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Thursday, May 4, 2017

US Marines sent to explore Ancient Pyramids discovered in Antarctica.

Singapore stock calls for 4 May 2017

Malaysia and Singapore must be regretting now for not getting China to build the HSR.

The current HSR speed is around 300km/hr and this current technology will be applied to the HSR between Singapore and Malaysia because not many nations can build HSR at much higher speed.

China's HSR speed will be hitting 400km/hr soon and this will make our current technology an obsolete technology.  Passengers who are used to 400km/hr will find our 300km/hr a tad too slow.

China's HSR speed will hit 600km/hr in the future which will be double our current speed now.  What a shame for a high-tech country like SG!

China has built the first quantum computer in the world!

China can proclaim that it's the first to build quantum computer now.  If USA also manages to build a quantum computer, China can say that USA has stolen the technology.

I'm not surprised that China is the first to build a quantum computer because of its profound understanding of quantum physics.  It's the first to produce a quantum satellite and radar too.

Kudos to China! We'll have super fast computers now!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Is North Korea going to do nuclear test soon?

Let's hope not but satellite images show that there are activities going on.

Singapore stock 3 May 2017

China medical breakthrough - A drop of blood can be used to detect cancer.

Wow! This is really great news for humanity.  Early detection will aid in saving lives and China deserves to be extolled for such an invention.

South Korea's citizens are protesting against THAAD.

THAAD has put the citizens in dangers because it has strong radiation and the location will be targeted by NK & China missiles.

Is USA preparing for a nuclear war in NK?

I think this is just a scare tactic deployed by USA to frighten NK into giving up its nuclear programme and force Kim to return to the round table discussion.  I hope that Kim will be succumbed to submission and not harbour a do or die attitude.  Kim has to put up a brave front or he will lose his respect and leadership.  This is something that cannot be taken lightly because he will go all out to save his face.

China also will not allow any nuclear war in NK because it will affect China's borders.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 2 May 2017

Do not buy Samsung S8.

Samsung S8 has a lot of problems and you will regret buying it as it's very expensive.  Why buy an expensive but defective product?

Travel alert to Europe!

Do not travel to Europe now as USA has issued travel alert.  However, if you feel that your life is of lesser value to Americans, you can travel to Europe at your own risk.

USA growth is also slowing.

USA & China growths are in diminishing return modes.  If this phenomenon continues, we'll be heading for a stock correction soon.

China growth is slowing.

If commodity prices are rising but manufacturing growth is slowing, we'll have stagflation which is difficult to deal with.  Furthermore, interest rates will be rising to curb inflation and investments.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Do you believe that the first airport was built 7,000 years ago?

Iraqi transport minister declared that the first airport was built 7,000 years ago by aliens.  This is the 2nd minister to declare that Aliens exist after ex-Canadian defence minister.

North Korea wanna do nuclear test.

Let's see if he has the guts to do it.  He will lose China's support immediately once he does that.  Russia also won't support him anymore after the nuclear test.

It's a lose-lose situation for Kim if he pushes ahead with the nuclear test.  He should just accept China's proposition to drop his nuclear development in exchange for China's defence/protection plan.  China is capable of defending NK now.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Wow! China maybe the first country to build a vacuum train.

This is the latest transportation technology which can travel at 2900km/hr which is about 3x the speed of a commercial airliner.

China has really improved by leaps and bounds in engineering technology. No wonder it can complete the carrier construction in 3 years.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

China is increasing its trading with EU by railway.

What can I say? Well done!  This will definitely help to cushion the economic impacts of Brexit for UK.

EU inflation is heating up.

Interest rates won't stay low for too low because of increasing inflations.  Governments around the globe will definitely increase interest rates.  Those who are behind the yield curve will definitely pay a much higher price because their economies will have more knee-jerk reactions due to the magnitude increases.

Therefore, it is a matter of WHEN, not IF that interest rates will rise.

Baltic dry index - 1109

Today, Friday, April 28 2017, the Baltic Dry Index decreased by 25 points, reaching 1109 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.
Related stocks: Sembcorp Marine, Cosco & Pan Ocean.