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Friday, November 4, 2016

Singapore stock calls for 4 November 2016

UFO sightings in Asia!

There's a lot of things going on in China because there's a lot of UFO sightings over there.  This will mean China will have a lot of technological advancements in the future.

Is this UFO in china or china latest fighter plane?

It's amazing that there are more and more UFO videos surfacing in China.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

South Korea President scandal!

President park looks set to step down to appease the general public as there is a rumour circulating in Korea that her closest friend is incented to push through the THAAD defence system in Korea and disregard the safety of the residents because China will target missiles at the THAAD's site.

Her new nominations of PM and FM were also rejected by the opposition party.

Singapore stock calls for 3 November 2016

Mysterious light landed on Iceland without any disturbance!

This light was definitely not an asteroid or meteorite as there was neither explosion nor crater detected by Iceland. Nobody knew about this light until it was revealed by the video.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Singapore stock calls for 2 November 2016

UFO seen from plane.

That's why i like the window seat!

OMG! Malaysia is buying 18 China stealth frigates.

Malaysia will be getting 18 China stealth frigates to safeguard the safety of Strait of Malacca.

Stealth frigate doesn't mean invisibility but it means a small signal on radar instead of a big signal.  In a nutshell, a big ship will look like a sampan on a radar when it has a stealth feature.

This is really bad news for SG as this will mean Malaysia will have military alliance with China as its naval personnel will be trained by China.

Another bad news is the building of the HSR (high speed railway) from KL to SG will be likely built by China instead of Japan with strong support from SG.  As we can see, SG influences will be eroded slowly in Asean as the days go by and SG has succeeded in making China not to regard SG as a Chinese nation.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

How to calculate day and date using your fingers?

How to calculate day using your fingers?

31 oct 2016
The date must be minus by 7 or 14 or 21 or 28 if it is smaller than 7.
Therefore, 31 - 28 = 3
There is no need to minus if the date is smaller than 7.

For 2016, we need to add 5 to the number 3 = 8.  If this year is a leap year (29 feb exists), then we need to add 1 after feb, so it will be 6+3 = 9 and 5+3=8 for Jan & Feb.

For every additional year in the future (without leap year), we just increase the number by 1.  For e.g., 2017 is to add 6, 2018 is to add 7.  Once the number reaches 7, it will be reset to zero again and this cycle starts all over again.

Looking at the diagram, October is the first section of the index finger.  As we need to add 5 to 3 = 8, we just count the first section (october) as 1 and move downward 8 times which will end at the first section of index finger (Monday).

Thus, 31 october 2016 falls on Monday.

How to calculate date using your fingers?

What date is last Sunday of October 2016

October is 1st section of index finger.
Since 2016 is to add 5, we will just count the first section (october) as 1 and move downward 5 times which will end at the 2nd section of the middle finger (Friday).  Thus, the next day will always be the 1st date or day of the month (1st oct).  Since we are trying to find the last Sunday, the first Sunday falls on the 2nd date which is 2nd October 2016.

Just do a simple calculation to get the date for last sunday.
1st sunday, 2 October 2016 (add 7 to get the next sunday)
2nd sunday, 9 October 2016 (add 7 to get the next sunday)
3rd sunday, 16 October 2016 (add 7 to get the next sunday)
4th sunday, 23 October 2016 (add 7 to get the next sunday), Continue to add 7 if less than 31
5th sunday, 30 October 2016

Therefore, the answer is 30 October 2016.

Please take note of leap year as you will need to apply the same logic above.

China is having leapfrog technology advancement.

J20 will no doubt beef up China's air force but the real revolutionary change will be China advancement in quantum physics.

No country has a profound understanding of quantum physics compared to China because China has developed working quantum satellite and radar.  Therefore, it is likely that China will be the first nation to produce a quantum computer and that will really change the whole world because of its computing power.

Singapore stock calls for 1 November 2016

Solution to the maths puzzle.

The puzzle is a 3x3 matrix.  The fastest way to solve this is to divide 15 by 3 = 5.  Since 5 is a common number, we can do a permutation of 15 below.

1 - 5 - 9
2 - 5 - 8
3 - 5 - 7

4 - 5 - 6

5 which is a common number will be placed in the centre box so that other numbers can be connected to it.

We'll start with 1-5-9 in the middle row.  You can put this in the middle column or diagonal row.  Then we will move on with 2-5-8 and place the 2nd smallest number 2 beside 9.  The trick is to place a small number beside a large number.  Thereafter, you can easily fill up the matrix.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Maths puzzle

In this matrix, there are 9 boxes which contain a unique number from 1 to 9 and no repetitive number in each box.  If you add each row and each column, you will get 15 from each row and column.  If you add diagonally, you will also get 15.  Please solve this puzzle.

THAAD system may not be installed in South Korea.

There's protest in South Korea for the current president to resign due to a scandal.  The opposition party will make use of this opportunity to get rid of her.  As the opposition party is anti-Thaad, the next president may not approve THAAD to be installed in South Korea.

NASA captured UFOs refueling from the sun.

This is the proper way to harness the sun energy, not by using solar panel......UFO is showing us the right way to do it!

Singapore stock calls for 31 October 2016

Spain fighter planes chased UFO over the sea!

Wow!  The UFO can fly and also submerge....Cool!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Japan F15 was no match for China SU-30.

A dogfight between China and Japan happened in June between 2 F15 and 2 SU-30.  Japan F15 had to release flares to escape from China SU-30 and fly back to Japan in humiliation.  China SU-30 didn't release any flares during the dogfight.