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Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Singapore stock calls for 5 October 2016

Poor turnout at Shanghai Disneyland for the golden week holiday in China.

Shanghai Disneyland is the first retail victim of the golden week holiday in China.  The visitorship has dropped so much that it takes only an average of about 5-10mins to queue for every activity in Disneyland.

Why is this phenomenon happening so fast when Shanghai Disneyland had just opened a few months ago?

Is the pricing too high? It is a known fact that the price is about 20% cheaper than HK.
Is anti-American sentiment brewing in China that Chinese are avoiding the theme park?

Latest update on ASEAN for South China Sea issue.

USA supporter: Singapore, Vietnam

China supporter: Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Philippines

Indonesia is still a neutral party but I think Indonesia will be on China's side as it won't want to go against the other 2 Muslim countries.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Golden week holiday in China will show how China perceives SG.

SG has started to prepare for the Golden Week holiday in China and is courting China tourists to come to SG.  The SG retail result will be an indication how China perceives SG after our PM's anti-china remarks in USA and Japan.  If there is a drop in retail sales from China tourists, it will likely indicate that anti-Singapore sentiment has taken root in China, just like what happened in Taiwan.
This article could be the harbinger for the anti-Singapore sentiment in China.

Recently, China caucus has been advising China communist party not to regard SG as Chinese and should treat SG as a normal sovereign without a Chinese root because SG has been making anti-China remarks.  Once this anti-Singapore sentiment starts brewing in China, we cannot turn back the tide and our economy will suffer.

Nonetheless, let's hope for the best and monitor the retail sales figures.

Singapore stock calls for 3 October 2016

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Baltic dry index - 875

Today, Friday, September 30 2016, the Baltic Dry Index decreased by 13 points, reaching 875 points.

Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.

US rig count - 522

HOUSTON (AP) – The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. increased by 11 this week to 522.
A year ago, 809 rigs were active. Depressed energy prices have sharply curtailed oil and gas exploration.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes Inc. said Friday that 425 rigs sought oil and 96 explored for natural gas this week. One was listed as miscellaneous.
Among major oil- and gas-producing states, New Mexico gained three rigs and North Dakota was up two. Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and West Virginia increased by one apiece.
Texas declined by one rig.
California, Kansas, Ohio, Utah and Wyoming were unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out in May at 404.

SG PM has offended China again! Let's see how China will punish SG.

Besides asking Japan to stop apologizing for WW2 atrocities, our PM is teaching China how to manage its country with an obnoxious tone. OMG!

Syria has proof that USA is in cahoot with ISIS!

Russia and USA are fighting each other in Syria!

USA claimed to bomb Syrian military by accident which was an invalid excuse because the bombing lasted more than an hour.

Russia hit back at USA in the same way.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Latest military news!

China has succeeded in developing quantum radar and is ready for mass production. This quantum radar is the latest technology after its quantum satellite and will render F35 stealth fighters useless.  No stealth technology can escape quantum radar for now.

Singapore stock calls for 29 September 2016

Tharman is not the man for SG PM.

As predicted in our earlier post, Tharman has declared himself not the man for SG PM.  However, he's up for another post that the current PM is seeking to change.

US is losing support in ASEAN!

Philippines is breaking up with USA because USA had played a fool out of Philippines over the PCA ruling on South China Sea which was an illegal ruling.  Furthermore, USA had refused to reimburse Philippines for PCA legal cost which amounted to USD$30m.  USA also interfered in Philippines' internal affairs which angered Duterte.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Stockbank announcement!

Stockbank LLP is pleased to announce that Business wire has approached Stockbank to be its news publishing partner again after ceased operation.  Business wire news will be published on this blog and

Singapore stock calls for 28 September 2016

Monday, September 26, 2016

Is Tharman likely to be the next SG PM?

Politically, Tharman is unlikely to be the next SG PM.  Why? Well, this is because SG survival is highly dependent on its role to be the facilitator between the east and west.  If Tharman is the next PM, SG will lose its close fraternity with China as China will view SG differently.  China will view SG without a Chinese root and won't give preferential treatment to SG.  LHL has also indicated that the next PM must be able to speak Mandarin and Tharman is not able to do that.  Without a Chinese root, SG survival is going to be tougher in a more challenging environment.

LHL has been trying to change the presidential requirements for some hidden agenda.  Time will reveal the truth in the future.

