

Date Analyst Company Last Target Call Valuation
11/20/18 Lim & Tan Capitaland 3.14 0 Buy
11/20/18 DMG & Partners Fu Yu 0.182 0.23 Buy
11/20/18 CIMB Jubilee 0.034 0.051 Add
11/20/18 CIMB MM2 Asia 0.345 0.5 Add Sum of parts
11/20/18 DMG & Partners Starhill 0.665 0.8 Buy
11/20/18 DMG & Partners UOB 24.25 30.8 Buy

MAS new payment services bill will hit the ICO and Cryptocurrency industries.

This new payment services bill will definitely douse the flames of the ICO and crypto developments in Singapore because they will be subjected to more costs, rules, and regulations.

Goodbye ICO & Crypto!

Monday, November 19, 2018

Apple has cut production orders by 1/3 officially!

No wonder Apple refuses to disclose its unit sales figures anymore. A 1/3 cut is very significant and it will impact its earnings.  There is no way to continue to sell iPhones at higher prices because iPhones do not have an inelastic demand.  Apple will definitely be impacted by the 1/3 cut.

Q & M - Stock calls

Date Analyst Company Last Target Call Valuation
03/03/17 CIMB Q & M 0.71 0.6 Reduce PER28x
03/06/17 Kim Eng Q & M 0.705 0.77 Hold PER36x FY18
03/06/17 phillip Q & M 0.705 0.65 Reduce PER38.2x FY17
05/12/17 CIMB Q & M 0.705 0.6 Reduce PER28x CY18
05/15/17 phillip Q & M 0.7 0.65 Reduce PER38.2x FY17
06/05/17 Kim Eng Q & M 0.685 0.6 Hold PER28x FY18
08/21/17 phillip Q & M 0.63 0.61 Neutral PER32x
01/08/18 CIMB Q & M 0.65 0.61 Reduce PER28x CY19
03/02/18 phillip Q & M 0.635 0.625 Hold PER27x FY18
05/16/18 phillip Q & M 0.605 0.625 Neutral PER27x FY18
08/16/18 phillip Q & M 0.51 0.649 Buy PER28x FY18
11/19/18 phillip Q & M 0.21 0.513 Neutral PER25x FY18/19