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Saturday, June 17, 2017

OMG! Lee Hsien Yang's wife has resigned from her managing partner position in a global law firm.

Did PM Lee have a hand in this? Or She is making preparation to leave SG with her hubby.

US destroyer collided with a container ship!

OMG! A container ship is very big and will definitely appear on the radar because it doesn't have any stealth mode.  If the state of art radar on the US destroyer cannot detect a container ship, how can it go to war?

This is really a big joke!

PM Lee's integrity is at stake now!

If PM Lee cannot refute the allegations against him by his own siblings, then he is definitely unfit to be a PM.  Singapore cannot have a PM whose integrity is questionable.

Baltic dry index - 851

Today, Friday, June 16 2017, the Baltic Dry Index decreased by 4 points, reaching 851 points.
Baltic Dry Index is compiled by the London-based Baltic Exchange and covers prices for transported cargo such as coal, grain and iron ore. The index is based on a daily survey of agents all over the world. Baltic Dry hit a temporary peak on May 20, 2008, when the index hit 11,793. The lowest level ever reached was on Wednesday the 10th of February 2016, when the index dropped to 290 points.
Related stocks: Sembcorp Marine, Cosco & Pan Ocean.

US rig count - 933

HOUSTON (AP) -- The number of rigs exploring for oil and natural gas in the U.S. rose by six this week to 933.
A year ago, just 424 rigs were active.
Houston oilfield services company Baker Hughes said Friday that 747 rigs sought oil and 186 explored for natural gas this week.
Among major oil- and gas-producing states, North Dakota added three rigs while Alaska, Colorado and New Mexico gained two rigs each. California and Louisiana increased by one apiece.
Oklahoma declined by four rigs and Wyoming was down one.
Arkansas, Kansas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah and West Virginia were unchanged.
The U.S. rig count peaked at 4,530 in 1981. It bottomed out in May of 2016 at 404.
Related stocks: Keppel Corp, Sembcorp Marine & Cosco.

Friday, June 16, 2017

Singapore non-oil domestic exports (NODX) - Part 3

Singapore NODX is declining again in May 2017.

Year on year changes:

May 2017: -1.2%
Apr 2017: -0.7%
Mar 2017: 16.5%
Feb 2017: 21.1%
Jan 2017: 8.6%
Dec 2016: 9.1%
Nov 2016: 15.6%

Singapore stock calls for 16 June 2017

Wow! Lee Hsien Yang accused PM Lee of being a liar!

No wonder Lee Hsien Yang will have to leave SG for good because of the acrimonious family feud.

PM Lee will definitely accuse Lee Hsien Yang of casting aspersion on his integrity because a liar is unfit to be a PM especially one who is lying openly in public.

Why is Lee Kuan Yew's house or will no longer a family affair!

Lee Kuan Yew's house or will is no longer a family affair for a simple reason despite PM Lee's assertion.
It used to be a family affair until PM Lee set up a ministerial committee to handle his "family affair".
When you use parliament or set up a ministerial committee to handle or take charge of something, it becomes a public or national issue because you are basically using our national resources to resolve the matter.
You cannot use our national resources to handle or resolve your private or family affair and still proclaim it to be a personal or family issue.
This is setting a dangerous precedent for our future PMs and we don't think this is right and therefore strongly oppose this.
If there's a doubt about the veracity of the will, please contest it in court with your own resources and not use our national resources.  Then you will have the right to proclaim this to be a family affair.

Lee Hsien Yang will be leaving Singapore for fear of retaliation from PM Lee, his elder brother.

Lee Hsien Yang doesn't trust PM Lee at all now.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 14 June 2017

Hot news! Lee Hsien Yang and Lee Wei Ling have no confidence in PM Lee.

The siblings of PM Lee have no confidence in him because they believe PM Lee is trying to capitalize on Lee Kuan Yew's legacy for his own political agenda, be it for himself or for his son.

If this is how PM Lee's siblings see their own brother, then something is seriously wrong because it's 2 Lee vs 1 Lee.

Financial experts couldn't agree among themselves about global growth.

Financial experts are giving conflicting opinions about global growth and this phenomenon shows that the markets are getting dicey because the future is becoming unpredictable.  One says a recession is very remote while the other says the market risk is getting high.

Singapore had repented and invited China to bid for KL-HSR construction.

Singapore had repented because of Japan's public expression to join the BRI and was rejected by China. Singapore knew that it couldn't support Japan anymore after seeing Japan being snubbed by China unless SG wanted to be ostracized completely by China.

Furthermore, HK has just joined AIIB.  SG has always been looking at HK as a direct competitor in this region as HK is a much bigger financial hub than SG.  HK will be able to capitalize on its financial expertise to provide financial assistance to the BRI project through AIIB which SG is also targeting.

Women are really bad drivers!

They don't know how to operate a handbrake. Hahaha!

Russia has deployed K-300P bastion missiles on Kuril Islands.

It was reported that Russia deployed K-300P bastion missiles on the Kuril Islands after Japan received its first F35 fighter plane.  This type of missile can fly at 2.5mach and the missile system will usually fire 2 missiles at around the same time.  Once one missile hits the target, the other missile will search for the next target.

Kuril islands are very near to Hokkaido and these bastion missiles will definitely put Japan on constant alert.