Singapore stock calls for 26 September 2016

Sunday, September 25, 2016

What else did DBS do wrong?

Why did DBS say Yuan (RMB) was the big China risk?  Well, DBS speculated in Yuan and was suspended for such activity in China.

DBS was one of the culprits that dabbled in yuan speculation and got punished by China but trying to get back on China by talking about yuan depreciation would only irk China more.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Baltic dry index - 941

Today, Friday, September 23 2016, the Baltic Dry Index climbed by 4 points, reaching 941 points.

Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.

US rig count - 511

HOUSTON (AP) -- The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. increased by five this week to 511.
A year ago, 838 rigs were active. Depressed energy prices have sharply curtailed oil and gas exploration.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes Inc. said Friday that 418 rigs sought oil and 92 explored for natural gas this week. One was listed as miscellaneous.
Among major oil- and gas-producing states, Texas and Oklahoma each gained two rigs and Alaska, California, North Dakota and Pennsylvania each was up one.
Louisiana, New Mexico and West Virginia each declined by one rig.
Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Ohio, Utah and Wyoming were unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out in May at 404.

DBS failed to see warning signs for Swiber before default and claimed that it imploded suddenly.

DBS claimed no sign of distress for Swiber and extended more loan to Swiber.  How true is this claim?

However, Kim Eng and S&P stated red flags were there for some time prior to the default.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Baltic dry index - 800

Today, Friday, September 16 2016, the Baltic Dry Index climbed by 36 points, reaching 800 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.

US rig count - 506

HOUSTON (AP) — The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. declined by two this week to 506.
A year ago, 842 rigs were active. Depressed energy prices have sharply curtailed oil and gas exploration.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes Inc. said Friday that 416 rigs sought oil and 89 explored for natural gas this week. One was listed as miscellaneous.
Among major oil- and gas-producing states, Oklahoma gained three rigs and Alaska was up one.
Louisiana declined by two rigs and North Dakota and Texas fell by one each.
Arkansas, California, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming were unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out in May at 404.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Singapore stock calls for 16 September 2016

Will breaking the law in good faith exonerate your guilt?

Laws are not meant to be broken whether in good or bad faith. Breaking the law in good faith will not exonerate your guilt. If someone robs the rich to give it to the poor, he is also robbing in good faith and doesn't seek any personal gain for himself but that doesn't mean he is not guilty under the law.
The lawyers are damn stupid to argue in this way.

USA and Japan are still looking to stir up troubles in South China Sea.

USA and Japan (non-claimants) are still looking to stir up troubles in South China Sea when claimants have agreed to handle their differences with China bilaterally.
There has not been a single instance in South China Sea where there is no freedom of navigation by commercial ships. Asean knows what the USA & Japan are up to and will not follow them.

Duterte has put actions into his words!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Simple maths problem

There are 18 students in a party.  Each boy eats 5 sweets and each girl eats 3 sweets. In total, boys eat 42 sweets more than girls. How many more boys are there?

Singapore stock calls for 15 September 2016

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Baltic dry index - 804

Today, Friday, September 09 2016, the Baltic Dry Index climbed by 12 points, reaching 804 points.

Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.

US rig count - 508

HOUSTON (AP) — The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. increased by 11 this week to 508.
A year ago, 848 rigs were active. Depressed energy prices have sharply curtailed oil and gas exploration.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes Inc. said Friday that 414 rigs sought oil and 92 explored for natural gas this week. Two were listed as miscellaneous.
Among major oil- and gas-producing states, Louisiana gained eight rigs, Texas was up four, Utah and West Virginia each increased by two and Ohio by one.
Oklahoma declined by four and New Mexico was off two.
Alaska, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Kansas, North Dakota, Pennsylvania and Wyoming were unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out in May at 404.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Singapore stock calls for 8 September 2016.

Russia supports China overtly to reject PCA ruling!

Russia has declared its position on South China Sea and supported China to reject PCA ruling.  Furthermore, it is asking non-claimants to stay out of South China Sea especially USA.

Russia will be involving in South China Sea which will restraint USA's influence.

ASEAN will be disintegrated once its members allow USA to meddle in South China Sea.

