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Friday, October 13, 2017

Bitcoin soars to an all time high!

This is obviously the work of someone or a syndicate spreading a rumour that China will allow bitcoin trading to resume soon which sparks the spike in bitcoin price.

China will never do a policy u-turn in such a short time.

Bitcoin is just a manipulated commodity by a small group of people.

Apple is facing significant headwinds for its flagship Iphones!

China has started to offer discounts for Iphone 8 due to the poor sales and people are doubtful about the Iphone X now.

Apple is in troubles now!  It will drag its suppliers down too.

Great news! Singapore is growing exceptionally strong in the 3rd quarter.

SG is growing strongly at 4.6% in Q3 year-on-year compared to 2.4% in Q2.

Hopefully, this year will be a better year than last year.  Cheers!

UK is poignant that China values the USA more.

The UK has to visit China to get more trade deals because of its own Brexit.  However, it is feeling poignant that China chooses to entertainment the USA instead of the UK in November 2017.

Therefore, the UK is postponing the China trip.  However, it has offered a good faith gesture to China by not conducting freedom of navigation in South China Sea as it badly needs more trade deals.

We can tell from this that everything in this world is about politics and money.  The UK always encourages independence in other states or countries.  For example, the UK supports Tibet independence, Taiwan independence and HK independence.  However, when it comes to Scotland independence, the UK doesn't allow it.  This just goes to show that the UK is nothing but just a hypocrite.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 12 October 2017

Physics 101 - All objects will fall to the ground at the same time.

In physics, we learnt that all objects would fall to the ground at the same time.  However, we realized that it was impossible in the real world.  Scientists had proven the laws of physics in a controlled environment whereby there's no air resistance to affect the falling objects.

When there's no air resistance, objects really fall to the ground at the same time regardless of weight and shape because the same gravity is acting on the objects.

Another investment trust to delist from SGX!

SGX is losing its clients faster than it can attract new clients.  Genting HK, Global Logistics and Indiabulls Properties are all leaving SGX.

The USA has proven itself to be lacking in credibility

Trump has reinforced the common global perspective about USA's credibility.  There is no point in signing any contract with the USA government because it can renege on its contractual obligations at its whims and fancies.

No wonder the North Korea doesn't trust the USA.  There is no way that the Korea peninsula crisis can be resolved without trust.

How will the Kobe steel scandal affect you?

If you drive a Japanese car or take a Japan made MRT, you better watch out.

The low quality steels have been used in cars, aircrafts, space rockets, trains and defence equipment.  There are many steel grades and Kobe falsified data about the strength and durability of such steels for approvals to be used.

Consumer safety has been compromised!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Russia accuses the USA of condoning ISIS in Syria.

This is not surprising and unexpected as the USA has been grooming terrorists in the Middle East especially when Hillary Clinton was the secretary of state.

Saddem and Osama used to be close allies of the USA in the past.  The USA started to wipe them out when it lost control of the terrorists.  Many of the terrorists were trained by the USA and armed with USA weapons.

Singapore stock calls for 11 October 2017

I like Warren Buffett's view on cryptocurrency. How about you?

How did Warren Buffett view cryptocurrency?

Warren Buffett viewed cryptocurrency as a means of money transfer and not real money.  This is also his reason for not investing in cryptocurrency.  His rationale behind cryptocurrency is substantiated by his financial background and investment experiences and he uses a simple analogy to explain the cryptocurrency.

His analogy:

Cryptocurrency is just a means of money transfer which is similar to a conventional cheque.  A cheque is also a means of money transfer.  How much would you pay for a cheque then?  He said he couldn't understand the rationale for other people wanting to pay so much for a cryptocurrency just for money transfer.  There is no real use for a cryptocurrency and it doesn't yield any dividend at all.

We really need a savvy billionaire like him to jolt us back from our dreamland to the reality.  Even an ex-IMF economist doesn't have faith in cryptocurrency.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Glass shattering bridge is scary!

It's really funny to look at these expressions. Heehee!

Russia to ban cryptocurrency trading after China.

This will definitely reduce money laundering for Russian.  Cryptocurrencies are mostly used for money laundering instead of proper commercial transactions.  Therefore, it will be a matter of time for cryptocurrencies to implode in the future.

Singapore stock calls for 10 October 2017

China won the contract to build MRT in Singapore.

Look like our PM Lee has shown goodwill gesture towards China after visiting China in September 2017.

Is this a prelude to the KL-SG HSR contract to China?  China has not responded to our KL-SG invitation insofar.

Malaysia to impose S$8 VEP on SG cars.

This new VEP of S$8 is on top of the 20ringgit imposed on SG cars earlier.

We did state clearly in our previous posting that Malaysia won't be so accommodative towards SG anymore.  Please read our posting below.

Monday, October 9, 2017