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Friday, November 3, 2017

SMRT asks its staff to own up for own lapses.

This is really ridiculous!  Will the top management own up their lapses too?

When the top management couldn't do it, they expected the ordinary employees to do it.

Lesson learnt: Never get a military man to run the MRT.

BOE has hiked the interest rate.

Bank of English will continue its rate hiking policy to prevent an overheating economy.  This means LIBOR will continue to rise in the future.  As London is a major financial hub, its interest rates will also affect other financial products and derivatives internationally.  The USA will take consideration of this in view of its own economic conditions and hike its interest rate in December.

Powell is picked as the next Fed Chair.

Powell is trained as a lawyer with no economic background.  This means that he will not deviate from Yellen's policies because he cannot spreadhead any major economic changes due to lack of economic knowledge.  There's a high chance that he will set economic policies that will make the FED too tardy in responding to economic challenges.  He may be the man who makes the FED to be behind the curve of inflation.  Let's see.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

2 F-18s were sent out from an US aircraft carrier to tackle the UFO.

The F-18s couldn't lock onto the UFO in this air fight.  This showed the high technology possessed by the UFO.

Singapore stock calls for 2 November 2017

The hypocritical western countries!

When any Asian state wants to gain independence, the western countries will support in the name of democracy.  However, when any western state wants to gain independence, the western countries will denounce and condemn.

This is how hypocritical they are!

They want to support Taiwan, Tibet and HK independence but not Catalan or Scotland independence.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

South Korea to mend relationship with China by making some promises.

South Korea has made some promises to mend the relationship with China.

Promise 1: SK will not install additional THAAD.  SK has 6 THAAD systems currently.

Promise 2: SKwill not allow THAAD radar to extend into China's territory to address China security concern.

Promise 3: SKwill not be part of the USA military alliance and will only conduct joint military exercises with the USA.  The original USA's intention was to form a military alliance with Japan and SK to contain China.

SK and China will meet to discuss the promises further during the APEC meeting in Vietnam and officiate them in their bilateral communique.

Singapore stock calls for 1 November 2017

Singapore condemns New York Terror attack for 8 deaths.

Singapore is quick to condemn New York Terror attack for 8 deaths but not for Somalia terror attack with more than 358 deaths.  The Somalia terror attack is more severe than NY attack.

A life is a life be it black or white.  We must be fair and impartial to all races.

Strange light ball appeared in Russian Sky after Putin tested Satan 2.

The Russian government tried to brush it off as the trail of the Satan 2 launch but missiles experts claimed that they had not seen such missile trail before.  Therefore, this is definitely an abnormal light ball which cannot be explained.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

UFO hit an airliner full of NBA players recently.

Let's face it. No bird would fly at 30,000 feet and there was no blood or feather on the plane after the collision which was abnormal.  The dent looked weird and the pilots also didn't realize or notice any collision in the air which was weird.

Therefore, what could have hit the airliner at 30,000 feet without leaving any traces behind?

Real footage of bird collision with plane below but at lower altitude:
There's some blood stain on the plane after collision unlike the footage above without blood stain.

What a joke! Catalonian leaders are on the run after gaining independence.

The Catalonian leaders shouldn't have pushed for independence since they knew the consequence of the outcome.  These leaders left Catalan in the lurch after gaining independence and ran away for their own personal safety.  The independence has created ramifications for the society and strained relationships in many families because of different political views.

Calatan is a divisive state now because of irresponsible and irrational leaders.

Singapore stock calls for 31 October 2017

Doggy robot will be on sale in China soon!

It's cool to have a robotic helper to help you to carry things when you do your groceries.

Russia test fired SATAN 2 nuclear warheads missile recently.

Satan 2 nuclear warheads missile can wipe out Texas or UK.

Monday, October 30, 2017

USA has forsaken the Kurds!

The Kurds had been staunch supporters of USA actions in the Middle East for over a decade and always responded to the USA's calls for any battles in the Middle East.

However, the USA abandoned the Kurds for its own political interest after using them. The Kurds thought that the USA would support and protect them after the independence referendum because the Kurds fought with their lives in the Middle East alongside the USA.

The USA has been known to be an untrustworthy and unreliable ally but the Kurds take a big leap of faith in the USA and they're suffering the repercussion of this belief.  The USA only cares for its own interests and does not care about others.  The Kurds have learnt this the hard way with the losses of their lives.

Singapore stock calls for 30 October 2017

China can produce flexible display screens now. Samsung is in trouble!

China has acquired the technology to mass produce flexible display screens which will give Samsung a run for its money.  The prices of AMOLE display will decrease which will benefit consumers but Samsung will take a hit for its AMOLE revenues.

China will definitely ramp up its AMOLE display production to crush Samsung's monopoly.

Is SGX being too optimistic or naive in wanting the world's largest IPO?

I doubt we can get this Aramco IPO and the CEO is showing his naivety because SGX doesn't have the size and liquidity of other big stock exchanges like NYSE, HKEX and LSE.  Low liquidity is often associated with a low valuation.

When Alibaba didn't even want to list on SGX, the world's largest IPO won't come to SGX too.  Furthermore, SGX has been losing some big market capitalization companies.

When the top management doesn't know the capital markets well enough, SGX won't be able to go too far in this industry.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Hot news! Catalonia has declared independence!

Catalonia has declared independence and is officially separated from Spain now.  Spain's economy will drop by 20% immediately after the separation.  Spain is definitely weaker now than before and this phenomenon may spread to other European countries by encouraging other states to obtain autonomy or independence.

Europe may get ramified and become weaker.