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Friday, January 13, 2017

Hot news! CNN alleged Trump has a sex fetish!

CNN alleged that Trump has a sex fetish which is watching woman pissing!  I've not seen a news media and an incumbent president squabbled in a news conference before.  This shows that Trump is really unwelcome as the president. Even UK media doesn't like him.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 12 January 2017

US should stop the pissing match! Get real and put money where your mouth is!

If USA wants to stop China or kick China out of South China Sea (SCS), it has to go to war with China.  It's better to do it now than later.  Once China has 3 aircraft carriers, it will have control of SCS.  Therefore, USA should stop the pissing match and get real with some actions like starting a war with China.  If not, USA should keep its mouth shut and remain silent forever because it will lose total control of SCS when China has 3 aircraft carriers.  This is the harsh fact of life!

I don't advocate or promote SCS war but it's just useless to start a pissing match with nothing being done.  Either we accept the inevitable outcome or we change the ensuing outcome.  USA is not ready to start a SCS war but it is only willing to start a useless pissing match with China by dragging other Asia countries like SG and SK into it.

South Korea underestimated China's reaction on THAAD.

As the ruling party still insists on THAAD, China has upped the ante with a ban on 19 korean cosmetics after blockage of korean entertainment artistes.

if SG also underestimates China's reaction and insists on state immunity for our tanks, we may not get our tanks back because state immunity is NOT in force under UN.  State immunity is a privilege extended to a foreign country and can be withdrawn or revoked when the political relationship between the 2 nations turns south.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 11 January 2017

What is state immunity?

Not in force yet!  Therefore, it is still a privilege and China has the prerogative to seize and confiscate our tanks unless state immunity is extended to SG out of goodwill.

China fake rice has appeared in HK.

Be careful when you eat rice in HK!

China is preparing for the worst scenario.

China military is trying to familiarize with the aviation routes in preparation for the possible worst scenario in the future.

If Trump rejects the one-China policy upon inauguration, China will impose economic sanctions against Taiwan and also take military actions to surround Taiwan.  As China is anticipating USA and Japan to come to help Taiwan, it has to familiarize with the aviation routes around Japan for future military confrontations.  Tension is indeed rising in South China Sea.

The truth behind the comfort women settlement.

USA was behind the comfort women settlement between japan and south korea because USA wanted them to bury the hatchet so that they could work together to contain china.  USA pressured President Park to accept the unfair comfort women settlement from Japan and this irked the South Koreans.  There’s no reason for Japan to complain to USA about South Korea if USA was not involved in the settlement as this matter was just between the 2 nations.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Alien's hand skeleton found in Peru.

This hand skeleton has 3 long fingers with 6 sections which is unlike a human or ape's hand.

Is this the holy grail that proves alien existed in the past?

Singapore stock calls for 10 January 2017

Singapore has admitted that we're at the mercy of HK court.

State immunity is a privilege (not an entitlement) that can be extended and also can be revoked.  Therefore, there is no such protection under international law because state immunity is based on political relationship between 2 nations.  The truth is out finally and we're really at the mercy of HK court.  If HK doesn't extend this privilege to SG because we're so anti-China, HK has the right to seize and confiscate our tanks.  We can only shut up and suck our thumb in a corner while waiting for the kind gesture from HK.

High interest rate environment is coming! - Part 2

Inflation is coming!  Please read our previous post below for more details.

How fake rice is made in China with plastic bags!

Singapore household debt is at an alarming level.

A slowdown in our economy will cause huge stresses in household debts which will greatly reduce our economy and this will become a vicious cycle.  Higher interest rates are coming and will cause a slowdown in our economy.  Be prepared for the worst!

Monday, January 9, 2017

China warns SG after our defence minister's speech.

We should be careful about what we say if we want our tanks back as our tanks are in their premise.

Singapore stock calls for 9 January 2017

Malaysia is trying to cripple SG economy now!

Beside China containment on SG, Malaysia is also trying to steal SG port business now!  SG will have a harder time to survive in the future.

Our defence minister is an expert in international and HK laws! Wow!

When did our defence minister, a medical doctor, become an expert in international and HK laws.  If our SG tanks en route to HK was legal, there's no basis for our tanks to be detained in HK and HK wouldn't have proclaimed that the detainment was due to improper documentation.

We're making a BIG mistake to declare that HK contravened international law and its own HK laws just to detain SG tanks especially our tanks are still being seized in HK.

Asia economies will be greatly affected by Taiwan and China relationship in 2017. Why?

20 Jan 2017 will be the inauguration of USA president (Trump) and if he chooses to ignore the one-china policy that the current ruling Taiwan government refuses to recognise, China will begin to impose economic sanctions against Taiwan in 2017.

If USA and Japan support and go to the aid of Taiwan, China will send its navy to surround and block international trading for Taiwan to force the ruling party to give up.

We MUST NOT underestimate the resolve of China because Taiwan is a province of China and China won't let it go at any cost.  As such, USA resolution won't be as strong as China in this sense.

It doesn't matter whether China will win or lose this battle to take back Taiwan because China will keep on trying no matter what at any cost.  Is USA ready to take on China for the numerous attempts that China is resolved to undertake?

Not to forget 1.4b China people will support its China government to retake Taiwan as they also recognise that Taiwan is part of China.  Good luck to Asia in 2017!