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Friday, February 7, 2020

Stock calls for 7 February 2020

Date Analyst Company Last Target Call Valuation
02/07/20 OCBC A-Reit 3.3 3.59 Buy
02/07/20 DBS Vickers Ascendas India Trust 1.65 1.85 Buy
02/07/20 UOB Kay Hian DBS 25.7 28.65 Buy
02/07/20 DMG & Partners Delfi 0.96 1.68 Buy DCF
02/07/20 DBS Vickers Jumbo 0.335 0.38 Buy PER23x FY20
02/07/20 CIMB Manulife US Reit 1.07 1.13 Add DDM
02/07/20 Kim Eng Manulife US Reit 1.07 1.15 Buy DDM
02/07/20 DBS Vickers Sembcorp Industries 2.16 2.2 Hold
02/07/20 Citi Research Sembcorp Industries 2.16 2.8 Buy
02/07/20 OCBC Sembcorp Industries 2.16 2.13 Hold
02/07/20 UOB Kay Hian Sembcorp Industries 2.16 2.17 Hold Buy @ $2.05
02/07/20 Lim & Tan Sembcorp Industries 2.16 0 Hold
02/07/20 DMG & Partners Sembcorp Industries 2.16 2.68 Buy Sum of parts, PER10x FY20

Singapore has exported coronavirus to the UK.

Singapore is famous for the wrong reason again.  SG has exported coronavirus to the UK.

It looks like SG is fast becoming a transmission hub because SG has exported coronavirus to Malaysia, South Korea, and the UK.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

The US is digging its own grave!

There is no doubt that China cannot fulfill its obligations under the Phase 1 deal.

The US is having a myopic view by not extending tariff exemption to US firms procuring China products.  Why?

This denial will cause US prices to go up and create inflation when the economy is not doing well.  Stagflation is a very difficult issue to resolve.  The US is digging its own grave because it wants to reduce China's imports deliberately.  The US firms have no choice but to increase prices or shift out for their own survival.

MIT: Recession is coming!

Why are we not surprised that a recession will be coming?

We've stated back in 2019 that March 2020 would be the end of a good period.

China has acknowledged that it cannot fulfill the US-China phase 1 deal.

Just as we projected in April 2019, China is unable to fulfill the US-China phase 1 deal now.  Even without the virus outbreak, China also couldn't fulfill the deal because the set targets were unrealistic.

Therefore, US exports to China won't increase significantly for the next few months.  It will be a blessing for the US if China doesn't reduce US imports due to poor local consumption.

Ho Bee - Stock calls

Date Analyst Company Last Target Call Valuation
02/26/19 Lim & Tan Ho Bee 2.51 0 Buy
03/28/19 UOB Kay Hian Ho Bee 2.5 2.79 Buy RNAV (30% discount)
04/01/19 Lim & Tan Ho Bee 2.52 0 Buy
06/28/19 UOB Kay Hian Ho Bee 2.38 2.79 Buy
11/19/19 Lim & Tan Ho Bee 2.34 0 Buy

HMI - Stock calls

Date Analyst Company Last Target Call Valuation
01/23/19 phillip HMI 0.540 0.77 Buy
02/13/19 UOB Kay Hian HMI 0.535 0.73 Buy DCF
02/14/19 phillip HMI 0.550 0.77 Buy DCF
05/14/19 Kim Eng HMI 0.540 0.68 Buy DCF, PER27x FY20
05/15/19 phillip HMI 0.530 0.73 Buy DCF
05/15/19 CIMB HMI 0.530 0.68 Add DCF
05/15/19 UOB Kay Hian HMI 0.530 0.73 Buy DCF
05/16/19 Kim Eng HMI 0.545 0.66 Buy DCF
06/18/19 UOB Kay Hian HMI 0.635 0.73 Buy DCF
07/08/19 UOB Kay Hian HMI 0.660 0.73 Accept offer offer at $0.73
07/08/19 Kim Eng HMI 0.660 0.66 Hold DCF, accept offer at $0.73
07/08/19 CIMB HMI 0.660 0.68 Add offer at $0.73
07/09/19 phillip HMI 0.720 0.73 Accept offer offer at $0.73
08/20/19 Lim & Tan HMI 0.720 0.73 Accept offer offer at $0.73
08/21/19 Kim Eng HMI 0.720 0.73 Hold offer at $0.73