Countries that overtly support China: Russia & Thailand (latest update)

Countries that overtly support USA: None so far. (Duterte even called Obama son of whore)

When any Asean country overly supports USA, Asean will fall apart.  For eg, if SG supports USA overtly, China will use Malaysia to punish SG.  If Vietnam supports USA overtly, China will use Cambodia & Loas to punish Vietnam because Vietnam invaded its neighbouring countries in the past.  If Indonesia supports USA openly, China will use Malaysia & Brunei to punish Indonesia (muslims against muslims).

How can Asean be united like before when 2 super power countries use Asean to fight against each other for their own political causes and interests?

USA will definitely lose out in South China Sea because ASEAN wants to maintain peace, stability and unitedness but USA will still have a consolation price by selling its weapons to ASEAN when it creates chaos in South China Sea.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Australia declares that PCA has no jurisdiction!

Australia has declared PCA has no jurisdiction for its own case with East Timor but it wants China to respect and adhere to PCA's ruling on South China Sea. This is what happens when we allow a private organisation like PCA to rule on international matters. This will subject international laws to be interpreted differently. We must uphold a common set of interpretations for international laws.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Obama's daft comments on China!

Obama has disgraced and deceived himself and the world with such a blatant daft speech.
What's wrong with the speech?
Who is the one flexing muscles in south china sea with 2 aircraft carriers and several destroyers? USA!
Yes, China is signatory to the UN convention on the law of the sea but USA is not. Why is USA using a law which itself doesn't recognise?
UN convention on the law of the sea must not be subjected to different interpretations by different parties. There is only 1 international court and it is ICJ. PCA is just a private organisation without legal authority to rule on international matters. If you look at PCA's website, you cannot find anything on it to substantiate its legality as a court as to who and what empower PCA to be an international court. Furthermore, it states clearly on its website that it is not a court in traditional sense but a framework.
PCA is a private organisation that doesn't recognise historical claim but ICJ which is backed by UN recognises historical claim as it is a backbone of all sovereignties. Without historical claims, many nations wouldn't exist today including USA.
Terra Nullius was a historical claim used by SG in Pedra Branca case against Malaysia in ICJ and ICJ awarded Pedra Branca based on that. Please refer to for more information.
If the world accepts PCA's ruling, it is empowering a private organisation to rule on international matters and also subjecting international laws to different interpretations. Where will UN and ICJ stand if a private organisation can rule on international matters?
The world must uphold the integrity of international laws and there must be a common interpretation but not different interpretations. Therefore, we cannot allow a private organisation to rule on international matters.

Baltic dry index - 720

Today, Friday, September 02 2016, the Baltic Dry Index climbed by 8 points, reaching 720 points.

Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.

US rig count - 497

HOUSTON (AP) — The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. increased by eight this week to 497.
A year ago, 864 rigs were active. Depressed energy prices have sharply curtailed oil and gas exploration.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes Inc. said Friday that 407 rigs sought oil and 88 explored for natural gas this week. Two were listed as miscellaneous.
Among major oil- and gas-producing states, Oklahoma, Wyoming and Texas gained four rigs each, Pennsylvania was up two, while North Dakota and West Virginia increased by one apiece.
Louisiana declined by seven and Colorado was down one.
Alaska, Arkansas, California, Kansas, New Mexico, Ohio and Utah were unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out in May at 404.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Singapore stock calls for 29 August 2016.

Why is the world willing to move on after Nazi but not Japanese occupation?

The reason is simple. The Germans apologized with utmost sincerity for the atrocities committed by the Nazis. When you visit any museum that displays Nazi's history and crimes, you can see a true account of the past. The Germans do not whitewash their acrimonious past.
For Japan, the Japanese tried to whitewash their unglamorous past starting with their school textbooks and also protested against the Unesco Nanjing Massacre listing. Why? This makes it hard for Japan to deny the Nanjing Massacre when it is listed under the Unesco.
Not only does Japan government whitewash its history, it also worships the war criminals in the yasukuni shrine. This is akin to extolling their ruthless actions during WW2 especially when the government officials visit the shrine on an annual basis.
The world will never forgive Japan and move on because of insincere apology. The world cannot reconcile Japan's insincere verbal apology with regular yasukuni shrine visits and history whitewashes.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Baltic dry index - 720

Today, Friday, August 26 2016, the Baltic Dry Index climbed by 2 points, reaching 720 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.

