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Thursday, March 2, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 2 March 2017

What stocks to buy in an interest rate rising environment?

In financial doctrine, we learn that a stable cashflow (low-volatility) company will be highly sensitive to interest rate compared to a high volatility company.  This means that low volatility cashflow will be positively correlated and high volatility cashflow will be negatively correlated to the interest rate.

As banks and insurance companies have relatively stable cashflows, these companies will benefit in an interest rising environment.

Previous related post:

US stock markets are high on drugs now!

USA fundamentals have not changed much on the main street but wall street's euphoria is based on sentiments towards Trump's speeches insofar.  Trump's fiscal stimulus will boost the economy but this ephemeral will be negated by Janet Yellen's rate rises and the stock markets will come crashing down hard.  The US stock markets are like a house of cards now.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Advancement in robotic technology. What the latest robot can do!

This is simply amazing! The robot can balance itself so well and navigate over hurdles.

Japan wants to tell USA to respect WTO rules.

What a joke!

There is no way for Japan to tell USA what to do.  It's always USA telling Japan what to do.

Singapore stock calls for 1 March 2017

Ezra's ECS bankruptcy will affect DBS & OCBC.

DBS & OCBC have loan exposures to ECS.  Ezra will have to write off its ECS investment of about USD$170m (40% stake in ecs).  DBS's exposure is about USD$84.6m and OCBC's exposure is about USD$13.1m.

UN is an useless organization now!

If the west especially USA don't work with China and Russia, UN will be a useless organization that cannot get work done because there must be not a single veto in any UN decision.  When there are 2 vetoes from Russia & China, UN cannot carry out its ruling.

WTO is fast losing its credibility.

WTO refused to honour its own contract with China to grant the market economy status automatically after 15 years.  By setting such a bad example to the world, USA is just following suit by ignoring WTO rulings.

Why must other countries abide by WTO ruling when WTO refuses to abide by its own contract?

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 28 February 2017

North Korea is at its wits' end now.

Coal export to China constitutes 1/3 of North Korea's incomes.  Therefore, coal import ban from China will affect North Korea tremendously.  North Korea's coals are of high quality because they're non-smoke coals which don't produce smogs.

The next weapon China has is OIL export ban to North Korea.  This will crumble NK.

South Korea will enter economic downturn in 2017 - Part 3

China will ban and boycott LOTTE businesses in China for helping South Korea government to install THAAD system.  Good grief! Why is South Korea so adamant in THAAD installation when the system cannot defend against more than 10,000 mobile rockets launchers from North Korea?

Part 2:

Monday, February 27, 2017

Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Kim who was assassinated in KLIA might not be the real Kim Jong Nam.

There was a Japanese reporter who claimed to be have known Kim Jong Nam for a long time said that Kim Jong Nam had tattoos on his body including his tummy.  However, no tattoo was spotted on his tummy on the picture (as shown).  Therefore, the deceased man might not be the real Kim Jong Nam according to the Japanese reporter.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

DPM Tharman said that the government had enough provision for this decade.

Let's see if this is true by not raising GST in this decade since the government has enough provision.

Bill Gates' suggestion on robot tax won't work!
Imposition of robot tax to save any human job won't work because it is a regressive action that will impede productivity.  This action will force businesses to choose between human or robot based on cost instead of productivity.  Furthermore, businesses will move to other countries without robot tax so that more robots can be used.  The fundamental reason businesses adopt automation is to improve productivity and lower production cost.  If we impose robot tax to compel businesses to adopt lesser robots, it will defeat the purpose of improving productivity as a human cannot work 24/7.  If full automation can increase productivity and lower product cost better than semi-automation with some human labour, why would we want semi-automation unless full automation has a higher robot tax which can lead to higher production cost?

Iphone 7 is an exploding device. Be careful!

Iphone 7 has gone awry! It can explode like an IED.

Iceberg has issued another report on Noble group.

No smoke without fire or this report on Noble's fraud is also a fraud report?