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Thursday, July 6, 2017

North Korea's ICBM testing has the support from Russia & China.

How did North Korea get the ICBM technology?

It is Russia that transferred the ICBM technology to NK but ICBM technology alone is not enough to make it a success as GPS is needed to guide the ICBM.  Therefore, China let NK use the beidou GPS for the ICBM testing.

Why did China and Russia help NK to develop the ICBM?

I have to attribute this to the USA for forcefully installing the THAAD system in South Korea.  China and Russia are helping NK so that they will have a bargaining chip to negotiate with the USA to remove the THAAD system from SK.  This is a political tactic that I've mentioned previously in my post below.

When you don't have any bargaining chip, you have to create a stinging issue and use it to negotiate with your opponent.

1 comment:

Eric Ho said...

China and Russia are involved in the peacekeeping role now.