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Sunday, May 21, 2017

President Trump is losing control of its naval forces.

US Pacific commander Harry Harris had the audacity to visit East China without President Trump's blessing meant that commander Harry was trying to sow discord between US & China and Trump was losing control of the naval forces.  Commander Harry didn't go to North Korea as instructed by Trump previously which embarrassed Trump.  Trump also rejected Commander Harry's requests to sail to Scarborough Shoal for 3 times because Trump wanted to maintain a good relationship with China.  All these incidents meant that Trump and the naval commander couldn't get along well.

China retaliated US incursion by sending 4 China Coast Guard ships to navigate within 12NM of Diaoyu islands.

Look like South China Sea tension is slowly rising again with USA provocation.  USA is always the troublemaker.

1 comment:

Eric Ho said...

This is definitely not Trump's doing because he wants to have a good relationship with China. This is just another sign that Trump cannot control its naval forces anymore.