US rig count - 489

HOUSTON (AP) — The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. decreased by two this week to 489.
A year ago, 877 rigs were active. Depressed energy prices have sharply curtailed oil and gas exploration.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes Inc. said Friday that 406 rigs sought oil and 81 explored for natural gas this week. Two were listed as miscellaneous.
Among major oil- and gas-producing states, Pennsylvania gained two rigs and Wyoming was up one.
Colorado, Louisiana, Ohio, Texas and West Virginia each declined by one.
Alaska, Arkansas, California, Kansas, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma and Utah were unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out in May at 404.

No need for USD anymore!

USA has lost its power of influence in Middle East.

USA couldn't decide unilaterally in Middle East anymore without involving Russia compared to the past.  No more hegemonic status!

Friday, August 26, 2016

TPP won't be approved this year.

TPP won't be approved this year and the new incumbent president also won't approve it either.  Both presidential candidates stated very clearly in their propagandas that they won't approve TPP because TPP was detrimental to USA economy.

Any changes to TPP will have to be re-negotiated with Asia countries and this is very time-consuming.  Therefore, TPP has virtually no success rate in the future.

Singapore stock calls for 26 August 2016

Singapore's economy will falter soon!

As Singapore gets more and more supportive of USA's stance on South China Sea, China will block and tackle SG.  The Krai canal construction seems to have started insidiously as reported by China's news media.  This has been China's strategic move to counter USA's power in Straits of Malacca.

Monday, August 22, 2016

China has upgraded its destroyer for South China Sea.

In view of further aggressive stance in South China Sea from USA, China has upgraded its destroyer with more lethal and advanced weapons. The 32-cell launch pad can contain 64 missiles in total.

China and Russia will be conducting naval exercise in South China Sea in September 2016.

China and Russia will be conducting a drill in South China Sea this September. This is to show the world that China and Russia are standing together on the South China Sea issue. Any country which is creating trouble in South China Sea will have to deal with 2 powerful nations, not just China per se.

Singapore stock calls for 22 August 2016

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Baltic Dry Index - 683

Today, Friday, August 19 2016, the Baltic Dry Index climbed by 1 point, reaching 683 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.

US rig count - 491

HOUSTON (AP) — The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. increased by 10 this week to 491.  A year ago, 885 rigs were active. Depressed energy prices have sharply curtailed oil and gas exploration. Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes Inc. said Friday that 406 rigs sought oil and 83 explored for natural gas this week. Two were listed as miscellaneous.  The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out in May at 404.

Political powers are shifting around the globe now!

USA tries to interfere in South China Sea that angers China.  Therefore, China is interfering in Middle East to get back at the USA.  China will be supporting Syria in the Middle East with military training and aids.  This is an excellent strategic move because Syria is an oil producing nation and China can import oil from Syria in RMB, not in USD.

With Russia and China support, Syria is pounding US-backed Kurdish troops by bombing them.

We can see that Russia and China have formed a strategic alliance against the USA in South China Sea and Middle East.

For the first time in history, Iran has allowed Russia to use its airbase to bomb IS in Syria.  This is a political changing event which angers the USA.  Iran is overtly expressing its support for Russia involvement which will greatly reduce USA influence.

Russia is also pressuring Turkey for access to its airbase to bomb IS in Syria and the primary motive is to create ramification in NATO since Turkey is one of NATO members.  With burgeoning supports from Iran, Syria, Turkey and China, Russia will become a major decision maker in Middle East.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Singapore stock calls for 19 August 2016

China warns Singapore not to interfere in South China Sea.

China has warned Singapore not to interfere in South China Sea after PM Lee's remarks in USA. SG better listens or China will whip SG's economy. SG has been a USA supporter without much economic benefit. Latest economic statistics showed that sales to USA slid 19% and sales to China slid 17%.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Baltic Dry Index - 671

Today, Friday, August 12 2016, the Baltic Dry Index climbed by 18 points, reaching 671 points.

Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.

US rig count - 481

The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. increased by 17 this week to 481.
A year ago, 884 rigs were active. Depressed energy prices have sharply curtailed oil and gas exploration.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes Inc. said Friday that 396 rigs sought oil and 83 explored for natural gas this week. Two were listed as miscellaneous.
Among major oil- and gas-producing states, Texas gained 13 rigs and Colorado, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio and Utah were up one each.
California declined by one.
Alaska, Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Wyoming were unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out in May at 404.