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Thursday, October 19, 2017

ECB will start QE tapering in Jan 2018.

ECB will start reducing bond purchases by $20B euros in Jan 2018.  The bond purchases will reduce from $60b to $40b in Jan 2018 and will continue to reduce gradually over time.

Spain to suspend Catalan autonomy.

The Spanish move will definitely spark more instabilities in Catalan and the Spain stock market.

Singapore stock calls for 19 October 2017

HNA to delist CWT from SGX after Nov 2.

Goodbye CWT!

Another client has left SGX. Sigh!

SGX doesn't understand the capital market!

Why do I say that?

Just look at the flopped collaborative agreements in the past.

SGX-CLOB failed!
SGX-ASX failed!
SGX-TWSE failed!
SGX-ASEAN failed!

The SGX has just signed another collaborative agreement with Nasdaq.  Needless to say, it will flop too because no company will want to list on SGX when it can list on Nasdaq.  This win-lose collaboration will benefit Nasdaq more than SGX.

SGX just doesn't understand the capital market and stock trading exchange well enough.  It removed and reinstated the lunch break, kept changing the bid/sell spreads, etc.  No wonder SGX is losing its listed clients more than it is attracting the IPOs.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Singapore stock calls for 17 October 2017

North Korea warns of a nuclear war!

I hope there won't be a nuclear war in Asia as this will cause devastations.

The USA softens its stance after NK warning which is a good news for Asia.

Bitcoin fanatics: Dumbest thing on wall street.

Bitcoin fanatics really don't know what they're saying.

They try to use the Wi-Fi analogy to say that Bitcoin is as useful as Wi-Fi but Bitcoin is not Wi-Fi.  Wi-Fi is a technology but bitcoin is a derivative of a technology.  The technology behind Bitcoin is Blockchain, an open digital ledger.

One of the derivatives of Wi-Fi is wireless files transfer.  Therefore, Bitcoin is just like a wireless files transfer if we want to make a compatible comparison.  We use wifi everyday but not wireless files transfer.  Therefore, bitcoin is not as important and useful as what the fanatics portend it to be.  It is the blockchain technology that we're interested in, not bitcoin.

Anyway, Wi-Fi is already outdated because there is Li-Fi now.

It's time for the fanatics to wake up from their dreams.

China won't be using normal MRTs in the future.

China will be implementing maglev system in China instead of using the normal MRTs track.  Maglev system gives passengers a smooth ride.  Just look at the coin standing on the floor during motion.

Singapore non-oil domestic exports (NODX) - Part 6

Singapore NODX decreased 1.1% in September YOY.

Year on year changes:

September 2017: -1.1%
August 2017: 16.7%
July 2017: 8.5%
June 2017: 8.2%
May 2017: -1.2%
Apr 2017: -0.7%
Mar 2017: 16.5%
Feb 2017: 21.1%
Jan 2017: 8.6%
Dec 2016: 9.1%
Nov 2016: 15.6%

Somalia worst terrorist attack in decades.

A truck bomb had just killed more than 300 people in Somalia last Saturday but not many news media reported it.

Whether the victims are black, white, yellow or brown, we must express abhorrence towards such terrorism of killing innocent lives.

Fully automatic carpark in China.

Car parking is such a breeze in China now.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Our PM Lee still thinks that the Tuas mega port will boost Singapore as a maritime hub!

Our PM Lee negates the Melaka Gateway impacts on SG port and also disregards the China port alliance which bypasses SG.

China also took over the Gwadar port in Pakistan from SG and this would definitely impact SG.  We fought so hard to get the Gwadar port under SG control because it was strategically located.

All these are omitted from PM Lee's speech.  Therefore, I would DISAGREE totally with his analysis.

Singapore stock calls for 16 October 2017

New downturn MRT open house encountered service disruptions.

We cannot even make our MRT work properly nowadays!

The top management always blames the lower ranked employees for not doing the job well.

If you've been living in China, you will know that China MRTs carry more people than SG but they won't break down like our MRTs.

How can we expect to have a proper working KL-SG HSR?

North Korea and South Korea won't hold talks in Russia.

It is not surprising that NK is unwilling to talk to SK.  We did state the reason for this impasse in our previous posting below.

Global inflation is coming because China PPI is spiking!

China PPI rose 6.9% in September year-on-year!  It is only a matter of time that China will export inflation to the world.  Therefore, it is right for FED to raise interest rate in December.