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Monday, May 22, 2017

USA is really good at spinning stories.

USA has claimed that wannacry ransomware is executed by NK which operates from a China base so that it won't be traced back to NK.  USA has been accusing China for a long time already but this time has shifted the blame to NK.

China can shift the blame to NK for future hackings now because USA has officially declared that NK operates in China.  This is definitely a good excuse for China.

China commercial satellite technology.

Just look at the capability of China 1st commercial satellite, Jilin 1.

These images were from US Nellis Airforce Base in Southern Nevada.

China military satellite technology is better than its commercial satellite technology.  What we can see from the military satellite will be even more amazing!  USA will definitely be nervous to see such images from a commercial satellite.

North Korea fired 2 missiles within a week.

North Korea was so defiant and fired 2 missiles within a week because it knew USA wouldn't go all out to wage war against NK.  NK is taking advantage of USA weakness now.

As long as China & Russia don't cooperate together to rein in NK, NK will continue to be defiant.  When NK loses supports from these 2 countries,  NK will be totally isolated and will cower in fear.  This fat Kim must be punished for being so stubborn, ungrateful and defiant.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

USA is unwilling to risk everything for South Korea.

US defence secretary has stated clearly that military option is not advisable and is seeking a diplomatic solution.  There might be another reason for this decision and it could be that Trump couldn't control its naval forces.

President Trump is losing control of its naval forces.

US Pacific commander Harry Harris had the audacity to visit East China without President Trump's blessing meant that commander Harry was trying to sow discord between US & China and Trump was losing control of the naval forces.  Commander Harry didn't go to North Korea as instructed by Trump previously which embarrassed Trump.  Trump also rejected Commander Harry's requests to sail to Scarborough Shoal for 3 times because Trump wanted to maintain a good relationship with China.  All these incidents meant that Trump and the naval commander couldn't get along well.

China retaliated US incursion by sending 4 China Coast Guard ships to navigate within 12NM of Diaoyu islands.

Look like South China Sea tension is slowly rising again with USA provocation.  USA is always the troublemaker.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

China has achieved a new breakthrough in mining methane hydrates.

Methane hydrates may be the new form of energy because it's 10x more than shale oil and it's highly flammable.  There is also no complex refinery needed for it to be used as a fuel.

China also has no problem extracting methane hydrates in the sea because it has blue whale rig.

Baltic dry index - 957

Today, Thursday, May 18 2017, the Baltic Dry Index decreased by 3 points, reaching 957 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.
Related stocks: Sembcorp Marine, Cosco & Pan Ocean.

US rig count - 901

The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. rose by 16 this week to 901.
A year ago, 404 rigs were active.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes said Friday that 720 rigs sought oil and 180 explored for natural gas this week. One was listed as miscellaneous.
Texas added eight rigs and Oklahoma gained four. Louisiana, Pennsylvania and Wyoming each gained two, while New Mexico and Ohio each added one.
Colorado declined by two rigs and Alaska lost one.
Arkansas, California, Kansas, North Dakota, Utah and West Virginia were unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out last May at 404.
Related stocks: Keppel Corp, Sembcorp Marine & Cosco.

Vietnam is not afraid to offend Taiwan but Singapore just doesn't get it.

Vietnam has been at loggerheads with China for territorial claims but Vietnam knows which side to support for its own economic benefits.

Vietnam is not afraid to offend Taiwan for China to see.

Vietnam fined Formosa for USD$500m.

Vietnam clearly spelt out its one China policy.

"The Vietnamese side affirmed to consistently pursue the one-China policy, support the peaceful development of Cross-Strait relations and China’s great cause of unification, and resolutely oppose actions for an “independent Taiwan” in any form. Vietnam does not develop any official ties with Taiwan. The Chinese side welcomes Vietnam’s stance."

What does China give to Vietnam in return?

China involves Vietnam deeply in its grandeur one-belt-one-road initiatives and helps Vietnam to get the financing it badly needs.

Project financing and railway construction.

However, China isolates SG from its one-belt-one-road initiatives because we don't spell out our one-China policy clearly and we help USA to contain China.  The devious Taiwan president even tried to use SG as a pawn against China.  Therefore, we should also use Taiwan as our leverage to get more economic benefits from China but Singapore just doesn't get it.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Bad news! China has isolated Singapore from its one-belt-one-road initiatives.

China snubbed SG and SG didn't manage to sign any deal with China for the one-belt-one-road initiatives while our neighbour, Malaysia, signed some deals with China during the summit.

There's also a rumour that SG proposed to engage Japan as the HSR main contractor but Malaysia rejected the notion because it preferred to engage China as HSR main contractor.

Singapore risks being ostracised in ASEAN now because other ASEAN members will have a common topic for discussion (one-belt-one-road) while Singapore will be left in the lurch.

Furthermore, SG couldn't get the EU-SG FTA endorsed by EU.  Sigh!

Fearmongering by USA for China's debts.

I really find this weird.  It seems to me that it's alright for USA to have high debts but not for China.

USA household debts have reached USD$12.73b and the USA national debt is at USD$19.84t but all these debts won't hurt USA banks at all.  However, China's debts will hurt Chinese banks.  USA national debt of USD$19.84t is larger than China's GDP of USD$11t and it is able to accumulate such high debt because of USD reserve status.

Once this USD confidence is undermined, USA will go bankrupt and people around the world will lose confidence in USA banks too because nobody wants USD anymore.

Singapore stock calls for 19 May 2017

Wow! TB is not contagious now! Great news!

Our minister stated that TB was not contagious!  Maybe he meant only SG TB was not contagious.

Wow! TB must have evolved into a new strain in SG that is no longer contagious.  That's really a great news for Singaporeans.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 18 May 2017

Noble Group needs USD$2b for its survival. Let's see which bank(s) will loan to noble.

Commodity prices won't recover in the short time and the commodities markets will still be in the doldrum because China is reducing its commodities demands.

If Noble cannot get this USD$2b loan, it will be in serious trouble.  This will be like those oil&gas companies going bankrupt.  USD$2b is not a small sum and Noble won't get this from a single bank but from multiple banks if these banks still have confidence in Noble's repayment abilities.

As Noble is currently generating negative cash flows, I would say that the banks have little confidence in Noble.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 17 May 2017

The fight for KL-SG HSR is not over yet.

The Malaysian government awarded the KL-SG HSR to 3 consortiums which have limited knowledge and experience in building the HSR and excluded China from the HSR project bidding.  This exclusion angered China and China withdrew from the Bandar Malaysia deal.

I believe China will be able to win the HSR main construction deal because Malaysia has repented and learnt from its mistake.  Malaysia government has also signed some deals during the one-belt-one-road summit and made some promises to the China government too.

Let's see how this will pan out.

Fearmongering by USA again.

If North Korea is really a threat to China and Russia, they won't just sit by without taking further action.  China and Russia have very good radars to defend themselves.  Therefore, there is no need for USA to remind China and Russia that NK is a threat to them.

Singapore non-oil domestic exports (NODX) - Part 2

Singapore NODX is declining in April 2017 significantly.

Year on year changes denote marginal diminishing growth.

Apr 2017: -0.7%
Mar 2017: 16.5%
Feb 2017: 21.1%
Jan 2017: 8.6%
Dec 2016: 9.1%
Nov 2016: 15.6%

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

OMG! GIC made a huge investment loss in UBS!

Our GIC has to console itself by indulging in self-deception with the inclusion of investment gains from Citibank so that its investment record won't look so bad.