Hi-P - Stock calls

Date Analyst Company Last Target Call Valuation
01/08/19 Kim Eng Hi-P 0.965 0.68 Sell PB0.8x
02/22/19 DBS Vickers Hi-P 1.05 1.12 Hold PER10x FY19
02/25/19 Kim Eng Hi-P 1.14 1.22 Hold PB1.5x
03/13/19 Lim & Tan Hi-P 1.75 0 Avoid overvalued
04/09/19 Kim Eng Hi-P 1.63 1.22 Sell PB1.5x FY19
05/06/19 DBS Vickers Hi-P 1.44 1.41 Hold PER12x FY19
05/06/19 Kim Eng Hi-P 1.44 1.22 Sell PB1.5x FY19
06/11/19 Kim Eng Hi-P 1.29 1.22 Hold PB1.5x FY19
07/19/19 DBS Vickers Hi-P 1.43 1.41 Hold PER12x FY19
08/05/19 DBS Vickers Hi-P 1.34 1.32 Hold PER12x FY20
10/10/19 Kim Eng Hi-P 1.19 1.21 Hold PB1.5x FY19
11/01/19 DBS Vickers Hi-P 1.44 1.39 Hold
11/01/19 Kim Eng Hi-P 1.44 1.34 Sell PB1.5x FY20

Stock calls for 6 February 2020

Date Analyst Company Last Target Call Valuation
02/06/20 Tayrona Clearbridge 0.139 0.41 Overweight
02/06/20 DBS Vickers Comfortdelgro 2.14 2.45 Buy DCF, PER18.1x FY20
02/06/20 UOB Kay Hian First Resources 1.78 2.1 Buy
02/06/20 DMG & Partners Manulife US Reit 1.04 1.12 Buy DDM
02/06/20 DBS Vickers Manulife US Reit 1.04 1.15 Buy DCF
02/06/20 Lim & Tan Manulife US Reit 1.04 0 Hold
02/06/20 CIMB SATS 4.46 4.07 Reduce
02/06/20 CIMB SIA 8.59 8.46 Hold

Total reported coronavirus cases in China.

The official figures from the Central Government might have underdeclared the true situation in China.  Let's just take these with a heavy pinch of salt.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Haw Par - Stock calls

Date Analyst Company Last Target Call Valuation
02/28/19 Lim & Tan Haw Par 12.39 0 Buy

GSS Energy - Stock calls

Date Analyst Company Last Target Call Valuation
01/07/19 DMG & Partners GSS Energy 0.097 0.19 Buy
03/04/19 DMG & Partners GSS Energy 0.112 0.17 Buy DCF
05/14/19 DMG & Partners GSS Energy 0.081 0.08 Neutral DCF
06/06/19 DMG & Partners GSS Energy 0.069 0.08 Neutral
08/20/19 DMG & Partners GSS Energy 0.074 0.08 Neutral DCF
10/08/19 DMG & Partners GSS Energy 0.066 0.08 Neutral DCF

Grand Venture - Stock calls

Date Analyst Company Last Target Call Valuation
04/04/19 CIMB Grand Venture 0.25 0.34 Add PER10x FY20
08/19/19 CIMB Grand Venture 0.22 0.22 Hold

Stock calls for 5 February 2020

Date Analyst Company Last Target Call Valuation
02/05/20 Phillip ART 1.24 1.53 Buy DDM
02/05/20 Lim & Tan CSE Global 0.51 0.68 Buy
02/05/20 UOB Kay Hian Food Empire 0.66 0.89 Buy

The real situation in Wuhan.

There is speculation that the true situation in China is 10x more than the official numbers.

The cremation facilities in Wuhan are working 24/7 now to burn the corpses and this has been on-going for the past few days.

 If the death toll is only 490, the cremation facilities will not need to operate 24/7 for the past few days to burn the corpses.  Many corpses are piling up at the cremation facilities now.

China has acknowledged that the coronavirus has mutated.

OMG!  This virus will spread faster and infect more people because it is more potent now.

The regional countries are starting to blame Singapore for spreading the coronavirus.

The regional countries are starting to blame Singapore for being a transmission hub now because SG has exported coronavirus to Malaysia and South Korea.

Look like SG is being famous for the wrong reason now.

Becareful! The stock markets are being artificially supported now!

The stock markets are artificially inflated now.  Why?

Many listed companies will suffer from declining revenues due to the coronavirus outbreak because of reduced human activities.  However, these stock prices stay elevated artificially.

When the numbers of infectious cases and death tolls keep rising, the stock markets also keep rising.  Does this make any sense at all?  This makes no sense at all because the virus outbreak has not reached its peak and there is no sign of the outbreak abating.  This is especially true when China is not providing a true figure about its infectious cases and fatality rates.

US suspended flights to Hong Kong due to local transmission.

Singapore also has 4 local transmission cases and 24 infected cases that surpass HK's.

Is the US going to suspend flights to SG because SG is also an air hub too?

Hangzhou is in lockdown now!

The virus outbreak is spreading in China as more cities are in lockdown.  Hangzhou is just about 100++km away from Shanghai.

Community transmission is already happening in China!