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Friday, June 30, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 30 June 2017

India and China are having border disputes now.

India encroached on China's border territory to stop China from infrastructure building on its own land.

To put the record straight, China FM revealed Indian troopers trespassing into China's territory.

Japan consulate is trying to whitewash the existence of comfort women.

Here we go again!

This is the reason why the world cannot forgive Japan for its atrocities in WW2.  We must insist that Japan keeps apologizing for WW2 crimes so that it can never have the opportunity to whitewash its disgraceful history.

Our PM Lee made a grave mistake by asking Japan not to apologize anymore and this had incurred the wrath of regional countries like China and South Korea because SG was also a victim in WW2.

The Japanese consulate claimed that the so-called "Comfort Women" were merely paid prostitutes because they couldn't withstand the hardships of life and therefore sold sex for money.  If our PM Lee approved Japan's rationale, then we're blaming our own Singapore women in the past for being paid prostitutes because they couldn't tolerate hardships.

South Korea has protested strongly against this Japanese diplomat.

The current South Korean President is trying to rescind the comfort women settlement pact signed by the previous President Park with the Japanese government because of japan's recalcitrant attitude towards its disgraceful WW2 crimes.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

USA is trying to stir troubles again for China.

The USA should stop playing this kind of trick.  It is a stupid political move because China knows that it won't go through as the USA cherishes diplomatic ties with China.

The USA knows that China will cut diplomatic ties with the USA if this policy is approved by the parliament or when President Trump doesn't veto it.

The anti-secession law in China doesn't allow foreign intervention in Taiwan affairs and this kind of intervention will give China the legitimate reason to take Taiwan by force.

Good luck to Taiwan since it is so eager to be the sacrificed pawn!

Hot news! Philippines president Duterte may have lung cancer!

News came out of Taiwan that Duterte may have lung cancer because Taiwanese doctor and chinese physician are engaged to treat Duterte in the Philippines.

Duterte didn't attend the national day parade and went missing for 6 days in the Philippines.  If he really has lung cancer, there'll be chaos in South China Sea again because USA will make use of this golden opportunity to manipulate and control Philippines after Duterte.

Singapore stock calls for 29 June 2017

Why did China set up a public trial and execute 13 drug lords?

A village in the city of Lufeng was a major drug manufacturing plant and the whole villagers were involved actively in the drug production.  It took 3,000 military police and 2 months of planning to storm into the village to arrest about 200 villagers.  Military police were involved because local police were bribed.

The public trial and immediate execution of 13 drug criminals were meant to send a strong signal to the other citizens in the village that drug production was a felony and anyone caught in production and selling of drugs would be executed.  This maybe a draconian tactic but it is a necessary one because high officials and the whole villagers were involved.

UN cannot do much nowadays! No money, no talk!

UN is suffering from budget cut and cannot do as much as before.  This world is really ruled by money. Heehee!

Russia warned USA about launching attack on Syria and USA backed off.

After Russia issues warning about retaliation if USA attacks Syria, USA tries to wiggle its way out of the allegation.

Russia can also say that its warning to the USA has proved to be effective in stopping USA from attacking Syria.

Hot news! Japan PM Abe has only 3 months left to live.

Japan PM Abe may be having a stage 4 lung cancer and has 3 months left.

This is definitely a good news for Asia as a scumbag like him is finally getting his bad karma.  Asia doesn't need PM like him who whitewashes Japan history and has the typical imperialistic thinking.

Japan's future is getting murky now because China has rejected Japan's interest in the OBOR initiatives.  Furthermore, USA has also expressed interest in the OBOR initiatives.  If the USA is able to join but Japan cannot, then Japan will lose out in a big way.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

The UK media doesn't dare to tabulate how many people were killed in Iraq by UK.

The UK got the cheek to tabulate the death toll in UK but not in Iraq during the US-UK invasion.

Singapore stock calls for 28 June 2017

China's high speed railway train is getting better and better!

Wow! China' HSR can move at 420km/hr now! It's really amazing!

We cannot let USA get away with fabricating false intelligence again.

USA got away with fabricating false intelligence about IRAQ in possession of WMDs and attacked Iraq illegally without UN mandate.

USA is doing it again with Syria because it doesn't provide concrete proof about Syria's preparation of a chemical attack.

CNN is creating fake news now!

When a reputable news media like CNN starts to create fake news, it really destroys other less reputable news media.

China has just launched its latest destroyer, 055.

This destroyer will definitely form part of its aircraft carrier unit to defend South China Sea.

USA will find it increasingly hard to intervene in South China Sea soon.

Great job to China!

Global warming is affecting USA now!

Arizona bans flights as temperate rises to 50 degree celsius.

You can bake biscuits in your car now in USA because internal car temperature can rise to above 160 degrees.

The new trend in driving in USA.....Drive with oven gloves!

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