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Monday, May 22, 2017

Fearmongering by western media

Every powerful country does it but USA does it more and more severely.

TPP is one good example for USA to wield considerable economic power over other countries and to contain China.


That’s because the TPP would create investor­state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanisms that would allow foreigners to sue the government when they think a regulation will harm their profits. The arbitration would be private and binding, even if the outcome contradicts domestic laws. And the company could be compensated for the loss of its expected profits, not just for its past investments, even if its profits are generated by selling products that kill people and if there is no discrimination involved in the regulation.

End Quote.

This investor-state dispute settlement mechanism was enforced by USA government onto other countries in the TPP agreement.

So tell me now! Which country doesn't use its economic and military prowess on other countries?  If all the super power countries do it, why is there a need to single out China in the western media?

EU rejected TTIP (Europe TPP) because of unreasonable clauses imposed by USA too.

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