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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 30 May 2017

South Korea is no longer a sovereignty.

South Korea is no longer a sovereignty because the USA can install any military system in South Korea without any permission.

What's the use of the investigation when SK dares not do anything to USA?  It's just a political show for its citizens to see.

Credit Sussie escaped relatively unscathed with just a $0.5m fine out of 1MDB scandal.

Credit Sussie got a light tap on its hand for participating in the 1MDB scandal but our local banks got more fines than foreign banks.

Singapore is indeed an investment-friendly country.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 29 May 2017

Thailand to take on Singapore for MRO.

Thailand will have no problem raising funds because even if they can't raise enough fund in Canada, they can approach China.  China will be very eager to help Thailand so that it can take on SG.  We are facing unfriendly neighbours now because we are the only country in ASEAN that is anti-China.

Germany's Merkel: US and UK are unreliable partners.

Hahaha! It took so long for Germany to realize that US & UK are unreliable partners.

Germany is too weak to stand on its own now.  Its military prowess is not as strong as before because it lacks fighter planes, tanks and missiles.  Germany has to form strategic alliances with other countries to fight against US & UK.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

USA is lying again! USA is really a congenital liar!

USA spy plane was intercepted by 2 China J-10 fighter plane in HK airspace but proclaimed publicly that it was flying in international airspace.  What a joke!  Everyone has radar now and either side can show its location on radar for the world to see.

It's getting harder to trust USA nowadays.

How to determine a baby gender without using ultrasound?

There is an ancient Chinese numerical methodology to calculate a baby gender and it is extremely accurate in the gender prediction but it's not 100% correct.  If you calculate the number to be even but the baby is a boy instead, it means the boy has a female personality. Likewise for the odd number but it turns out to be a baby girl, it means the baby girl has a boy personality.

Add the mother's birth giving age first and then the baby's birth month.  If the number sum is odd, it is a boy.  If the number sum is even, it is a girl.

Mother birth giving age : 24
Baby's birth month : May
Mother = 2 + 4 = 6
Baby = May = 5
Sum = 6 + 5 = 11, 1 + 1 = 2
Final output is 2 which is even, so the baby is a girl.

Mother birth giving age : 31
Baby's birth month : March
Mother = 3 + 1 = 4
Baby = march = 3
Sum = 4 + 3 = 7
FInal output is 7 which is odd, so the baby is boy.

When an obstetrician is able to tell you your baby birth month, you can predict its gender.  Try it and have fun!

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Baltic dry index - 912

Today, Friday, May 26 2017, the Baltic Dry Index decreased by 6 points, reaching 912 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.
Related stocks: Sembcorp Marine, Cosco & Pan Ocean.

US rig count - 908

The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. rose by seven this week to 908.
A year ago, 404 rigs were active.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes said Friday that 722 rigs sought oil and 185 explored for natural gas this week. One was listed as miscellaneous.
Colorado added five rigs while Alaska, New Mexico, North Dakota and Oklahoma each gained one.
Texas lost one rig.
Arkansas, California, Kansas, Louisiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming were all unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out last May at 404.
Related stocks: Keppel Corp, Sembcorp Marine & Cosco.

Singapore government doesn't understand SG-China relationship.

This is precisely why SG was taken aback when HK detained our tanks.  SG government didn't even think that HK would do that after making so many anti-China remarks.  Do you really think that China will take it lightly that we conduct military exercise in South China Sea which is at the doorstep of China?  C'mon, Singapore! Please wake up!

Friday, May 26, 2017

Travel alert to UK issued by Russia.

Visit UK at your own risk!

China's total debt VS USA's total debt. Don't be fooled by the western media.

The western media like to spread fears about China's debt problem and they do this by quoting China's total debt in their analyses.  The western media had been predicting the China collapse for a few years already but China grew stronger economically instead.

Total debt = National debt + Corporation debt.

China's total debt = USD$4.3T (national debt) + USD$25.6T (corporate debt) = USD$30T
China GDP = USD$11T
Total debt to GDP = 270%
Foreign reserve = USD$3T

USA's total debt = USD$19.85 (national debt) + USD$29T (corporate debt) = USD$49T
Total debt to GDP = 270%
Foreign reserve = USD$116B

However, McKinsey estimated that USA total debt to GDP ratio was at 331%.

The western media like to focus on China's total debt vs USA's national debt when making a comparison between these 2 countries.  The actual fact is both countries have similar total debt to GDP ratio.  However, most China total debt is locally funded whilst USA total debt is foreign funded.  This will make a big difference during any financial crisis as foreign investors will force you for repayments compared to local investors.  Furthermore, China has USD$3T in reserves compared to USD$116B in USA and China's economy is growing at twice of USA's.  Therefore, China's economy will be bigger than USA's in the future.

Singapore stock calls for 26 May 2017

USA doesn't have any qualms at all for killing civilians in middle east.

However, USA is quick to pinpoint on others for killing civilians especially Russia in middle east.  In the future, Russia can just copy the justifications given by USA when it kills civilians accidentally in any strikes.

How will the reduction in FED 4.5T affect the real economy?

US Fed has USD$4.5T of balance sheet which composes of $2.46T of bonds and $1.77T of mortgage-backed securities (MBS).

As the MBS are mostly longer dated derivatives of at least 10 years, FED won't unwind these MBS in the short run.  Therefore, FED will just let the shorter dated bonds expire and won't reinvest the proceeds into the bond market.  About 50% of the bonds will expire within the next 5 years which amount to USD$1.2T and this means the money market will have a capital outflow of $1.2T.  Furthermore, USA will hike interest rates for the next few years as stated by FED which is tantamount to price hikes in the real economy.  The higher interest rates will cause USD to appreciate so that the purchasing power won't be eroded.  In other words, inflation can be contained in this way.

To surmise, the reduction in money supply and interest rate increments will cause USD to appreciate in the next few years.

OMG! Anti-Singapore propaganda is being broadcasted on China media.

No wonder PM Lee was not invited to the one-belt-one-road summit.  It is useless for 100% of Singapore (5.3m people) to be anti-China because just 10% of China (140m people) hatred of Singapore will drown us already.

Our government is stupid to conduct a military exercise with India in South China Sea.  Can you imagine China conducting a military exercise just at our doorstep? We are really asking for trouble!