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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

OMG! Taiwan is going to drag Singapore into its fight against China.

What a devious woman!

Taiwan is trying to drag Singapore into its fight against China.  Singapore is not a pawn and we must not let ourselves be used by Taiwan for its own selfish political gain.

We cannot give more reasons for China to whip Singapore.  China is adamant to reduce the strategic importance of Singapore's port by developing its own worldwide port networks so that its goods won't pass by Singapore.  Why? This is because SG is helping USA to contain China by providing USA a naval base in SG so that we can seal off strait of Malacca during war time.

China's crude oil doesn't need to pass through Singapore anymore in April 2017.

This pipeline is able to move 22m tonnes of oil per year and SG is not able to earn a cent out of it.

China is also going to build a gas pipeline in Myanmar and SG will also be out of the picture.

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