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Friday, March 10, 2017

China stealth fighter J20 is officially in service now.

A big thank to USA for stirring troubles in South China Sea, China has to defend itself by expediting the developments of its airplanes.  J20 is in service now!

South Korean President has been impeached!

She has to leave the office immediately as the court has decided to impeach her.  The deployment of THAAD defence system permanently in South Korea will rest on the next president.

ECB is reducing bond purchases.

ECB is reducing bond purchases to contain inflation.  In a nutshell, revising QE will increase interest rate.

EU's interest rate will increase, so will USA's interest rate.  The high interest rate environment is coming.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 8 March 2017

Building structure on mars erased by NASA. Why?

NASA cannot allow earthlings to know that we're not alone as this will destroy our social fabric especially our religions.  Therefore, when NASA had spotted something unusual, it would erase it.

South Korea will enter economic downturn in 2017 - Part 4

Lotte has about USD$8.5b investments in China and Lotte is expected to suffer a big chunk of loss in China.  The next to fall will be Samsung as China citizens are boycotting South Korean products.

Furthermore, Foxconn and TSMC are trying to decimate Samsung by combining efforts to buy Toshiba's nand flash business.  Once nand flash business falls into the hands of TSMC & Foxconn, Samsung business will be greatly affected as Apple will no longer use Samsung as its supplier because Apple views Samsung as a competitor.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Israel! Please stop your aggression!

After getting a UN's censure on Israel, USA had switched side finally.

Singapore stock calls for 7 March 2017

Australia doesn't want to get involved in South China Sea patrol. Why?

The real reason is that Australia also ignored PCA ruling in favour of East Timor and didn't recognise PCA jurisdiction.  Therefore, it's improper for Australia to continue to support PCA ruling in South China Sea or it would face a backlash.

North Korea fired 4 missiles during US-SK joint military exercise.

The US and South Korea started its massive joint military exercise involving 300,000 personnel and latest radars such as X-band and THAAD.  However, North Korea fired 4 missiles during the joint exercise as a sign of protest.  The NK missiles revealed critical flaws in the radars as they were not able to detect the types of NK missiles.  This put to questions about the effectiveness of THAAD defence system because it couldn't detect the types of missiles fired.

When you cannot detect the types of missiles, you cannot intercept them effectively especially for multiple-head missiles because the multiple-head missiles can contain real and dummy warheads.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Trade war between South Korea and China has started!

The trade war is due to the stupid THAAD defence system which is ineffective against low-altitude rockets.  It is no joke when 1.4b people rallied against South Korea.

Kudos to China for containing its defence budget.

China's defence budget: USD$151b.
USA's defence budget: USD$590b.

See who is the threat to the world?

Trump is busy bickering with Obama.

How will he have the time and effort to focus on the economy?

Singapore stock calls for 6 March 2017

USA may have sub-prime again if Chinese investors exited US market.

There'll be an oversupply of housing and this will crash the housing market when Chinese investors exited US market.  However, Asia will benefit out of this turmoil.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

China has cut GDP growth for 2017. How will it impact the world?

IMF forecasts world GDP to be 3.1% for 2017 and China alone will contribute 39% of that 3.1% whereas USA will only contribute less than 10%.  Therefore, any decline in China GDP will affect the world more than USA.

Qualitative vs Quantitative analysis? Which is more important?

Quantitative analysis is about analyzing the facts and figures from the financial statements to derive a fair value on the company stock whereas qualitative analysis is about analyzing the business model and non-arithmetic aspects of the company and its industry to assess the feasibility and sustainability of the company.

Many financial analysts focus on quantitative analysis and neglect the qualitative aspects which often result in misjudgments.

For example, financial analysts like to tout shipping trusts to retail investors as value investment instruments because of their constant distribution yields that are akin to bond yields or fixed deposits.  They always use quantitative analyses to justify for buying shipping trusts due to the long-term chartered contracts (7-10 years) and high distribution yields of 5-7%.

However, if we use qualitative analysis on shipping trusts, we will discover that shipping trusts cannot withstand economic downturns and recessions.  The business model of shipping trusts is based on ship acquisitions to secure ever rising chartering rates to maintain the high distribution yields.  The acquisition limit is usually restricted by its loan-to-value ratio rule that is around 70%.  In a nutshell, the bank will only loan up to 70% of the ship value.  Although shipping trusts usually require their customers to lock in long-term chartering contracts of between 7-10 years, the customers won’t honour these contracts during economic downturns or recessions because many of these customers cannot survive such hardships.  When the customers start to breach these long-term contracts, shipping trusts are left with an oversupply of ships that are berthing and doing nothing.  Then, the shipping trusts will be forced to sell the idling ships at lower rates and these ship values will decline significantly.  Banks are usually cognizant of the latest developments in the shipping industry and will demand the shipping trusts to top up the differences in the fallen ship values.  Conversely, some banks will even recall the ship loans to cut down their risk exposures to the shipping industry.  All these events will start a vicious cycle in the shipping industry, which will lead to tremendous fall in shipping trusts’ prices and distribution yields.  However, many financial analysts will omit these cold hard facts and information to the retail investors by not doing a proper qualitative analysis.

Therefore, you better think twice when you read analysts’ reports without proper qualitative analyses.