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Thursday, September 7, 2017

The USA is begging for a war with North Korea by imposing an oil embargo.

The USA is begging for a war with NK by imposing an oil embargo.  We stated in our previous postings that NK would go to war because of oil as it would become a survival issue.

China and Russia have to come to NK's rescue in the name of humanitarian aid because the oil embargo hurts the citizens the most.  If a war breaks out, China and Russia will definitely get involved and Asia will suffer great economic setbacks.

Is this what we want for Asia?

Hurricane Irma is approaching USA! It will be the biggest hurricane to date.

Hurricane Irma is approaching the speed of 320km/hr and is a category 5 storm.  It will slam into Florida (USA) soon.

China has produced the first mobile AI chip.

TSMC and Samsung will have lesser chip businesses now as China will be using its own chips.  No more A10 or snapdragon chips in China mobile handsets anymore.

Trump has extended the debt limit to December.

Trump has the excuse to extend the debt limit to December because of the hurricane.  Therefore, the government won't shut down for now.

The media likes to talk about other countries' debts but seldom on the USA's debt.  I wonder why!

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

China won the HSR construction deal in Thailand.

Wow! An invitation of Thailand to the BRICS summit did the trick!

Let's wait for the outcome for the KSL-SG HSR.

Singapore stock calls for 6 September 2017

Triyards may collapse soon!

The oil and gas industry is still not recovering and there will be more loan defaults soon.  Many analysts are still too optimistic about this industry as none is calling for a SELL on Triyards.

South Korea seeks Russia's help to resolve North Korea issue.

President Moon still doesn't understand the whole situation.  Russia cannot help because SK is no longer a sovereign state and cannot make any decision without involving the USA.  Russia, like China, will demand SK to remove THAAD but SK cannot remove THAAD without the USA's approval.  The real crux of the Korea peninsula problem lies between the USA and NK.  SK and Japan will be the collateral damages when a war breaks out.  As long as SK and Japan don't pressure the USA to remove THAAD from SK, it is difficult to resolve the current impasse.

North Korea H-Nuclear warhead.

This is the H-Nuclear bomb which will be put in a ballistic warhead.  H-Nuclear bomb is the most powerful bomb so far on earth.  The Hydrogen bomb which was recently tested by NK was 10x more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped in Japan.

H-Nuclear bomb is a high technological bomb because it has to go through a fission-fusion-fission process to achieve the maximum explosion.  In a nutshell, a small atomic bomb (fission-split atoms) has to be ignited to achieve a high temperature of a few thousands degree for fusion (merge atoms) to take place before it eventually explodes again(split atoms) for maximum damage.

The diagram on the top left corner of the picture depicts the H-Nuclear bomb warhead.

China quantum communication can span more than 2,000km now.

After the advent of Quantum satellite, other quantum technologies are evolving as well. The quantum communication can achieve a distance of more than 2,000km now.  This also means the quantum radar range will also be longer than before and stealth fighter will no longer be stealth anymore.  All the billions sunk into the development of F35 would be flushed down the toilet bowl.  What a waste!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Will USA attack North Korea unilaterally?

Well, this is a billion dollar question but we'll try to seek the answer with our best effort.

The USA will only attack North Korea if it is confident that it can destroy NK's nuclear sites and ballistic missiles in the first air strike.  However, we do not foresee such confidence from the USA because the USA can only destroy about 85% of NK's capabilities leaving 15% for retaliation against South Korea and Japan.  Our online research shows that the USA can only gather about 85% of intelligence about NK insofar.  There are many unknown underground tunnels in NK that can accommodate mobile missile launchers.  Therefore, the USA will not act unilaterally because Seoul and Tokyo will be annihilated from NK's retaliations.

The USA has been making public proclamation that it doesn't seek to dethrone Kim but Kim will not trust the USA due to the USA having a bad credibility record.  I would say that the USA and NK are at an impasse now because both countries are suspicious of each other.

Furthermore, China and Russia won't allow a Korean peninsula war right at their doorsteps.

It's official now! Government tax credit is not considered a state subsidy under WTO.

Many countries will use the tax credit to boost its competitiveness now as WTO doesn't consider tax credit as a state subsidy.

WTO has set the precedent for all to follow.  Good job!

Singapore stock calls for 5 September 2017

Our envision for the future is going to be materialized.

More countries are considering an universal basic income in their societal structures for the foreseeable future because of displaced workers.

Our Envision:

We did mention in our article that people would receive state assistance for subsistence in the new world and this universal basic income system is akin to the state assistance for subsistence.

This upcoming industrial revolution will destroy more jobs than it creates.  Therefore, displaced workers will no longer be able to find jobs in this new world.

Are we prepared for this new societal development in Singapore?

India economic growth is declining tremendously.

India GDP declined from 9% in 2016 to 5.7% in 2nd quarter of 2017.  The fall is too fast and too furious which denotes a burgeoning economic problem in India.  If this economic decline is not addressed, India will face a big social problem because its people will revolt.

Indians are known to protest violently.  Just look at Singapore little India riot which was on a small scale.

No wonder India didn't dare to start a war with China and needed to attend BRICS summit because it needed BRICS badly for its economic growth.

Singapore stock calls for 4 September 2017

Monday, September 4, 2017

USA wants to use FTA to force South Korea to do its bidding.

The USA wants to use the FTA to force South Korea to install the other 4 sets of THAAD and also continue the military drills with USA against NK.

Sigh! SK is powerless against the USA.

Oil embargo against North Korea will force NK to go to war!

Where is the UN human rights council?

An oil embargo for NK will make north koreans suffer tremendously but the UN human rights council is keeping mum.  More sanctions will only make the north koreans suffer but not the government.

What's your take on this, UN human rights council?

EU and Turkey are falling apart.

If Germany succeeds in kicking out Turkey from EU, then Turkey may get kicked out of NATO too because Turkey will forge closer economic relationships with Russia.  When Turkey has a cozier relationship with Russia, NATO will feel edgy.

Thai-Sino relationship is better than Singapore-Sino's.

Singapore always wants to extol the strong Singapore-Sino relationship but the real truth is Thailand got invited to the BRICS summit.  Thailand is not part of BRICS but is the only ASEAN country to get invited to attend BRICS.

Being able to attend BRICS means there'll be an abundance of business and trade opportunities to harness with the 2 largest population countries.  Therefore, attending the BRICS summit is better than attending the G20 summit as an observer.

Singapore! Wake up please!